Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indefinite LOA

Hi all,

So, one thing I've noticed about myself is that when I do something, I like to go all out. (humble brag much?) Unfortunately this bleeds over into to areas where it shouldn't. I love Chaos, but I love college, holding down a job, and real relationships more. I've found that I participate too much on this forum, and it shows in other areas of my life. What's worse is that I can't seem to moderate my time on here. No one IRL has told me to stop, but this change is necessary for me. Saturday the 26th will be my last day for an unknown amount of time. Just know, no OOC stuff drove me away, purely my own inability to control my time on here. I've had some great times here, and I'd like to recognize a few peeps

[member="HK-36"] is the highest on the list because he brought me back in. I came back to Chaos by selling my company, and he gave me a great offer that involved me joining the Metal Lords. HK, you're an awesome dude and you're super friendly. I appreciate that friendliness more than you realize. Because of all this, I'd like to offer you the only thing of worth I have on the site: my company, Battlewell Security and Arms. Battlewell is yours, if you want it, with the promise that if I ever do come back you'll hand it back over. Treat my baby well!

[member="Lord Mettallum"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="AD-8"] other Metal Lords
The Metal Lords is a great faction, really gave me a chance to shine by putting me front and center as one of the few organics in the faction. All the Metal Lords have been SUPER chill and very easy going, I really can't stress that enough. They welcomed me with open arms and then let me do whatever I wanted, within reason of course. Metal Lords is probably the best faction I've ever been in on Chaos, everyone is easy going and you can do almost whatever. Thank you to every last one of you guys, you made my stay super enjoyable and lax.

[member="Valae Kitra"] , [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] , [member="Stephanie Swail"] and all my other SJO homies!

The SJO is the second major faction I participate in. I recently made a run at Faction Owner, but thankfully I didn't make it. I would hate to have made it and then resigned literally 2 days later. Everyone at the SJO is super nice, probably the best community I've come across. Thank ALL of you guys for your hospitality, it shows. Every last one of you has been friendly, and considerate.

When will I be back? Not sure, maybe never. But, I've come to realize something, nothing I ever do on this board will ever show up on a transcript or resume. Real life comes first, because real life is the only thing that matters. There's a quote about reality from Ready Player One, go look it up.

Until then, peace out girl scouts.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

As someone who was in a similiar situation before and took a very long LOA to deal with the turmoil in his life and health of a loved one, I understand your decision and can tell you that stepping back isn't always a bad choice when dealing with Chaos. It's very easy to forget that in the end we're all here to write and roleplay as a hobby of sorts, we shouldn't neither get too invested in the stories and writing we do nor take it overly seriously, when RL comes knocking it's always more important.

I'm glad you enjoyed your time writing with the Metal Lords, we were glad to have you around, should you ever return to Chaos you will always have a place with us, and I'll try to do my best to manage Battlewell.

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