Delcep Larrkin
Rogue Jedi
Marcus smirked at the mans statement. "Alright nightmare, pleasure to meet you." As the dagger flew through the air, Marcus was disappointed as it didn't manage to sink into its target, only barely scratching him. At this point, the man most likely knew he was a force user, so there was little point in hiding it.
As the man pulled the dagger into his hand, he examined it. Of course it was a beautiful dagger, passed down from his family for generations, but hte Force Alchemy truly made it a magnificent blade.
"Certainly would be a shame, though I'm not scared of some knife. I trust you've realised something though." With that, he raised one of his hands at the man, and in a quick burst of rage, a stream of force lightning left his hand straight at the target.
Location: Ilum, -520m before destination.
Tag: Closed,

"You're someone to joke, aren't you?" Declep would then proceed to use the dagger as a weapon combined to his lightsaber, using it liek they were double lightsabers. It was a good blade, you could feel it and connect to it like a lightsaber, which is in fact, a practical weapon. Even if it was only a dagger.
Delcep then saw it, the man was about to use force lightning. After a few second, he eventually did. But Delcep wasn't stupid, nor poorly trained, he blocked this attack and taunted him. "That is all you can do? I expected better from such an arrogant person." Of course, it was hard to block Force lightning, but not impossible to Delcep. Especially in thus situation, where he is using his pain, anger and hatred to control the form VII, Vaapad.
Delcep continued to taunt him, still trying to take him over mentally, "You're an ignorant, can't you examine how do I fight to ensure your attacks are the best in this situation?"
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