Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On a landing pad outside the Alliance General Ministry, Kass’ many eyes searched the skies. “There,” she said suddenly, instinctively grasping her husband’s hand. “Right on time.

Oukranos looked up, squinting against the sunlight. A starship was approaching, circling around as it prepared to land. It sent up a gust of wind, ruffling the hair or fur of anyone standing on the platform awaiting its arrival.

Decades after first contact was made, the Pylantians had decided to formally introduce themselves to the rest of the galaxy. A diplomatic delegation had been dispatched to Fondor to meet with representatives of the Galactic Alliance. The Cthyllas, of course, were among the welcoming party, along with a few other representatives and aides from various other sectors. Interestingly, the ambassador had requested Valery Noble's attendance to represent the New Jedi Order.

As the loading ramp began to lower, Kass turned to Valery. “So far so good,” she remarked with a few small smiles. Yet her tentacles fidgeted nervously. She felt an immense sense of responsibility for the ambassador, whose actions here would influence the future of their people. She had warned Valery beforehand that Pylantians were not like other species—most were passive and peaceful beings, psychologically unprepared to face a cutthroat universe. Kass had faith in the ambassador, but would guide and protect him as much as she could.

Finally, the occupants of the ship began to descend the ramp. One of the more eager Alliance representatives stepped forward, assuming the first to descend must be the ambassador. She was mistaken. The group spread out evenly on the platform, consisting of both male and female Pylantians of various colors and cultures. Because they all stood equally apart, it wasn't clear who was their leader. Once everyone had disembarked, a male finally stepped forward. He was a Bright Pylantian, his dark purple skin faintly bioluminescent, his ageless features statuesque.

“Greetings,” he said, his Basic clear and well-enunciated. “I am Azathoth Sirami, Ambassador for Pylos Satnik.”



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"Everything will be alright," Valery said with a warm smile when Kass seemed rather nervous. Her feelings about this meeting made sense — everything that happened today could have serious consequences for her people's future. But Kass was a Jedi with incredible diplomatic skill, and Valery felt confident in her own abilities to assist. The Pylanthians had also taken the initiative to request this meeting, so she knew they were open to dialogue.

She'd do her best to represent the Jedi during this meeting.

The shuttle had finally settled down, and as soon as the engines were powered off, the ramp lowered. Diplomats poured out a moment later and began to spread around the landing pad. At first, Valery wasn't quite sure who they were supposed to receive, but the diplomat in question made themselves known soon enough.

"Welcome to Fondor, Ambassador Sirami. I'm Master Valery Noble, of the New Jedi Order." She bowed her head in greeting and turned to Kass and her husband, so they could introduce themselves as well.

Oh, I’m sure it will be,” Kass said. She hadn’t realized her anxiety was so obvious, but then Valery was a fellow Jedi. Shortly before the ambassador arrived, Oukranos sent her a feeling of reassurance in the Force. He didn’t do such things often; he was a private person whose thoughts and emotions were usually closed off, so the gesture was all the more meaningful.

Ambassador Sirami returned the bow, offering Valery a charming smile. “Thank you, Master Noble.” His gaze seemed to linger on her perhaps a second too long before he turned to the Cthyllas.

Jedi Master Kassogtha Cthylla,” Kass said. Her gelatinous body started to bob respectfully out of habit, before she caught herself. Pylantians actually did not bow; since they were not competitive with each other, there was no need to express submission by lowering oneself to the ground. The ambassador had bowed to Valery purely out of respect for the local customs. Not wanting to look too assimilated, Kass quickly entwined her tentacles in the air and uttered a greeting phrase in her native tongue. Ambassador Sirami grinned and responded in kind.

When Oukranos failed to introduce himself, she turned to him in alarm. Her husband’s gaze was fixed on something behind the ambassador. Before Kass could ask what was wrong, he tore his gaze away, cleared his throat and said, “Master Oukranos Cthylla. Welcome, ambassador.”

Other diplomats stepped forward to meet and greet the delegation. If everything went according to plan, Sirami would meet with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor before occupying a more long term position as the official Ambassador from Pylos Satnik. From there the future was unwritten, but it seemed promising.

Yet Kass was restless, as if something bad was about to happen that she couldn’t quite parse. Eyes darting between Oukranos and Val, she whispered, “Does anyone else have a... a bad feeling?



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery raised a curious brow after the ambassador's gaze seemed to linger. It didn't spark the feeling she'd experience when someone was attracted to her, but she didn't feel any particular dislike either. He kept his emotions under control, so without prying and potentially revealing her attempts to read his emotions, she had no idea why he looked at her the way he had.

But it made her feel uneasy.

That feeling only grew more intense as he interacted with Kass and her husband. The latter of which seemed almost in trance for a moment, before other diplomats finally drew the ambassador's attention away for a moment.

"I feel a strange tension in my chest," Valery explained. "It started right after he looked at me." She shuddered and turned her fiery gaze to Oukranos. "Did you see or feel something as well? You seemed a little... distant." Valery did her best to remain respectful when she called him out on it. But she knew that Kass had noticed it as well, so she likely shared these concerns.

Kass had expected a reassuring response from Valery. Instead, the Sword confirmed that she also felt an unexplained tension. That wasn’t good. "What sort of tension?" she pressed. "Did you feel like he meant you harm? Could it have just been... curiosity?"

"Did you see or feel something as well? You seemed a little... distant."

Initially avoiding her question, Oukranos seemed a little annoyed. “You do realize that Sirami was chosen for this role on the grounds that he wouldn’t disturb any of the diplomats?”

Oh, I’m sure he’s plenty qualified for the job,” Kass countered coolly.

Oukranos smirked. “Yeah, but I would’ve preferred Yaggdytha Zoll. She’s even more qualified. Not to mention better looking.” Relenting, he finally answered Val. “I didn’t get a bad feeling, although admittedly I was distracted.”

By what?” Kass asked.

“I saw Mylak standing with the delegation.”

All of Kass’ eyes widened. “Our son?

Mylak, or Mylakhrion, was their youngest. Of the Cthyllas’ three children, he had shown the greatest promise—so of course he rebelled the hardest. He had disappeared six years ago without a word. They had no idea where he was or what he was doing… until now.

“I was going to point him out to you, but he disappeared before I had the chance.” Oukranos’ expression grew drawn. “I couldn’t sense him in the Force.”

It sounds like he’s trying to avoid us. But surely if he was part of the Pylantian delegation, he knew that his parents would be there. Perhaps this meeting was simply unavoidable. “I never would've thought he’d get into politics,” she murmured. There was still the matter of the bad feeling and Val’s discomfort with the ambassador. Turning to the Sword, she said, “If there is something going on, it would probably be best if we didn’t show any signs of suspicion. Let them think we're oblivious. And if something does go wrong, well… We’re Jedi. We can handle it.

The greetings had finished by that point. Ambassador Sirami and his retinue were headed to the dining hall, where a sumptuous welcome feast had been prepared for them. Kass expected to see Mylak in attendance—and perhaps learn more about Sirami and the source of their unease.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"I'm not sure," Valery said with furrowed brows. "But it's a feeling that concerns me." She knew that it hardly answered Kass' question, but she truthfully wasn't sure how to feel about it. Perhaps she'd figure it out soon enough, but whether or not it was cause for concern, she was going to keep her senses sharp.

Turning to Oukranos, Valery tilted her head slightly when he avoided the question. She hadn't figured out the ambassador's stare, but she could tell when someone was uneasy over personal matters.

When all of Kass' eyes suddenly widened — and Valery blinked — she understood why. The married couple clearly had a reason to be so surprised, but Valery's mind shifted elsewhere. Was there a connection between this unnerving feeling surrounding the ambassador and the sudden appearance of their son?

Was this merely a coincidence or was something about to happen? The Force worked in mysterious ways, so she'd have to approach the day with caution.

"Agreed, let's remain calm and we'll figure it out." Valery watched the delegation leave and hummed in thought. "You care for a confrontational approach? Or would you prefer to observe from a distance, Master Cthylla?"

"You care for a confrontational approach? Or would you prefer to observe from a distance, Master Cthylla?"

Kass took a moment to organize her thoughts. “I can’t say for sure which would be better. I am… disinclined to be confrontational by nature.” She preferred to observe.

“Most of us are,” Oukranos added. “But Ambassador Sirami is from a culture which tends to be more aggressive—by Pylantian standards, anyway. He might prove more resistant to any attempts at pressuring him.”

They arrived at the dining hall. Kass immediately began searching the room for Mylak. She found him seated at a table near the ambassador. Valery would also be able to pick him out easily—he bore a strong resemblance to Oukranos, but with green eyes that were more reminiscent of his mother’s. He wouldn’t even look at either of his parents. Kass’ heart sank.

Dinner conversation among the diplomats started out light and civil. At least, until the topic of public opinion inevitably came up. “There was a poem written recently about our interactions with aliens, titled Innocence Lost,” Sirami said. “It caused quite a stir when it was published, especially so close to our visit. I have not read it myself, but I believe my aide has.”

All other discussions at the table seemed to fall by the wayside as everyone turned to look at him. Mylak’s throat visibly bobbed as he swallowed before saying, “Yes, I have read it.

“Is it as provocative as they say?”

Kass watched her son, wishing that she could sense his precise feelings. Judging by his body language, this was not a rehearsed moment. Sirami had caught him off guard and was putting him on the spot. Mylak reached for his drink, but rather than take a sip he turned the glass around and around with his fingers. “It shows the aliens as evil, demonic beings that have come to consume and destroy our world,” he said, with surprising vehemence.

“Do many Pylantians view us that way?” One of the Alliance diplomats asked with a nervous smile, absently poking at her meal. Kass could feel an undercurrent of growing tension in the room. Nothing explosive, but it was there, aggravating previously hidden discomforts and uncertainties.

“Not all,” Sirami replied. “But there are some Pylantians who believe we would be better off if we had never made contact with alien life. We are a peaceful people. Conflict is antithetical to our nature. In reaching for the stars, we hoped we would find like-minded beings. Instead, we find ourselves in a galaxy perpetually at war with itself. Where whole planets are decimated and destroyed, and millions die in every battle.” Though somber, he managed a small smile. “Of course we are afraid, and there are those who feel regret and resentment. But we cannot undo the past. All we can do is adapt and move forward.”

As he spoke, Sirami once again glanced toward Valery. It was brief but noticeable, a passing glance with some hidden meaning. Kass didn't see it. Her focus was on Mylak, reading the emotions playing across his familiar face. Humiliation being chief among them.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"I will follow your lead," Valery said when they seemed less inclined to be confrontational. Despite having worked with Master Cthylla and reading up a little, she wasn't an expert on Pylantians and their culture. This ambassador seemed rather strange as well, so her best shot was to follow the guidance of her companions and take this one step at a time.

She had more than enough to think about, given that strange feeling from before.

The Jedi, as well as the rest of the people in attendance soon reached the dining room. Valery found her seat, cleverly chosen to allow her a view of the entire table. If they were going to observe, she'd be right where she needed to be. At first, everything seemed and felt normal — people went through the typical rotation of conversational topics and fake kindness was abundant between politicians.

Truly, the only thing that stood out to Valery was Kass, and how much her strained relationship with her son seemed to bother her. It worried Valery that one day, she might experience the same.

But then the topic shifted.

Valery's brow lifted when she noticed the sudden pressure on Mylak. He didn't want to speak on this book he read, but his desire to not upset the ambassador was stronger.

"I'm curious," Valery began as the ambassador made eye contact once more, "Regardless of species or culture, people are often afraid of change. As you said, the past can't be changed, so people have to adapt. How are those who are skeptical being helped to adapt? Do their worries fade when they learn more about the Galaxy and others who live in it?" Somehow, she still couldn't get a read on the ambassador, so she figured she'd get him talking.

He'd have to show his true nature soon enough.

"Regardless of species or culture, people are often afraid of change. As you said, the past can't be changed, so people have to adapt. How are those who are skeptical being helped to adapt? Do their worries fade when they learn more about the Galaxy and others who live in it?"

Valery’s question drew everyone’s attention. They all turned to Sirami, awaiting his response.

The ambassador studied her. For once, his scrutiny was justified. “Perhaps it should be so,” he said. “That all we need to do is seek to understand one another, and everything will turn out all right. But from what I have studied of the history of the galaxy, I know that is not always the case. Whole planets have been destroyed, civilizations eradicated, species genocided...” His brow furrowed and he seemed to sway slightly, as if the harrowing magnitude of what he spoke had left him unsteady. “We do not even have words in our language for these things.”

Silence. At that moment every Pylantian in the room felt the same, a shared trauma reverberating between them. No wonder the poem is called “innocence lost”, Kass thought. Mylak’s gaze was intense, but downturned. Oukranos raised his eyes to heaven, then closed them in somber meditation. She felt only melancholy for those lost.

“But that need not be our fate,” Sirami said. Reaching for his cup, he raised it as if in a toast. “I am determined to achieve the best possible outcome for the people of Pylos Satnik.”

The other diplomats eagerly joined in the toast. They all thought he meant to work towards peace and understanding, of course. Kass wrapped a tentacle around her wine glass and held it up in solidarity. She gave her husband a little nudge, and he begrudgingly raised his own cup. Only Mylak refused, sitting and staring down at his plate.

"I must try to talk to Mylak," Kass told the others afterward. "Can you two can manage without me?"



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery didn't disagree with his response — the Galaxy was often a cruel place and she could understand a people's desire to be afraid of reaching out. But his people were doing just that, and she felt he had only vaguely answered what her question was really about. What would the best possible outcome for his people be? How would he achieve it? Valery's eyes never left the man, who raised a toast and brought the room together to join him.

Valery, too, raised her glass and smiled at the ambassador.

It hadn't escaped her that Mylak was the only one who didn't join. He kept his head down, looking somber. Did he know something the others didn't? Or was something else on his mind? Understandably, it worried his Mother, who excused herself to approach him, "We'll be fine, go talk to him." Valery offered Kass a supportive smile, knowing just how much this meant to a mother.

When she left, Valery turned to Oukranos, "Are you doing alright?" she asked. He had only reluctantly joined the toast and he seemed a little quiet. She didn't know him well enough to understand how he felt, but Kass had felt a little concerned.

"If you need a breath of fresh air, I'm sure we can step away for a moment."

Kass bobbed in gratitude and slithered off. By now the dinner was wrapping up, the guests finishing their courses and scrambling for the final word.

"Are you doing alright?"

Oukranos glanced toward Valery and tried to smile. “Fine,” he replied. He wasn't thrilled over Kass’ departure. Without his wife to talk for him, he'd have to actually make conversation. With people. Mylak’s presence only added to his consternation.

"If you need a breath of fresh air, I'm sure we can step away for a moment."

Sure.” He glanced toward Kass, who was trying to coax Mylak away from his table, before turning back to Val. “Let’s go.

They exited the dining hall, passing by security droids guarding the doors. The corridors outside the room were deserted. Oukranos took a deep breath. He had believed himself calm and in control; only when he was out of there did he realize that wasn’t necessarily the truth.

Mylak’s life has been… difficult,” he said. Though he didn't like talking, he felt compelled to offer Val an explanation. “All of our children had it rough. But while the others adapted and overcame the hurdles that were thrown at them, Mylak struggled. He wants things that are impossible. He blames the galaxy for his problems.” He snorted faintly. “I did the same thing when I was his age.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

He didn't seem fine.

Valery barely knew the man, but his aura had visibly changed the very moment Kass departed. She knew that feeling all too well, though likely for different reasons. Valery was a social creature, but she much preferred to stay in the company of her partner or family at events like this. Especially when something else caused tension.

Now there were two sources — the unexpected presence of Mylak, and also the ambassador.

Oukranos accepted her offer to leave the room, and Valery was quick to lead the way out. Into empty hallways where nobody would bother them. He took the opportunity to explain his feelings, which made her realize he needed this more than he seemed to show at first.

"It's not uncommon for the young to feel that way. But I assume that feeling is why he left?" she asked carefully, knowing it'd be a touchy subject. "I do wonder then, why he decided to join sides with the ambassador if he blames the Galaxy for his problems. The Ambassador seems to want to build bridges to the rest of the Galaxy."

Is that why Mylak hadn't joined his toast? But that just further raised the question of why he was choosing to be there with the ambassador in the first place.

"It's not uncommon for the young to feel that way. But I assume that feeling is why he left?"

He left because we had nothing to offer him. It was the same with Zhar and Celephaïs—none of our children were able to become Jedi.” Oukranos paused, pursing his lips. “Mylak could have been a Jedi. But he harbored hatred and resentment toward the Order… He saw our family as its victims, and he was angry at Kass and I for not returning to Pylos Satnik and raising our children among our own kind. I suppose he felt that he had been deprived of a normal life.

"I do wonder then, why he decided to join sides with the ambassador if he blames the Galaxy for his problems. The Ambassador seems to want to build bridges to the rest of the Galaxy."

Oukranos shrugged. "Perhaps he changed his mind. Although I doubt that is the case." Mylak didn't exactly act like it during the meal. Oukranos frowned. He hoped his son wouldn't try to... be a hinderance to diplomatic relations. What an awful thought.

It’s good to see you,” Kass said softly, all of her eyes riveted on her son. “How have you been?

Mylak stared at her, but did not respond. She finally had him where she wanted him. Most of the diplomats had already left, and the corner of the dining hall they were in was out of earshot for those who remained. Ambassador Sirami had gone, taking the rest of his entourage with him. Mylak had nowhere to go and nothing better to do than talk to her. Or at least listen, if nothing else.

We’re proud of you,” she continued as his silence stretched on. “I didn’t expect to find you working a job like this, but it must be very fulfilling. The work you’re doing will make such a difference for our people.

Not in the way I hoped,” he muttered, almost too quietly for her to hear. He fiddled with a piece of cutlery, his fingers caressing the cool metal.

Something is bothering you.” When he still did not answer, she whispered, “Talk to me, Mylak. Please. Tell me what’s on your mind. I want to listen to it all.

Mylak stared down at the utensils, his brow furrowing and his lips parting slightly. Just then, Kass sensed danger. Her gaze darted toward the door, a vision playing in her mind: a Sith assassin disguised as a Pylantian diplomat sneaking up behind Valery and shooting her with a stun blaster.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery frowned and remained quiet for a moment. Problems within a family were a very private thing and often complicated. Many years of history between individual members had shaped the way things are now, and Valery knew she couldn't say or do anything to fix things magically. Even just understanding the problem wasn't always easy as an outsider.

But as a parent, she did understand how they likely felt.

"Do you think the relationship between you and your son can be repaired?" Valery asked curiously. His connection to the ambassador remained a strange, yet interesting thought. But this was something that had been on her mind ever since she noticed the strained relationship between Mylak and his parents. The idea that a bond as strong as that could be broken forever was one she almost refused to believe.

What if it happened to-

A sharp breath left her lips, and her eyes briefly widened. Valery stumbled a few steps towards Oukranos before her body fell to the floor. In just a brief moment of distraction — of worry about family — she had failed to sense the danger sneaking up behind her.

"Do you think the relationship between you and your son can be repaired?"

Of course,” Oukranos replied. “There is always hope.

A moment later, a stunned Valery fell to the floor. Oukranos reached for his lightsaber, but another shot rang out from a different direction. He collapsed. Their attackers quickly seized their unconscious prey, carrying them away from the scene of the crime.

Inside the dining hall, pandemonium ensued. Kass fought her way through the rushing throng of panicking diplomats.

Mom, wait!” She paused just long enough for Mylak to catch up to her, his eyes wide with worry. “What are you doing?

Your father and Master Noble are in danger, I can feel it!” She gestured. “Help these people get to safety—

I’m going with you,” he insisted.

There was no time to argue. He and Kass left the dining hall and chased after the kidnappers, encountering the remains of security guards and scrapped droids as they went. “Lightsabers,” she remarked, recognizing the distinct scorch marks on the bodies. “I think we’re dealing with Sith!

The trail led them to the hangar, where a shuttle was preparing for takeoff. As soon as they saw Kass and Mylak, the “engineers” loitering around the loading ramp opened fire. Kass ignited her lightsabers, deflecting the bolts, but she was unused to combat, and their relentless assault soon began to overwhelm her—

A large, heavy storage crate suddenly went flying through the air, flattening the shooters. Kass looked at Mylak in shock as he lowered his hands, panting from the exertion. “Let’s go!” he exclaimed, taking off at full speed toward the ramp. She followed him aboard the ship just as it began to rise into the air...



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"What happened..." Valery groaned as she woke up on her stomach, feeling groggy and sore. The world around her was still spinning, even as she pushed herself up to sit for a moment. The last thing she remembered was talking to Oukranos in the hallway before everything went black, and looking around, she was quickly piecing together why that was. Someone had taken her out and brought her here.

Wherever here is.

The cage she was in felt strange — it suppressed the Force and was clearly built to contain Force Users. She doubted they'd have this anywhere close to where they were, so these people had somehow dragged her elsewhere too. Likely a ship they had nearby and could reach before they were swarmed by guards, other Jedi or law enforcement.

"Oukranos?" Valery asked once she noticed him stirring, "Are you alright?" She crawled over to check on him and realized something as she knelt down.

They had taken her lightsabers.

"This is going to be a tough one to break out of."

"Oukranos? Are you alright?"

The Pylantian was like a fallen statue, his chiseled features frightfully still as he lay sprawled on the floor of the cage. After a few seconds, Oukranos’ eyes opened, his piercing gaze wandering and brow furrowing.

Yeah,” he answered, his voice raspy. “Just a little stiff.” He didn’t have any gaping wounds or broken bones, but his muscles ached horribly from the stun bolt.

Sitting up slowly, he looked around. His view of the interior of the ship beyond his cage was slightly obscured by the energy barrier, but he could make out a few features. Some sort of shuttle, probably, though he couldn’t tell what metaphorical flag they were flying. To make matters worse, his access to the Force was muted. He reached for his lightsaber, only to find it had been taken from him. Unsurprising, really. Clearly their captors knew what they were doing.

"This is going to be a tough one to break out of."

Chalk it up to Pylantian passivity, but Oukranos wasn’t thinking about how to escape. He was wondering who was behind this and what they wanted. His mind flashed back to the moments before their capture, when the “diplomat” had opened fire. “The shooter was dressed like a Pylantian diplomat,” he murmured, wincing. “They must’ve used the ambassador’s delegation as a cover to get access. I wonder if we were their only targets…

Valery had multiple bounties on her head, all of which offered incredible rewards for bringing her in alive. Oukranos was virtually unknown in comparison, but he was a Jedi Master. No doubt his capture would fetch these people a hefty bonus. There was also a possibility that Sirami was targeted, though he didn't know what anyone with this much power and resources would want with the Pylantian ambassador.

Patience,” he suggested. “Let’s wait and see what happens for now.” Maybe something would come up that they could use to free themselves. It was nicer than admitting he didn't have any better ideas at the moment.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"At least, it seems your wife and son weren't taken," Valery commented when he wondered about the assassin's targets. They might have been among the list of targets as well, but if they weren't captured, it meant there was hope for an escape. She doubted that Kass would sit by and do nothing while her husband was taken away. But an escape didn't mean they had answers. Who had captured them?

What were their motives and how were they able to infiltrate the delegation?

Valery sighed and shook those questions from her mind, for now. There were plenty of reasons for people to come after her, and each one would end badly for her. She needed to remain focused and at least consider their options.

"Hopefully, they left a trail that your wife can follow. Otherwise, we're going to have to wait for an opportunity ourselves." Which meant that he was right — they'd have to remain patient.

"...sorry for getting you dragged into this," Valery said after a moment. It was an assumption, though a likely one. These people were here to collect on her bounty and it had gotten him in trouble as well.

With nothing left to do but wait, Oukranos sat on the floor with crossed legs, closed his eyes and began to meditate. He could still hear Valery voicing her thoughts, and smiled faintly. Kass was stronger than she knew, and Mylak was smart. They’d both be fine, he was sure of it.

"...sorry for getting you dragged into this."

He opened his eyes and peered at her. “No need to apologize,” he said. “If you weren’t out there constantly saving the galaxy from the Sith, I would have to stop teaching younglings and go fight in battle. For saving me from that fate, you have my eternal gratitude, Master Noble.

Just then, the door opened. It was dark in the hallway beyond, preventing them from seeing what exactly lay in wait, but the silhouette of tentacles and the gleam of white teeth in dozens of mouths gave Oukranos a momentary flash of hope. Until he heard the newcomer's grating voice.

"I heard we had an extra guest with us." With a shrill laugh, an unfamiliar female Pylantian slithered into the room, the dark mass of her body filling the narrow space which constituted their prison. "Your friend's going to the Emperor, but you're coming with me, handsome..."

Kass took the lead as she and Mylak made their way through the ship, darting between shadowy alcoves and narrow corridors. Despite his earlier display of power, her son was not adept with the Force; using it to avoid detection thus fell on her. She tricked the minds of passing Sith and manipulated the cameras and scanners to “skip” a few seconds of surveillance—just long enough for them to get past without drawing attention to their presence.

She couldn’t sense Valery or Oukranos, but the shuttle wasn’t an especially big vessel, and she figured they would stumble upon them eventually. It would’ve been helpful if the ship had signs labeling where everything was…

They reached the end of a hallway. Kass used the Force to open the door.

—a secure channel.” A figure in the uniform of a Sith officer stood before a projector, his back to them. At the sound of the doors sliding open he broke off, turning around to see who it was. Kass caught a momentary glimpse of the hologram he was speaking to before she pulled Mylak and herself back into hiding, her stomach dropping.

“I only need to know that our… agreement is still valid,” Azathoth Sirami said, the blue hologram of his body flickering unsteadily.

The officer grimaced. He thought he had cut the connection. “As long as we are able to reach Sith space safely, the deal will remain in effect,” he replied through gritted teeth. “Your homeworld will remain under our protection. Now please, do not call me again.

He pressed a button to end the call, then another on his comms panel. “Engineering, send someone to fix the doors to the bridge,” he commanded, before cautiously approaching the open door and peering outside.

Kass kept her and Mylak invisible in the corner. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place as she realized what Sirami had done. The entire delegation had been set up to capture Valery Noble and deliver her to the enemy. Loathe as Kass was to admit it, Sirami likely did not understand the depths of Sith deceit. Pylantians always kept their promises, but the Sith were treachery incarnate. If anything, his actions may have just drawn their unwanted attention to the Pylantians’ homeworld.

Eventually the officer closed the door and returned to his post. Daring to breathe again, Kass glanced at Mylak. “Did you know about this?” she asked in a whisper.

He stared straight ahead, his expression unreadable, then answered, “No.” Kass exhaled a sigh of relief. But then he added, “I was trying to convince him to abandon all his diplomatic efforts and advocate for isolationism. It’s why I took this job as his aide, why I introduced him to Innocence Lost—I wanted to persuade him not to do something like this.

His explanation only multiplied her questions. But she could hear booted feet marching down the hall. They were running out of time. "Let's find the others, then we'll talk," she said, coiling a tentacle around the hilts of her two lightsabers. She was about done with sneaking around.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Warmth spread into her cheeks when Oukranos returned her gesture of appreciation with a compliment of his own. It was obvious now why Kass cared so much for him.

Another reason why she wanted to reunite them again.

"Let's hope we can keep it that way, then." She smiled and seemed just a little more hopeful about their situation. At least, until she felt another presence approaching. Like Oukranos, Valery turned around, hoping it would be his wife and son. But she shared his disappointment when another appeared.

A traitor?

"Is she a crazy ex of yours?" Valery asked with a perked brow when she called him handsome. Her gaze then slid to the other Pylanthian, "He's married and frankly, you don't stand much of a chance, lady."

Something wasn't adding up.

The Chief of the ship's guards looked across his monitors, studying the images that were flooding in live from cameras across the ship. It wasn't uncommon for cameras or sensors to flicker in space. Asteroids, planets and other celestial entities caused interference that even the most modern tech wasn't always immune to.

But never had he seen so much malfunction, and none of the errors happened simultaneously. There was a pattern, with skipping or flickering images going from one camera to the next.

A path.

"My Lord," he said finally, as one of his Sith superiors entered the bridge. "I believe we have an intruder."

The Sith stoppped and sharply turned to the Chief, "Deal with them."

"As you wish." The Chief of the guard tapped his comms device and ordered his men to move. The most logical assumption was that an intruder would look for the captives, so a pair of guards were sent there. But the majority was sent down the hallways, ordered to follow the path of cameras that were tampered with.

He would not fail his superiors.


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