Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Indeterminate LOA/Reduction in Activity

Thought I'd sleep on it. I did, didn't change my mind. Sometimes, you can't help what effects you.

I have some threads that I'll be still actively supporting, but otherwise, I will be significantly reducing my activity on the board across all my characters. So while I appreciate requests for new threads, I will more than likely have to say no. Could be days, could be longer, who knows.

If you are used to talking to me on skype, that will change as well. Still be on facebook though, for those who have that information.
If you're in a thread with me and I'm holding things up, feel free to move on without me.

[member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] (yours is one I will still actively engage) | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Sarge Potteiger"] | [member="Ashin Varanin"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Hope you reconsider as your posts are a gem to read, and your style often unique, but I understand mate. For anyone that's given you grief OOC I apologize. Wouldn't be surprised to see a book from you if you went that route, as you are up to that quality imho.

All the best to you and yours.


We didn't talk much. Only ever wrote together once, really. But I've seen you around for some time, Rev, and I've never really seen anything I didn't like. You're a damn fine writer, one of the best I've had a chance to work with. I mean that. I don't know the reasons behind you slowing down, I don't know if it's site related or RL, and I don't know if anything I could say would really do anything.

Forgive me if this is gibberish, or if what follows this is, it's just I haven't slept in almost 24 hours and for once that's a bit much for me. Excuses aside, this is the part where I'd like to say some grand, poetic thing about how chill you are, and about how I want to see you stick around, or about how much I hope you'll come around full-time again. Alas, I have already used my 'daily allowance of willpower' on working past a migraine.

So, I guess, I'll tell you (almost) the same thing I told Matsu:
"This is the part where I try to find the words (or a gif) that can properly expresses my emotions and/or are humorous. This is also the part where I fail. Because you're really cool. And I'll miss you, but I understand that we all have our own paths to walk. So maybe poetry would work better."
]There Will Be A Time by Jordan "Ven" Van-Daalen

There will always come a time
When words will not work,
And the winds will not turn away.

The mountains will not break,
No matter how much we howl,
Or how much we wish them to.

There will always come a time
When we have to walk our own paths,
And we have to part ways.

The rivers will not cease to flow,
No matter how much we beg,
Or how much we do not want to go.

Goodbyes are not forever,
The friends I keep have taught me so.
Yet still the partings bring us sorrow

I cannot say when you'll be back,
Though I know we hope it'll be tomorrow,
We cannot ask the world to bend for us.

There will always come a time
When a full glass turns half-empty
And we must wait for it to be filled.

The cup will not take our tries,
No matter how sincere our hearts,
Or how many tears we cry.

There will always come a time
When we will push you away
And you will feel the sting.

The ache will not vanish so easily,
Yet we may try our best
To bring you back to our family.

There will always come a time
When you must walk away
And distance yourself from us

The rift will not be for long,
It will never really stay.
Yet we mind it just the same

There will come a time
When you must take a break
And walk another path

But you are always welcome home,
Into our sweet embrace.
'Til we meet again,

May light guide your days.

I don't know where you're going, nor am I awake enough to know if you're truly 'leaving', even in the slightest sense of the word. I kinda just saw 'LOA' and 'Reduced Activity' and got a little carried away (and sad). That's kind of my specialty. Regardless of my inability to get my meaning across, I'd like to try to say something in a direct manner for once: Rev, you're really cool. I love your writing. If you ever write a book you should tell me (because I'd but the hell out of it). And if you ever wanna chat with a kind of awkward teenager, well, you already have my Skype.

I'll just leave another thing I told Matsu down here, because I think it ties this madness-of-a-goodbye together.

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