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Approved Starship Infernus Class Heavy Cruiser Mk.3

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  • Manufacturer: Keshiri Driveworks
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status:Closed/Limited Market (Approved Buyers only if used through legitimate means)
  • Model: KDW Infernus Class Heavy Cruiser
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:
    • Turadium/Durasteel compound Frame
    • Double Layered Quadanium Shell
    • Transparisteel viewports with Durasteel shutter rigs
    • Reentry Lining layer
  • Classification: Heavy Assault Cruiser
  • Length: 900 Meters
  • Width: 225 Meters
  • Height: 450 Meters
  • Armament: Very High
    • 20 Rapid Anti-Missile Octets (40 Defensives)
    • 10 Rapid Heavy Point Defense Guns (40 Defensives)
    • 10 Heavy Quad Laser Cannons (20 Defensives)
    • 10 Heavy Flak Guns (20 Defensives)
    • 8 Heavy Long Range Maser Batteries (256 Turbos)
    • 20 Heavy Mass Drivers (Railgun Variant) (40 Turbos)
    • 20 Heavy Dual Mass Drivers (Chemical Propulsion Variant) (80 Turbos)
    • 10 Heavy Long Range Ion Cannons (80 Turbos)
    • 15 Heavy Warhead Launchers (20 HW)
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Hangar Space: Very High
  • Hangar Allocations:
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating:Very Low
  • Hyperdrive: Class 2 Hyperdrive,

  • N/A
  • Carry a Big Stick - As per expected for a for a heavy cruiser, this thing has guns designed to tear apart the enemy. But it is more than just that. The ship sacrifices speed and mobility to boast a armament that is on the higher end of the spectrum. So much so that it takes hits in both areas because of the extra power needed for the systems it contains. The biggest danger boasted by the ship is its main eight guns, those being long ranged Maser batteries, weapons that provide not only the energy expected but also that extra physical punch that comes with the chiss tech. Furthermore, a decent chunk of power was diverted towards more defensive weaponry then commonly seen on a Heavy Cruiser, hoping to try and balance out its defenses against strike craft.
  • Ejectable Core - The Core of the ship, due to its unique location, allows for it to be easily ejected from the ship. While a secondary core only strong enough to power life support, engines, and necessary shielding would remain, this core can be ditched off to the right of the left of the ship. This is done in order to free itself from the reactor should the damage be too significant and save its crew from a rupture that could claim everyone on board. The Reactor can only be ejected out of the left side of the ship, and upon doing so will leave the ship immediately weakened with no bleeding effect to protect it.
  • Mobility - As mentioned above, the ship sacrifices speed and maneuverability on a significant level in order to provide the extra power needed by the ship in order for it to operate as intended. While not reducing the ship to crippling speeds, it is clear that this ship is a far slower than its counterparts of the same class and as such makes it significantly easier to move around and against this ship.
  • Exposed Core - Unlike any other ship in current production, the core of the ship is completely exposed at the rear of the ship. Its location, defined by the bright blue shielding that is especially strong in that area compared to other areas of the ship makes it extremely easy for any ship to use shield penetrating warheads and reach the reactor core with little trouble. (This is assuming the warhead can punch through or shields are down) This can cause quick damage to the ship as a whole, something that could cripple it with enough effort much more easily than other ships.
Solan has for years put off the recreation of his flagship into a produced cruiser, one able to be used by the governments of the galaxy on a wider scale than what he can provide with his own. So in that line of thought he took his old Flagship and got to work on designing a newer, revamped version. But in turn with the changing times, edits to its design came quickly and easily as it found itself a farcry from the original design.

The Mk.2's main weapons were the priority, and they certainly fit that thought process. Eight masers made up the strongest weaponry on the craft, weapons Solan had worked closely with over the last few years and had started tinkering with back when he had created the much smaller charric using Revenant droids. But far different from those Charrics were eight Maser Batteries which could quickly deal with enemy ships shot for shot.

In addition to the Masers though, the old guns of the Infernus found themselves welcome once more in the form of the Mass Driver cannons. Weapons that were defined into two variants by the ay they struck at the enemy and did their damage. First there were those of the railgun variant, a weapon system that worked on pure physical punch to do its damage and could control the level of damage by limiting the speed in which it fired its projectiles. In contrast to this were the self propelled mass drivers, those that used shells containing some form of chemical propellant in order to be launched at the enemy. The reason for the two different weapon types was the simple fact of versatility. This allowed for them to take on targets of different types without needing different ships to fill those roles.

These changes resulted in a significantly heavier and slower ship, necessitating the changes to the Ship's hanger. Allowing for a larger compliment of fighters, bombers, dropships and boarding craft. All of which taking use of the large amounts of space afforded by the design of the ship's wider and taller profile.

Lastly, the addition of five more assault missile launchers was added onto the original design, adding a much more damaging presence than its original on a ship against ship level.

With these changes, Solan put into production the Infernus Mk.2, a limited production warship under the banner of Keshiri Driveworks, the successor to the aging flagship, a successor that could be produced on a much higher scale.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Solan Charr Solan Charr

Nice ship again, same problems as in the other sub:
  • You don't have to write that into the sub, so you can delete it.
  • I would like to ask you to link these to the Affiliation: Kingdom of Kesh (or at least the planet Kesh here) and Confederacy of the Scar Worlds.
  • I would like you to put N/A to the advanced systems.
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