Darth Strelok
Light Turbolaser Guns (5)
Point Defense Laser Cannons (2)
Tractor Beam Batteries (2)
Battle Cruiser Grade Heavy Deflector Shield
Battle Cruiser Grade Heavy Ion Shield
Sensor/Comm Jammers
Missile Deactivators
Slug: Poor turns
Seismic: Modern Seismic Charges ignore it's shields and can do significant damage to the Hull
Range: Due to its outdated design, it's energy cannons only have three fourths the range of modern battlefield equivalents
Flawed Champion: Due to the modern era, it's weapons, which would have made it an extreme threat to the century it came from, barely count as average by this era's standards, which prevents it from truly matching blows with modern Battle Cruiser designs, covered more for it's dual purpose as a drydock/space station and extreme defenses then for any expectation to tip the scale of a direct battle on a purely personal level in ship to ship combat
Recharge Time: It's Shields may be freakishly strong even by modern standards but once depleted, they take three times longer than modern shields to recharge
Production Problems: This series of vessels, due to being such an early and ambitious design, suffered from pronounced design flaws, such as it's complicated holographic readout system, electrical shortages at random times across the ship, target locking problems, docking clamps that wouldn't extend or disengage when expected that were never fully addressed, even in these unsecured models
Acquisition Difficulty: these mobile strongholds are found only in the most secure and hidden of Drydocks, under severe automated defense measures. To try and reach for it's power is to place one's self and others at extreme risk.
The very existence of these ships defies historical explanation. Records show only six were ever constructed, then discontinued. But these ships, lacking Maker's marks or serial numbers and often dating back to at least the period after the fall of the Star Forge, suggest either production never really ended or that concerned individuals pulled out all the stops for Doomsday scenarios that never came to pass. Whatever their true origin, these battle cruisers can take massive beatings and their dual use as space stations makes them a highly coveted asset for obvious reasons.
- Intent: To create an ancient and deadly battlecruiser

- Image Source: https://www.deviantart.com/unusualsuspex/art/Inexpugnable-class-tactical-command-ortho-New-562003567
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Inexpugnable-Class Tactical Command Ship
- Manufacturer: Rendili/Vanjervalis Drive Yards (Original Design), Rendili Hyperworks
- Affiliation: Galactic Republic (Whatever company or faction that can reasonably acquire it)
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model:
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material: Durasteel, starship components.
- Classification: Mobile Space Station/Heavy Battle-Cruiser
- Length: 3100 meters
- Width: 3100 meters
- Height: 1941 meters (what it says in image. Could not locate height data elsewhere)
- Armament: Average
Light Turbolaser Guns (5)
Point Defense Laser Cannons (2)
Tractor Beam Batteries (2)
- Defenses: Extreme
Battle Cruiser Grade Heavy Deflector Shield
Battle Cruiser Grade Heavy Ion Shield
Sensor/Comm Jammers
Missile Deactivators
- Hangar Space: High: 21
- Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighters: 14 squadrons
- Support Craft: 7 squadrons
- Maneuverability Rating: Low
- Speed Rating: Average
- Hyperdrive Class: Average/ 2.0 Very Slow: 10
- Standard Communications Array
- Standard Deflector Shield Generator
- Standard Hyperdrive, backup Hyperdrive
- Standard Ion Engines
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Repulsorlift Engines
- Enhanced Sensor Array
- Standard Targeting Systems
- Vanjervalis Systems Central Computer
- Ancient Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor
- Dual Hyperdrive system
- Extreme Defenses
- Powerful Sensors
- Long Range Weapons
- Near entirely self sufficient-capable of serving as a space station and repair dock for smaller vessels, with universal linking systems
- Capable of Coordinating large numbers of smaller vessels in complex blockade and offense tactics.
- Sensors have triple the range of most modern Battle Cruiser designs
- Nemean Lion: The armor and shields of this vessel are so insanely powerful that can shrug off the barrages of a modern large fleet (For a short time). It's missile deactivators and Sensor Jammers work through sheer brute force, and are able to confound even modern designs. Even it's Electronics are designed so well they can resist even modern jamming attempts easily
- Dakka: Due to having fewer cannons than most modern Battle Cruisers, it's able to fire them at often double the rate of modern equivalents
- Situational awareness: It's poweful sensors allow it to scan threats at double the range of most modern Battle Cruisers
- Armchair Military: Capable of coordinating large and small ships in effective blockades via advanced sensors and holographic displays
- Commander: Serves as an exceptional command ship.
- Multirole: Can serve equally well as a space station with drydock and universal docking clamps. Ancient Molecular Furnaces render it nearly entirely self sufficient for producing essential products and repair parts, along with weapons. It has a very ancient but powerful Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor capable of carrying enough fuel for two years on its own
- Apocalypse Proof: They are so amazingly well made that they still function in an almost fresh from the factory manner even thousands of years after creation, requiring slightly less maintenance than modern battlecruisers
Slug: Poor turns
Seismic: Modern Seismic Charges ignore it's shields and can do significant damage to the Hull
Range: Due to its outdated design, it's energy cannons only have three fourths the range of modern battlefield equivalents
Flawed Champion: Due to the modern era, it's weapons, which would have made it an extreme threat to the century it came from, barely count as average by this era's standards, which prevents it from truly matching blows with modern Battle Cruiser designs, covered more for it's dual purpose as a drydock/space station and extreme defenses then for any expectation to tip the scale of a direct battle on a purely personal level in ship to ship combat
Recharge Time: It's Shields may be freakishly strong even by modern standards but once depleted, they take three times longer than modern shields to recharge
Production Problems: This series of vessels, due to being such an early and ambitious design, suffered from pronounced design flaws, such as it's complicated holographic readout system, electrical shortages at random times across the ship, target locking problems, docking clamps that wouldn't extend or disengage when expected that were never fully addressed, even in these unsecured models
Acquisition Difficulty: these mobile strongholds are found only in the most secure and hidden of Drydocks, under severe automated defense measures. To try and reach for it's power is to place one's self and others at extreme risk.
The very existence of these ships defies historical explanation. Records show only six were ever constructed, then discontinued. But these ships, lacking Maker's marks or serial numbers and often dating back to at least the period after the fall of the Star Forge, suggest either production never really ended or that concerned individuals pulled out all the stops for Doomsday scenarios that never came to pass. Whatever their true origin, these battle cruisers can take massive beatings and their dual use as space stations makes them a highly coveted asset for obvious reasons.
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