Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Incounters On Coruscant


Coruscant Skyline, Evening - 21:00

Night was setting on the Coruscant skyline, The light of the city began to light up in the instant. Casino lights rose up into the sky and shined the stars. From here, Coruscant was quite beautiful.. It was something else. It was rare that Anne ever was able to come up to the upper levels, and well, she had no reason to be up there. She was born and raised in the lower levels, she had no right being among the upper-class and the poloticians of the galaxy here. No right what so ever.. However, today might as well been her way of showing she now owns the upper level. The young rugged girl emerged from a stolen speeder near the 'designated' spaceport, waiting for her target.

Now, of course Anne was no assassin, she had no heart to kill another being. She could hurt others, and steal but never intentially kill another person. Her target was some.. confederate diplomat, some high-life living woman, to her this target was simply just money, money she needed. Maybe in another life she'll actually talk to her but for right now, she simply needed to either sneak aboard this 'target's' ship or, get some.. 'alone' time to steal some goods. Who knows, this might just be her very last score. The metaphorical 'big one'.

"I'm in position, when will she be here..?" The girl said into her communicator while hiding behind the speeder in the busy upper-city upper-class spaceport.

"Ehh.. just wait.. I believe the ship is inbound as we speak." An unknown voice came from the communicator, With this Anne sat tight into position and waited.

A signal flared on Anne's data-pad, maybe this was it or maybe this was just the damn thing malfunctioning, who knows. All she did know for fact is that she needed to get ready, she tightened her belt and put on her leather jacket, readying her blaster pistol and peaking over her speeder. Ready to move once the woman arrived.

[member="Kaden Drex"]
Corruscant Tower this is the "Serenity's Grace" on approach to landing pad four... Requesting permission to land... Over Sounded the commanding tone of Captain Tyko Jax, Lady Drex's personal pilot and bodyguard..... Soon enough came the response from the tower granting them permission to land.

We shall be landing soon M'Lady Drex Stated Jax as he pushed the controls sending the Serenity's Grace down and towards the landing pad amd moments later the ship was landed and the loading ramp was lowering....

How many times must I tell you Tykos... We grew up together... Its just Kaden to you my old friend came the response from a gorgeous young woman wearing a rather elegant dress as she stood and made her way towards the ramp.... You're with me Tykos and we will take Liita, Twis, and Andra with us to the meeting...... Joma and Allara wait here with the ship and keep an eye out And with that the lady and her escort would exit the ship amd vanish into the crowd....

[member="Anne Markel"]
There she was, the 'royal shuttle'. Astonishment was an understatement for how Anne felt, sure she had seen her share of nice ships in her life but this was something else. Likewise, this 'something else' also had credits written all over it. Time passed as Serenity's grace finally touched down, extending its landing gears and letting off exhaust and landing smoke. Anne quickly scanned the ship with a short range scanner, "Do you have eyes on it?" Anne said into her communicator.

"Yes.. I do, and wow.. Anne if you pull this off, you're set." The voice said back to her as it looked over the ship class, etc. "Just go in, steal the most expensive thing you can find, sorry, most expensive THINGS, bring me back something too, and then get out" The voice laughed as it finally cut out

"Yeah yeah don't worry princess, I'll get you your darn crown.." Anne said sarcastically as she upholstered her blaster pistol and inspected the departing crews from the ship. For some reason, she simply didn't anticipate the fact their would be guards.. maybe it was because she was new to this whole.. heist thing. However, one thing that Anne loves to be is, adaptable. Anne looked over her speeder checking the crowd out and finding her target.

She had two choices, follow the diplomat or.. knock out and hide the guards on the ship, and set up an ambush for maximum payout. And her being a planner rather than a fighter she knew her choice from the beginning.

So with no more planning Anne waited for the group to leave the massive city hanger / spaceport and advanced heading for the entrance of the shuttle, walking nonchalantly and trying to not cause any attention.

[member="Kaden Drex"]
[member="Anne Markel"]

The ramp of the ship eas seemingly ungaurded,The Seltos Viceroy being a very open person she didnt mind guests most days.

Inside the ship Allara and Joma sat in the main cargo bay playing a hand of Sabbac and having a smoke ad they awaited the viceroys return..... They were glad they got left behind as these meetings were always so dreadfully boring, But so was watching a ship that most wouldnt dare bother.

Ive got to take a leak...... Try not to cheat this time or I might have to kick your ass again Joma Came the sweet yet domineering tone of Allara Vex as she stood from the table and made her way out of the cargo bay and down the hall to the bathroom.....
Anne waited at the ramp, staging herself as simply a fueling crew in the public eye, while waiting and listening into the inside of the shuttle. As she heard a door open on the inside of the shuttle, she listened into the conversation.. hearing one guard leaving the room, she unholstered her blaster and rose up the shuttle ramp sneaking inside as stealthaly as she possibly could. As the guard finally reached the bathroom Mira made her way inside approaching the bathroom door slowly with her blaster aimed towards the door set on stun.

"Alright.. Hopefully this doesn't end in a casualty" Anne would sigh as she whispered quietly to herself. As the moment passed, she hit the button to open the bathroom of the shuttle and aimed her blaster at the guard.

"Sorry.." She said as fired her blaster on stun directly at the guard, of course not trying to hurt her.

[member="Kaden Drex"]

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