"Maybe!" Velran shouted at Ikiris surprisingly philosophical speech. It was nice to actually have a talk with someone who actually bought something to the table. Everyone else in New Alderaan was rather miserable and boring to talk to. "Who taught you philosophy Ikiris? Qui Gon Jinn?" Velran chuckled at his response. Jedi Master Qui Gon was one of the Jedi he respected: A real maverick against the rigid Jedi Order and long after his death, his views influenced Luke Skywalker's philosophies when constructing the New Jedi Order.
"No! You do as you're told!" Velran growled responding to Ikiris wanting to be more than a tool for him. "I've had enough with rebellions and disobedience! I've about had it!"
"This is not REALITY! This is NOT reality!" Velran's thoughts were racing yet again his mind creating conflict with itself. Ruling a planet was difficult to say the least. So many things to juggle such as the political structure (which was one rule under him), military conflicts (which lately was devolving into possible infighting), and dealing with his subjects (who he knew hated his guts) made Velran..... rather cautious......
"This is..... reality!" Velran blurted out. "You are still going to kill me, I did not purchase you Ikiris! This must be a trick! It has to be! That's you questioned me! You are spy sent by Jann the bastard!"
Ikris Kresad