Anne Markel

Coruscant Skyline, Evening - 21:00
Night was setting on the Coruscant skyline, The light of the city began to light up in the instant. Casino lights rose up into the sky and shined the stars. From here, Coruscant was quite beautiful.. It was something else. It was rare that Anne ever was able to come up to the upper levels, and well, she had no reason to be up there. She was born and raised in the lower levels, she had no right being among the upper-class and the poloticians of the galaxy here. No right what so ever.. However, today might as well been her way of showing she now owns the upper level. The young rugged girl emerged from a stolen speeder near the 'designated' spaceport, waiting for her target.
Now, of course Anne was no assassin, she had no heart to kill another being. She could hurt others, and steal but never intentially kill another person. Her target was some.. confederate diplomat, some high-life living woman, to her this target was simply just money, money she needed. Maybe in another life she'll actually talk to her but for right now, she simply needed to either sneak aboard this 'target's' ship or, get some.. 'alone' time to steal some goods. Who knows, this might just be her very last score. The metaphorical 'big one'.
"I'm in position, when will she be here..?" The girl said into her communicator while hiding behind the speeder in the busy upper-city upper-class spaceport.
"Ehh.. just wait.. I believe the ship is inbound as we speak." An unknown voice came from the communicator, With this Anne sat tight into position and waited.
A signal flared on Anne's data-pad, maybe this was it or maybe this was just the damn thing malfunctioning, who knows. All she did know for fact is that she needed to get ready, she tightened her belt and put on her leather jacket, readying her blaster pistol and peaking over her speeder. Ready to move once the woman arrived.
[member="Kaden Drex"]