Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inner Reflection

[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Tyrin gave a contemptuous snort. "Oh, please. Spirits. Don't make me laugh."

He could certainly feel the inherent dark side energy here. Obviously the hooligans formerly occupying this place hadn't, as then they would have set up their idiotic, dilapidated shop elsewhere. Instead their ignorance had allowed them to desecrate such a potent, albeit minor, nexus of Dark Side energy. Maybe when they were done with this Tyrin could find it in his time to restore some sort of dignity to this place. Maybe do some redecorating. Then again, Yavin did have the misfortune of being located in Mandalorian space. He certainly didn't want to contribute to improving things in their territory. It might have the adverse affect of prolonging their miserable existences.

"The last time I fought some spirit, I-"

There was a sudden explosion somewhere deeper within the facility, cutting Tyrin off before he could finish. What in the galaxy had that been? From the sound of it, his droids could not have gotten anywhere near the source of that explosion. There must have been some other cause. Tyrin could hazard a guess as to what.

"What did you do?" He glared at Ovmar.
The Admiralty
[member="Darth Janus"] ~ [member="Sasha Santhe"]

The base continued to rock with explosions in the lower levels, as Ardik looked at the Sith Lord and asked of him what he had done Ovmar could only look back with a barely concealed disdainful glance, which suggested scorn and derisiveness.

‘Clearly I waved with my hand and made explosions appear, because I like things that go boom and am omnipotent. What a stupid question, Ardik, how did you ever become Emperor is beyond me.’

With a frown he then focused onto the Force and tried to get a read on the environment, what the hell was happening.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
[member="Darth Janus"] & [member="Darth Janus"]

Sasha reached out with her senses. She could feel, machines. "That was a reactor exploding," she frowned closing her eyes and concentrating more. "Two more reactors are still online and something else, some sort of device. attached to them." A little smile formed on Sasha lips, "I think they are trying to cloak the facility, but their reactors are old and worm out. It overloaded." She was about to make a nasty comment about poor technicians when suddenly something else flickered into her mind. "Droids," she said trying to get an accurate count, "too many of them." She took a few steps back behind [member="Darth Janus"] and ignited her saber. This time he'd have to do some fighting, throw his own weight around. "Older models, clone wars old. Probably won't be much of a challenge."

Blaster bolts started down the corridor at the trio and Sasha jumped to the side strike one back down the dark hall hopefully striking one of the targets. "They say one Jedi was worth a hundred of these during the clone wars, well one Sith is worth more than ten Jedi!" she boasted. That means they could, by her estimation, take on 3,000 battle droids. Easy.
[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Tyrin rolled his eyes at Ovmar's reply. "I don't see why you've chosen now to be bothered by my jibes."

Apparently the explosion had been the result of someone trying to activate a faulty, ancient reactor. This would imply that they weren't alone down here. That was a very unfortunate fact, seeing as Tyrin did not really want to exert himself with fighting people or what have you. It was also unfortunate for the individuals down here who sought to impede their investigation. Largely because they would be quite dead by the conclusion of this adventure.

Sasha ducked behind Tyrin, prompting the Sith Lord to activate his lightsaber, even as she boasted about how a single Sith was worth ten Jedi. He would love to see the comprehensive, peer-reviewed study that had led to such a conclusion. Who was this "they" she was referring to, anyway? The Clone Wars had been centuries ago. Even if that had been a real study, it would be far too outdated to cite now.

A pair of B1s closed in on him, firing a single shot one after the other. Tyrin casually deflected each blast, sending them back into the chests of the two droids and giving them an untimely demise. How totally unfortunate.
The Admiralty
[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Sasha Santhe"]

Ovmar himself wasn’t entirely sure why he had been so bothered with Tyrin’s choice of humor, it was severely out of character and almost seemed like it was someone entirely else controlling his actions for just a single defining moment. Someone who was still groggy from bed or school, and didn’t have any coffee yet to settle his thoughts. A fascinating though, which would have to be explored just a touch more, if only there weren’t a bunch of droids attacking the illustrious Sith Lord, Sith Lord and Sith Lady.

As Tyrin for once in his life didn’t flee the field of battle and instead pulling his own weight, showing what it exactly was that had made him the Sith Emperor, Ovmar looked at their competition for a while. It didn’t really look like much, but then again… it never does, until you get a bolt embedded into the back of your head by sniper fire.

One of the blaster bolts hit him in the hand and dissipated into nothingness as the Sith Lord absorbed some of the energy, redirecting it into a pure lightning. Aiming it at a different group of droids which had been following the B1’s attacking Tyrin.

Ovmar wasn’t a technician, so he didn’t actually know what kind of droids they were. But as they fell apart under his barrage, it did give him a satisfying feeling of accomplishment. Oh how he loved the smell of burning droid in the… morning? Let’s go with morning.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
[member="Jared Ovmar"] & [member="Darth Janus"]

And the droids made a satisfying thump as the boys started in on them. Sasha for her part stayed back and watched for a moment before laughing and joining in. She loved droids, but these were not the artistic creations she made, nor even the intelligent astromechs with their quirky humanlike behavior. No these were idiotic parodies of those smart models. They were designed to kill, and do so in a crude manner. They did, of course, have their place on a battlefield. In a near numberless wave of droids marching at a foe to weaken them or distract them from a truer attack. Still the cheap relics were satisfying to destroy.

Sasha's saber cut into one and then slashed another. Following this a third was cut down before she reached out with the force and grabbed another turning it about and making it fire on its fellows. Sasha was well practiced in the arts of Mechu-deru and could sense the jealousy coming from Darth Janus every time she used the skill. Wouldn't that be a treat, the knight teaching a master? In either case it didn't matter.

A flick of her wrist sent another few mindless automatons on their fellows. If droids could feel betrayal certainly this group would be emotionally scared. But they couldn't. "Someone has to be controlling these droids," Sasha said sending a dark presence up ahead. A sith? Probably some loser flunky from the Empires fall. "You all sense that too right?" she asked.
[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Tyrin did consider himself an avid fan of droids. If only he had bothered to conduct research into the finer arts of Mechu-Deru in his youth. Then he could do all the things Santhe did, only better. There was no point in getting upset about that, though. Besides, it was never too late to learn something new. Especially when one had been sitting on the Telos Holocron for the better part of a year. When they were done here, he would be sure to consult it. Many Sith Masters (some more illustrious than others) had left their teachings on the holocron. One of them was bound to know a thing or two.

Rather than continue talking about that, it was time to instead focus on the task at hand. Namely, getting rid of these pesky droids. Tyrin deflected another bolt into the face of a lumbering B2, before using the gap in combat to reach out with the Force. Five B1s approached him to take aim, but before they could do so their heads were suddenly crushed. Mangled and no longer functioning, they collapsed to the ground in a worthless heap. B1s were fragile things, so this was all a lot less impressive than it sounded.

He redirected his attention to an approaching BX-Series Commando Droid, lunging for him with a menacing looking vibrosword. These droids were rather adept in melee combat when they chose to utilize it. This could, potentially, be a noteworthy fight that would display Tyrin's tenacious skill with a lightsaber.

Tyrin didn't do sword fights, though.

Instead, he rather casually gripped the droid with the Force and flung it into the next line of B1s that had been sauntering towards him. It was unlikely it would break the majority of them, but for the meanwhile they tumbled to the ground in a crumpled mess of metal. The pile began to writhe as the droids struggled to untangle themselves and stand back up. Adorable, truly.

After this, he looked over his shoulder at Sasha. "Did you say something?"
The Admiralty
[member="Darth Janus"] | [member="Sasha Santhe"]

Ovmar could feel the dark linger sense permeating through the base, wasn't an ancient feel though, so it didn't have anything to do with the building itself or the Sith origins it had. It was more recent than that, a Sith residing here then nearby and controlling the droids. Which really wasn't all to great and brought a lot of different questions to mind; things like... why was he here in the first place, things like that.

Not that it really mattered in the grand scheme of things, another droid bite the dust as his head was reduced to a metal ball.

'I feel it, yes. Let's stop playing around here for a moment.'

The Sith Lord raised his hand, then played a trick Sol had taught him, a flickering field appeared in front of him. With a flick of the wrist the field started to move forward and evaporated droid after droid, decimating the whole lot of them, at least the ones they could see.

'Now then, you were saying, Sasha?'

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
[member="Darth Janus"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Neither of them sensed it. Idiots. They thought the droids were the real power here, Ovmar showing off his pathetic unsubtle use of a skill she knew since being a teenager in a vain effort to impress her. Any idiot could blow up droids. She rolled her eyes. "You're saying neither of you supposed masters sensed that," she pointed her lightsaber down the corridor to several dark figures off in the distance.

Red lightsabers ignited silhouetting their identical form. Sasha recognized the malformed men that stood before them. It was the template of her original experiment to clone a Sith. She grimaced. Why couldn't Tyrin keep anything under lock and key. For goodness sake the man lost the entire sith archive!

"Each of you take two," she said stepping forward. There was eight men in front of them, "I'll take the rest, never send men to do a woman's job."

She charged, her saber in hand...

OOC: Lets start to wrap it up guys.
[member="Sasha Santhe"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"]


Janus' lightsaber deactivated.

"Well, you heard her, Ovmar. This is a woman's job. We had better let her handle it. We wouldn't want to mess anything up."

With no further comment or display, Darth Janus subsequently vanished from sight and sense. Force Cloak; par the course of this particular Umbaran.
The Admiralty
[member="Sasha Santhe"] | @Tyrin Ardik

I blinked at the hostility Santhe was displaying, hadn't I said I had felt their presence? Probably the puberty playing up again, such things are always a serious matter at the girl's age, can't really blame her for that. Which I didn't, couldn't help but smile a bit at Ardik's reply though. I too disappeared from sight and mind as if my persona hadn't been here to begin with, but I knew Santhe wouldn't forgive me for doing such a thing and you can say what you want... but I was starting to get used to her annoying presence.

So I started to breach the minds of the four clones that were left; fifty/fifty... seemed like a good deal. Some of 'em started screaming and others started fighting against each other, in the meanwhile I casually sat on a discarded chair and wished Barbara was here to give me some tea, I liked tea.

'Ardik, once we are done here, I would like to discuss with you the possibility to take a look at that Telos Holocron Cavill was raving on about. I might have something interesting for you in exchange.'

Truth to be told I could probably just speak the words, but who the hell knew where Ardik was right now, so instead I just broadcasted it to his mind. Easiest way to accomplish things if you ask me.

By then most of my fifty percent were either dead or moaning in pain, so I took a look at how Santhe was doing.
[member="Jared Ovmar"] | [member="Sasha Santhe"]

Tyrin suddenly blinked back into existence, sitting on another discarded chair right next to Ovmar. He really didn't like it when people telepathically communicated with him. Especially when he was cloaked. It messed with his concentration. That wasn't to say it had caused him to drop it right then and there, but it was a great deal annoying.

"If I allow you to interact with the Telos Holocron before Jacen, that man would be livid beyond all imagination. He gets very jealous over these kinds of things." Tyrin paused. "He is a petulant child, and I take great pride in spiting him. So of course I will allow you to peruse the holocron."

Cavill had yet to figure out the Umbaran male in his custody was not, in fact, Tyrin's adoptive father. Rather a convincing body double that had been put in place once Thelon had caught wind that BlasTech agents were trying to find him. Thankfully Tyrin's performance at the resort on Rudrig was more than sufficient to keep that musclebound hooligan in the dark.

"Why, what do you have in return?"

One of the malformed Sith clones broke off from Santhe and sprinted towards the two reclining Sith Lords. Tyrin casually reached out with the Force, seizing the clone by the chest and smacking him into the wall with crippling force. The clone, now treading the line between consciousness and unconsciousness, remained incapacitated on the floor.

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