Vexander looked at @[member="Rasu Gan"] as she asked the questions to you young man. She seemed to be really excited and eager to get the things going. Once again, the observation skills of the young man served him well, when the young girl asked if he was nervous she inmediately commented on their respective skills and that they would performed well during the "test"; but he couldn't help to notice that she was shaking...
At that time, the young corellian had a hard time reading he thoughts and the reason why she was shaking, so normally, he assumed she was nervous. This had to be her first mission or something similar, and it was up to him to calm her in any possible way. He had to find a way eventhough he was not the talkative type of man. "No Rasu, I am not nervous, but I am curious..." for a moment he looked to the front where the rest of the Padawans were and then at Rasu once again "...use the Force to ease your mind, it'll help you to stay focused." the reply of a Master... and it feels weird using it... it was more easily said than done, but eventually; a padawan would learn to do that without a problem.
The Knights provided the teams with the steps to follow in order to land with their escape pods into the planet below. Rasu went to the pod faster than Vex, and he didn't actually mind, such move would allow him to cover the rear for the team as he was used to do. But a voice from inside the pod called for his attention. At the female's words, Vex couldn't help but to smirk briefly and then nod "On it Rasu."
Vexander stepped inside the pod and strapped himself in to the seat next to the female Padawan. He always did, he had been in quite a few missions where he had to drop to planetside inside one of those, and he learned to strap himself in the hard way.
The pod hatch closed completely and the voice of @[member="Tallia Farn"] could be heard through the radio inside the pod... the Force had to be with them in this one. Get an holocron with just a general area as reference that could be miles away from their starting location... it was going to be a fun hike. The young corellian smiled, briefly; he was a sniper, trained to scout, spot and shoot, although they would go "blind" in the atmosphere, he had the skills to track that holocron... and Vex knew that Rasu would help a lot too, afterall; she was a Jedi and was inside the pod for a reason.
Vexander looked once again at the girl and tried to make sure that she wasn't nervous or anything, still, he usually found that doing jokes helped to ease the tension and take the mind away... "This will be a bumpy ride. You know... like one of those atractions in an amuzement park..." but he was not really good at them, feeling slightly ackward at his own comment, he decided to just stick to his normal self and to remain almost quiet with little to no comments "...just take deep breaths, and allow the Force to fill you with each one of them... i'll be over before you know it"