Elyssa Kala'myr
Objective 1. Environmental Hazards

Location: The Tombs
Objective: Reunite with darkwire
Powderpunk armor on loan from Daiya- Guarderma HE suit metallic pink hex pattern with mag boots
- ap-25i SIMP pistol
- 'Candles' Heavy particle blaster
- 'confetti' Rocket launcher
- Party Poppers (6 explosive, 2 gas)
- 2 x Iadrium charges.
- Dancer repulsor board
- Dervish Knife
- Cheap data pad and communicator
- Hand held plasma cutter
Poor Hex hears voices in her head
Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself
Hexes inner voices
Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter
Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself
Hexes inner voices
Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter

"Either way, I'm here."
“I’m right beside you, Hex.”
Hex grinned, she didn't know if they were here out of duty, fear, or friendship, but they were here, and her memories of being alone on the street seemed so distant now. They continued walking down the corridor until they found a hatch that opened and led down more deeply, the contamination was so dense down thre that the air looked misty. Hex sat on the edge of the harch and dangled her feet into it, one of her braids also dipped in and a faint yellow dampness had formed on it. She looked at Underfoot "What do you think? Hydrogen Suphide?" Hex had spent enough time in sewers and in the deep levels coruscant and Denon to make an educated guess. If she was right it was pretty bad, the stuff was toxic and highly flammable, but the air here seemed humid enough to keep the worst of the fire hazard under control.
'...You hope, thats a pretty massive leap of faith...'
Hex shuddered and smiled nervously at her friends before descending down the lader that was slick with the chemicals in the air. It was around ten metres down to the lower floor and down here there was no outside light at all. The lights from Hex's suit cast eerie shadows in the gloom and she felt that at any moment she was going to turn around and have something jump out of her. "The Amivikkans said it was just gas right? No monsters" she yelled up the ladder with a laugh as the first of the others made their way down.
Looking around the room while she waited, she saw markings on the wall simular to the gas ones above, but there were signs of the previous habitation too. The name tombs really suited this place, it would be like living in a crypt all this way down below the surface. Hex had not long ago called places like this home. "It's going to get pretty cosy in here, the damaged sections should be pretty close, though there, I think"
'...You...think?...you are going to get yourself and your friends killed...'
"For feth's sake STOP IT! I know what im doing... I have to" she said angrily to the voices in her head.
Undie and Das would likely have heard her, but her nerves were strained right now and she smiled bashfully. "Sorry its just... you don't care right?" she shrugged, she needed to remember that people were actually getting used to the strange manners of the blue haired girl by this point.
"I actually wanted to talk to you guys about this suit, its getting a bit beat up and i had a bit of a mad brain wave while watching a film with Dai how I can upgrade it. I think you two might be the right people to ask?" The small talk was not well timed but it helped distract her from the dangerous situation. She slid her tool bag beneath some large pipes that the three would need to climb beneath and cracked her back ready for a little bit of an athletic display.