Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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: A natural ability for her species, she is nonetheless a prodigy when it comes to changing form, especially humanoids. She can imitate any creature regardless of size or coloring, and for an indefinite amount of time. (Though adjusting her mass by a significant amount is incredibly taxing.) She can enact such a transformation at will so long as she is able to concentrate, and she will not revert into another form even if she is knocked unconscious.

Glamoring: This is directly tied to her shapeshifting abilities and allows her to cover up inconsistencies in her physical appearance which would tip more observant people off that she isn't what she seems, such as smell or pheromones. The ability is passive, meaning that she doesn't have to directly apply it. It's negated if she can't use the Force, and it should be noted that she can only control how others see her, not what they think of her.

Telekinetic: Inanna has been practicing telekinesis ever since she was a kid. She is quite skilled at moving objects with her mind. In fact, it's the only Force ability with which she has any skill.

Immunity to Poison: From deadly toxins to alcohol to pheromones, Inanna has become immune to the effects of poison and other chemicals.

Bestselling Novelist: Under her maiden name "Inanna Hoole" she has published roughly a dozen books. She isn't super well-known, but if you like murder mysteries, you may know her name.


Experienced: Inanna's been around a while and seen a whole lot.

"Your stories make me want to learn more about you..."

- Alicio Organa​

Gallows Humor: It's a coping mechanism. She's just trying to lighten the mood.


: Possessing zero protection from mental attacks, it is extremely easy for other Force Users to read or influence her mind, with devastating consequences.

"The woman really needed to learn how to keep her thoughts to herself."

Extreme Temperatures: Inanna doesn't do well with either extreme heat or extreme cold, which can affect her ability to shapeshift.

I Sense... Nothing: Despite the best efforts of her master(s), Inanna's ability to sense other presences with the Force remains absolutely awful. You could be standing right in front of her, and she wouldn't be able to feel you.

Appearances Are Everything: Inanna cares too much about what others think of her. She is also easily embarrassed and will feel intense humiliation or shame at the slightest social misstep.Inanna harbors some remaining sensitivity regarding her appearance, but not enough for it to be considered a truly significant flaw.
"Even through their brief interaction, it was clear that Inanna was a woman with a lot on her plate. There was a heavy cloud over her, all the clearer now that he had some understanding of it. Still, she put on a face for everyone else." - Cato Harth​

Downward Spiral: In the past she would drink to forget. Now that the drugs no longer work on her, she is looking for new (and potentially dangerous) ways of drowning out the pain. Love is a wonderful antidote for sadness and emotional anguish. Highly recommend.

Inanna Hoole was born in Goshen, Lao-mon, to Tammuz Hoole, a Jedi Master, and his wife Lilith, a schoolteacher. She was the seventh of eight children and the couple's only daughter. Her great-grandfather was Mammon Hoole, a famous and well-respected anthropologist whose work The Essential Guide to Alien Species is still widely read and referenced by scholars today.

Inanna grew up at the family's mansion and had a relatively happy childhood. She befriended her father's young protégé Arimanes Bosch, and the two became close friends, then childhood sweethearts. Arimanes' failure to live up to Tammuz's expectations led to friction between them, and upon coming of age, a frustrated and disillusioned Arimanes left the planet in search of new purpose. He and Inanna lost contact and would not see each other again for over half a century.

Inanna, who had resisted her father's attempts to train her in the Force, was encouraged by her family to attend the Jedi Academy on Coruscant. She reluctantly enrolled, and was quickly overwhelmed. Severing contact with her family out of shame, she quietly dropped out and wandered the galaxy working odd jobs for the next five decades, using pseudonyms to hide her identity.

Then came the fateful day when a man named Errik Nimdok came to see her. At the time she was working at the Harem Club, a gambling den in Coruscant's Urscu Entertainment District, under the name "Maetel". She took Nimdok back to her apartment, where he revealed his true identity: he was Arimanes Bosch, and he needed her help. After a run-in with agents of the Sith who were after Nimdok and his daughter Miri, Inanna agreed to help them go into hiding. But the situation the two were in, being hunted by a Sith Lord named Messala who had at one point kidnapped and experimented on young Miri, haunted Inanna. After hiring a mercenary named Red to assist her, she launched her own investigation into Messala and his activities.

Her investigation would take her to Dromund Kaas, where she masqueraded as a propagandist working for the Sith Empire. It was there that she met Adrian Vandiir, a Sith alchemist with connections to Messala. In order to obtain valuable information from him, she was required to erase a mistake; sending a Sithspawn whom Adrian had created back to her family on Lao-mon to hide. Unbeknownst to her, the Sithspawn had stolen valuable data from Adrian, and he wanted it destroyed. Doing so resulted in Inanna being disowned by her father, and she fell into a downward spiral, becoming an alcoholic. This cost her her job as a propagandist, so she resorted to briefly working as a manager at Euphoria, a nightclub on Zeltros.

A Sith Lord named Vanessa Vantai picked Inanna out from among a lineup of potential apprentices. Inanna was brought to Vanessa's space station in orbit around Nathema, where she was tortured and "broken" by her new master in hopes of turning her into a powerful Sith. Inanna plotted to escape with the help of her trusty HRD companion Ayreon and her assistant Hal Yomin, who in turn made arrangements with Nimdok and a few of her other friends to rescue her. The result was a harebrained plan that involved Nimdok impersonating Adrian Vandiir, coming to the station, and offering to take Inanna on as an apprentice. This enraged Vanessa, who discovered the ruse. In the ensuing fight, the group actually was defeated - but they caused enough trouble when captured that Vanessa begged them to leave her in peace.

Inanna continued to search for Messala (even coming face to face with him during a coronation ball), but her time under the cruel Sith Master had left its scars. Suffering from recurring nightmares and a bad case of Sith poisoning, for which there appeared to be no cure, she found it difficult to function. Nimdok approached Alyosha Drutin, an acquaintance of his, for assistance. Alyosha suggested a purifying ritual which had been previously employed by his master, Darth Themis, using a gemstone known as the Star of Atrisia. Inanna traveled to Atrisia for the ritual, which cleansed the poison from her body, but also altered her body and Force essence. Her strengths in the Force were doubled, but so were her weaknesses.

After the ritual, Inanna married Hal and retired to Erakhis. The couple adopted two children, Ophelia and Galahad, and Inanna seemed content to focus on her family. She left the quest to hunt down Messala to others, only emerging from retirement when a disturbance in some nearby ruins led Inanna to discover her old master Vanessa, now calling herself "Onrai", was the culprit. The ensuing chase and battle saw Inanna briefly trapped in the Netherworld, while "Onrai" got away. She was saved by Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir, the widow of Adrian, and returned to her own reality only to discover that Lao-mon had been invaded by the Brotherhood of the Maw. Her father Tammuz and several of her brothers would be killed in the ensuing battles before the planet was ultimately rendered inhospitable to Shi'ido, who were actively exterminated by the Maw.

Inanna immediately set to work providing aid and relief to refugees. She became a representative of the Shi'ido to the Erakhian government, arranging for the creation of a refugee camp for her people. Unfortunately, her actions made her a target of Mawite agents, who attacked her and her family. Her children were killed in a terrorist bombing, and her husband succumbed to a rare form of incurable cancer. Despite her personal losses, Inanna is determined not to give up on her mission of saving her people during one of the most difficult times in their history.
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TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
Pyrokinesis▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ Onrai Onrai N/A
FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
IShii-Cho▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ Onrai Onrai Link
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---
SkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
Diplomacy▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Still LearningN/A
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
ResidenceInanna's HouseInanna's "official" residence, though she doesn't live there anymore. Currently used to house relatives and other displaced Shi'ido.Backstory
StarshipStarburst performance courierRecently recovered from a scrap heap. Inanna owned this baby years ago. She thought it had been destroyed by Onrai.Purchased
StarshipLuminex-class solar yachtGifted to Inanna by the Erakhian government after she donated a haunted star destroyer to them. The haunted star destroyer came from Onrai as a wedding gift.Gifted
StarshipThe CatomobileUsed freighter bought by Cato and Inanna. Serves as their mobile home.[x]
WeaponSurvivor's GuiltInanna's lightsaber/lightwhip. Originally constructed as two separate weapons under Vanessa Vantai/Onrai, then later combined into one weapon.Backstory
JewelryYomin Wedding RingsInanna and Hal's wedding rings. Destroyed in the Sunshard ritual.[x]
JewelryStar of AtrisiaUnique gemstone with healing and protective abilities. Destroyed.[x]
ClothingPolyweave clothingClothing designed for shapeshifters. Expensive material, somewhat hard to find.Purchased
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
Cato Harth Cato Harth Husband (current)Near Human male. Jedi Knight. Vigilante on Nar Shaddaa. Ayo we married?[x]
Serena HarthDaughter (adopted)Half Zeltron, Half Near Human female. Product of a fling Cato had with a Zeltron woman prior to meeting Inanna.[x]
Ashur HarthSon (adopted)Chiss male. Adopted child with Cato.[x]
Hal YominFirst HusbandZeltron male. Defied the stereotypes about his species. Was very supportive of Inanna. Died of a rare incurable form of cancer which may or may not have been caused by exposure to biological weapons.[x]
Ophelia Yomin †DaughterSurvivor of the Bryn'adul. Adopted by Hal and Inanna at a young age. Died at the age of fourteen in a terrorist attack by Mawite agents.Backstory
Galahad Yomin †SonSurvivor of the Bryn'adul. Adopted by Hal and Inanna as a baby. Died at the age of twelve in a terrorist attack by Mawite agents.Backstory
Tammuz HooleDisconnectedShi'ido male. Retired Jedi Master who lived through the Gulag Era. Became a general in the resistance army after the Maw invaded Lao-mon. Was killed by friendly fire during the attempted liberation of the planet by the SJC.Backstory
Lilith HooleCloseShi'ido female. Retired schoolteacher. Has become withdrawn since the death of her husband.Backstory
Ashmedai "Ash" HooleStrainedShi'ido female. The son of Inanna's brother Mulciber, who was killed along with his wife during the invasion. Inanna vowed to look after her, but she's a willful and defiant teen.Backstory
Hieronymus HooleEstrangedInanna's sole surviving sibling. Younger brother, travels the galaxy as a wandering anthropologist. Haven't heard from him in (literal) centuries...Backstory
Errik NimdokDisconnectedShi'ido male, known to Inanna as "Arimanes Bosch". Archaeologist. He and Inanna grew up together, as he was a protégé of Inanna's father. He was her first love. Died during the attempted annihilation of Tython.Backstory
Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red CordialHuman male. Jedi and mercenary. Friend and former "business partner" of Inanna, though she lost touch with him over the years.[x]
Adrian Vandiir/Darth Prospero †WaryHuman male. Sith Lord and alchemist. Inanna's relation to him is... complicated. Killed during invasion of Dantooine.[x]
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim AmbivalentHuman (?) female. Empress of the Eternal Empire. Was romantically involved with Adrian Vandiir and is the mother of his children. Helped Inanna escape the Netherworld.[x]
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe AmbivalentHuman male. Inanna briefly worked for him when he was with the Sith Empire. He later became the Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance. Small galaxy.[x]
Onrai Onrai Former Master/EnemyHuman (?) female. Inanna knew her as "Vanessa Vantai". Deeply disturbed woman with delusions of godhood. Brutally abused and manipulated Inanna. She narrowly managed to escape her clutches.[x]
Natima Vando Natima Vando AmbivalentShi'ido female. Was a Sith Acolyte when Inanna met her. They fought plant monsters together.[x]
Pygar HooleReconnectedSith Changeling male. Lost track of him after the invasion of Lao-mon.[x]
FayaWarySith Changeling female. Pygar's friend. No clue what happened to her.[x]
AyreonCloseHRD male. Formerly Inanna's property, holds some lingering loyalty to her. Occasional companion in various adventures.[x]
Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo AmbivalentHuman male. Jedi Master. Assisted in the arrangement of the failed liberation of Lao-mon.[x]
Lief Lief CordialHuman male. Jedi Padawan. Saved Inanna's mind Mawite control.[x]
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa FriendCount/Liaison of the Crown and member of the Alderaanian royal family (Queen Faith's cousin). Currently helping Inanna arrange for the Shi'ido refugees of Erakhis to move to Aldera.[x]
Faith Organa Faith Organa RespectedQueen of Alderaan. Inanna met with her to discuss bringing the Shi'ido refugees to Alderaan.[x]
Rianna Organa Rianna Organa RespectedRelated to the Organa family. Inanna met her on Tython, then again on Aldera. She helped to heal the damage done to Inanna's psyche.[x]
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble WaryHuman male. Jedi Master, rumored to be related to the Zambrano family. Approached Inanna and the Shi'ido refugees on behalf of the New Jedi Order, looking to help.[x]
Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari AmbivalentTwi'lek female. Jedi Knight. Helped deal with the Fleshtakers.[x]
Qhorin SolasWaryHuman male. Jedi Knight. Got involved in a personal matter while hunting for a Sith.[x]
Caedyn ArenaisAmbivalentHuman male. Je'daii.[x]
Amani Serys Amani Serys Friend (sort of?)Mirialan female. Jedi healer. Assisted refugees. Married to Alicio.[x]
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PrivateCivilianOnce Upon Another TimeCoruscantSoloRediscovered by Nimdok
PublicCivilianLove, love, love, I want your love, hey!Game Show Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Broadcast dating show, meeting Red
PrivateCivilianA Very Sensitive MatterAlderaan Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Teaming up with Red
PrivateCivilianWondering About WondersNar Shaddaa Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Inanna goes to the conjoined twins for info on Messala
FactionUndercover AgentShoring Up the Front (TSE)Muunilinst Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Getting a job working for Aerarii Tithe
FactionUndercover AgentNight of Passion (TSE)Dromund KaasAdrian VandiirMeeting Pygar and Faye
SoloUndercover AgentSpirit of AdoptionLao-monSoloPygar goes to Lao-mon; Nimdok and Miri visit the Hooles
FactionUndercover AgentAfter the Twilight (TSE)Ord TiddellSoloMeeting Hal
PrivateUndercover AgentThe Silver TowerDromund KaasAdrian VandiirMaking a deal with Adrian
SoloUndercover AgentUnheard and UnspokenLao-monSoloFulfilling her part of the bargain
PublicClub ManagerClub EuphoriaZeltrosWestenra MinaChased by an assassin
FactionSith Acolyte(TSE) Apprentice TryoutsDromund Kaas Onrai Onrai Meeting Vanessa
PrivateSith AcolyteConfessions of An AlcoholicNathema Orbital Station Onrai Onrai Inanna is broken
PrivateSith AcolyteThe Shi'ido Are a Silly PeopleOssus Natima Vando Natima Vando Fighting plant monsters
PrivateSith AcolyteMy Heart is a Hollow PlainNathema Orbital Station Onrai Onrai Escaping Vanessa
PrivateFugitiveLady of the TowerDromund KaasN/AVanessa and Ingrid
SoloFugitiveCocoonDromund KaasSoloIn hiding
PublicUndercover AgentThe Coronation BallDosuunSoloConfronting Messala
PublicCivilianRemember to AdrianDromund KaasSoloNews of Adrian's death
SoloCivilianNobody's FoolAtrisiaSoloPurified by the Star of Atrisia
PrivateCivilianThe Last of HerErakhis Onrai Onrai Encountering Onrai
PrivateCivilianPomegranate SeedsThe NetherworldSeveral PeopleRescue from the Netherworld
PrivateCivilianAn Awkward Lunch?Kalidan Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Lunch with Ingrid
PublicDiplomatA Benefit Most WelcomeCoruscant Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Drumming up support
PrivateDiplomatEternity in an HourErakhis Lief Lief Rescued by the Jedi
PublicDiplomatMercy's GraspSpaceDr. Siva SignosCured of the Wretchedness
DiplomatShort Story?Death of children/husband
PublicDiplomatNAOS IIIJunepiVariousDrinking alone
PrivateDiplomatWinds of ChangeErakhis Alicio Organa Alicio Organa A tour of the refugee camp
PublicDiplomatBazaar of Calamitous CuriosDenon Kal Kal
Auction for unique weaponry; bid on a special bodyguardComplete
PrivateDiplomatMurder Inc.Erakhis Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Meeting with Jedi offering aid, dealing with string of murders in the campAbandoned
PrivateDiplomatDressing For the MawErakhis Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari Wiping out the Mawite agentsAbandoned
PublicCommander of the Shi'ido ResistanceOzymandiasOdavessaSith-Imperial RemnantFighting TSE remnants on Odavessa; brief encounter with OnraiAbandoned
MissionDiplomatShatterpoint: ResolutionTython Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Amani Serys Amani Serys
+ Others
Going to Tython to retrieve Arimanes' remains, helping the refugees with AlicioComplete
PrivateDiplomatRebirthTython Amani Serys Amani Serys Bringing back a bodyComplete
PrivateDiplomatConference on AlderaanAlderaan Faith Organa Faith Organa
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Meeting the Queen of Alderaan to discuss political asylum for Shi'idoComplete
PrivateDiplomatA Flight To RememberAlderaan Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Going on a date with Alicio; ends badlyComplete
PrivateDiplomatBittersweet SymphonyCoruscantQhorin SolasReunion with Ayreon; looking for PygarComplete
PrivateDiplomat5th Planet From the SunAldera Rianna Organa Rianna Organa
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Exploring Aldera, getting Inanna's brain healedComplete
FactionDiplomatStarbird RisingCoruscant Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Amani Serys Amani Serys
PrivateDiplomatJungle CreaturesJutrand Cato Harth Cato Harth Searching for Ash; meeting Cato HarthComplete
PrivateDiplomatJust Checking InErakhis Cato Harth Cato Harth Smut I mean terrorist stuffComplete
PrivateVigilanteThe Marvelous MimicNar Shaddaa Cato Harth Cato Harth First time as vigilanteComplete
PublicVigilanteVigilantes, Come Out To PlayDenonVigilantesVigilante gigComplete
PrivateDiplomatSettleNar Shaddaa Cato Harth Cato Harth Smut I mean gangster stuffComplete
PrivateVigilanteThough Some Call It MagicNar Shaddaa Cato Harth Cato Harth Smut I mean vigilante stuffComplete
PrivateVigilanteSurpriseNar Shaddaa Cato Harth Cato Harth Surprise babyComplete
PrivateSpace MomRaptureNar Shaddaa Cato Harth Cato Harth Caring for baby + stop Evil Yoda from blowing up NarshComplete
PrivateSpace MomCharadeBonadan Cato Harth Cato Harth Presenting baby to grandparentsComplete
PrivateSpace MomBlack SheepAlderaan Cato Harth Cato Harth Presenting baby to other grandparentsComplete
MissionSpace MomThe SunshardAlderaanSoloPerforming sunshard ritualOne Post
PublicDiplomatSing Me a SongCoruscant Amani Serys Amani Serys Apologizing to AmaniComplete
PrivateDiplomatSo UncivilizedZaathru Cato Harth Cato Harth Going to ZaathruComplete
PrivateDiplomatWicked GameAlderaan Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Assassination plots and apologiesComplete
PrivateDiplomatThe Last HandNar Shaddaa Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Cato Harth Cato Harth
Based team up against assassins; Inanna "dies" lolComplete
PrivateLegally DeadFortifyNar Shaddaa Cato Harth Cato Harth RecoveryComplete
FactionNew FaceNo Need For RoadsAtzerriVarious peopleCampingAbandoned
FactionNew FaceAcross the StarsAlderaanWedding of Alicio and AmaniAppeared in disguise, danced, came up with future plansComplete
PrivateBack to the Old FaceThe House Always WinsBonadan Cato Harth Cato Harth Going to Bonadan to convince Cato's mom to leave; something shady is up with herComplete
PrivateMrs. HarthA Match Made in MaranathaAlderaan Cato Harth Cato Harth
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa ?
PrivateMrs. HarthHome AgainLao-mon Cato Harth Cato Harth Going home to Lao-monComplete
PublicMrs. HarthGame On!Zeltros Cato Harth Cato Harth Arcade gamesComplete
PrivateMrs. HarthHoverboards & SegwaysZeltros Cato Harth Cato Harth Goin' clubbin'Complete
PublicMrs. HarthWalks of LifeThe Vonnuvi Cato Harth Cato Harth Family timeComplete
PrivateMrs. HarthRoam If You Want ToBatuu Cato Harth Cato Harth Buy a new shipComplete
PrivateMrs. HarthSerena Harth Solos the GalaxyThe Vonnuvi Cato Harth Cato Harth Serena solos the galaxyComplete
PublicMrs. HarthThe Ukatis Harvest FestivalUkatis Cato Harth Cato Harth Racyon kitsComplete
PrivateMrs. HarthFather's DayThe Vonnuvi Cato Harth Cato Harth Adopting babby AshurComplete
SkirmishRefugee Relief ExtraordinaireCaldera CrisisElom Vera Mina Vera Mina Rescuing refugeesComplete
PrivateMrs. HarthSecond, Third, Fourth ChancesNar Shaddaa/The Vonnuvi Cato Harth Cato Harth Fancy double timeline thread, Jed vs Moonlighter and MimicComplete
DominionAmbassador for Lao-monNew AlliancesHapes Cato Harth Cato Harth + GAOk I ambassadorComplete
Public"Sephira Detz"Talk Wordy to MeZeltros Cato Harth Cato Harth Bookstore shenanigansComplete
PublicJedi PadawanWinter Solstice Festival 2023Eshan Cato Harth Cato Harth Frozen lake smutComplete
PrivateJedi PadawanDissecting GizkaThe Vonnuvi Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Dissecting gizka, what elseAbandoned
PrivateJedi PadawanAlbatrossUkatis Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Giselle von Ascania
Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux
Horace von Cholmondeley II
Rescuing the Senator of UkatisComplete
PrivateJedi PadawanRescue On BalosarBalosar P O D P O D Rescuing Shi'ido refugeesAbandoned
FactionA FriendThe Beating HeartAlderaan Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Amani Serys Amani Serys
Alicio becomes King of AlderaanComplete
PublicJedi PadawanLaying the FoundationsEadu Joran Olan Joran Olan
Elias Edo Elias Edo
Repping Vonnuvi Enclave to other enclavesComplete
MissionJedi PadawanCianalasLao-mon Amani Serys Amani Serys
Valery Noble Valery Noble
Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
Vulpesen Vulpesen
Retrieving artifacts stolen by the MawComplete
PrivateJedi PadawanThe Hungry WoodsLao-mon Jack Sandrow Jack Sandrow Meeting with bioengineering guyOngoing
PrivateJedi PadawanMonsters of Lao-monLao-mon Cato Harth Cato Harth Dealing with a monster at the baseOngoing
PrivateJedi KnightPrivate CeremonyVonnuvi Cato Harth Cato Harth
S Serena Harth
Ashur Harth
Knighting ceremonyComplete
PrivateJedi KnightNot the Most Conventional PairVonnuvi Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Inanna takes Gatz as her apprenticeComplete
FactionJedi KnightHerd Meet Over IthorVonnuvi Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
PrivateJedi KnightRescue On CarlacCarlac Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Mission to rescue survivorsComplete
PrivateJedi KnightAggressive ArcheologyTython Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Mission to rescue artifactsComplete
FactionJedi KnightIthor LostVonnuvi Gillom Rone Gillom Rone
Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar
Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl
Meeting to decide how to help IthorComplete
FactionJedi KnightNecessary PrecautionsVonnuvi Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Party to welcome NJOComplete
PrivateJedi KnightAttuned to the ForceDantooine Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Getting Gatz a crystalComplete
PrivateJedi KnightThe Birthday PartyVonnuvi Cato Harth Cato Harth
Ashur Harth
Ashur's 4th birthdayOngoing
FactionJedi KnightThe Healing CircleJakku Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar + OthersGatz keeps hanging around at the Jakku Enclave for some reason, gets water thrown in his face lolOngoing
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