Darth Ferus
Ferus was not far behind his own blast as [member="Animus Malgus"] ducked under it, and no matter how fast he was, so too was the Sith Lord. Without remorse the man would strike, his imbued blade cutting down just as the boy was beginning to stand up again. It was a two handed grip, signature of any Djem So user.
The Falling Avalanche.
And while this strike was powerful on it's own, it was the Force built up within it that would be the most dangerous. Upon contact with anything, the Force within would release as a powerful and raw blast, breaking apart anything and everything in it's path much like a bomb. This was just a powerful push, but as Malgus would learn, even the simplest abilities held deadly results.
The Falling Avalanche.
And while this strike was powerful on it's own, it was the Force built up within it that would be the most dangerous. Upon contact with anything, the Force within would release as a powerful and raw blast, breaking apart anything and everything in it's path much like a bomb. This was just a powerful push, but as Malgus would learn, even the simplest abilities held deadly results.