Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Initiation thread into the Sith anyone?

[member="Kyra Moonwood"]

Senpai has noticed you :p

I live in a shiny yacht with exotic weapons and stuff.

If you're asking me to compare myself to the OS power or rank-wise, I give up right here.
[member="Kyra Moonwood"]

Advertisement..? I.. Well.


Do you feel weak, angry, afraid, hungry for cookies, like killing someone, like killing a lot of someone, peaceful, 'protecting the weak', really hungry for some cookies?

Then you might just be a Jedi.

Join the One Sith today, and you will gain power from your anger and fear to be strong enough to kill anyone. Caring about those lesser then you will be a thing of the past! And who can forget about cookies!*

*Warning. You will not actually get cookies.

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