Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Is she a crazy ex of yours?"

No,” Oukranos answered, his brow furrowing. “We've never even met before.

Well, it was bound to happen eventually.” The stranger spread her tentacles proudly. "I am Darth Saya, the galaxy's first Pylantian female Sith Lord!"

Oukranos wasn't impressed. “What do you want with me?” he asked.

What do I want?” Saya slithered toward them, her tentacles coiling around the metal surfaces just beyond the force cage so that she could gloat. “This is a historic moment—the downfall of the Grandmaster of the Jedi! My contributions helped to make it happen. I deserve a reward for my efforts."

"He's married and frankly, you don't stand much of a chance, lady."

The Sith shrieked another demented laugh. "Monogamy is for chumps." She turned to leer at Oukranos. "Do you think your wife will come to your rescue? She's no match for the might of the Sith."

"You say that as if you know her." Oukranos smirked. "You don't."

Just then, a pair of guards arrived. The sudden beefing up of security was impossible to miss. Scoffing, Saya pulled away from his cage and sank back into the shadows. "Let's see her try. I'll be waiting to defend my prize."

Kass struck first, incapacitating a pair of guards outside a storage room. Watching Mylak confiscate their weapons and ammunition, she felt uneasy. But for her son to continue unarmed at this stage would only endanger his life. He seemed capable, loading and checking the blaster rifle with practiced ease.

They were already being pursued, but the knockout of the guards made their presence obvious. "No more hiding," she told Mylak. "But we can't waste time fighting wave after wave of security guards. We still need to find the others."

He nodded, peering through the scope of his rifle. She wondered where he had learned to shoot a gun.

When the first wave of troops arrived, they were waiting for them. Kass' lightsabers ignited, the twin green blades slicing through the air. Several of the blaster bolts intended for her were deflected back to their point of origin. From behind the protective barrier of his mother's defense, Mylak returned fire.

A few of the guards were downed, but the rest were saved by their armor. Kass used the Force to blast them back, before urging Mylak into a retreat. "Get to the detention cells!"

They were so close. She may not have been able to sense Oukranos or Valery, but she could feel that this was the place she was supposed to be...



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

This is a historic moment—the downfall of the Grandmaster of the Jedi! My contributions helped to make it happen. I deserve a reward for my efforts."

Valery rolled her eyes, "Already so sure of yourself." She had heard the same thing countless times before, though it usually wasn't behind bars and without weapons. It made her a little more nervous, but not nearly enough to start panicking. Kass and her son were out there somewhere, and even if they didn't manage, she was a former Jedi Shadow.

Escaping tough situations was part of her job.

More troubling was this Sith's obsession over Oukranos. Even if the pylanthians were poly, he could do far better than some crazy woman like this.

"Let's see her try. I'll be waiting to defend my prize."

"I'm going to tell Kass she said that," Valery said with a smirk to lighten up the mood, already eager to see Kass breaking in to show this Darth Saya. She couldn't sense the woman, but deep down, Valery knew she was out there.

Deeper within the ship, Kass and her son had engaged the guards. While trained and well-equipped, fighting a Jedi was no easy task and they struggled to pin her down. So, their strategy slowly began to change. By cutting off hallways and applying pressure, they were hoping to drive her into a corner.

"She's going to fight towards the captives," the chief of the guard mused.

"Let her." He paused a moment and looked at those around him, "Darth Saya will be waiting for them there with a pair of guards. I want the rest of my men to pressure them from the other side. Trap them in between and they will be forced to surrender." With quite the grin, he turned to his comms table and began to direct his people.

He was catching two Jedi today, and some extras for Darth Saya to enjoy.

As Darth Saya melted back into the shadows, Oukranos’ smirk dropped. All of his confidence and bluster seemed to leave him and he shrank in on himself, hugging his legs to his chest, his gaze distant and brow troubled.

It had been nearly thirty years since Master Gavyn Farlander gave his life to destroy the seeds of the Sith on Pylos Satnik. Oukranos should have known better than to expect they would never sprout up again. Yet here he was, blindsided by a new foe. Saya may have called herself the first, but there had been others before her. His mind flashed back to that night; the choking coil of a tentacle wrapping around and around his neck. More had restrained his limbs as he fought, dragging him down into the ditch…

He was breathing rapidly, the onset of a panic attack imminent. Remembering where he was, he forced himself to calm down, drawing upon the Force for comfort and strength. “It’s only a bit of nerves,” he muttered, mostly for Valery's sake. He didn’t doubt that Kass was looking for them. But he was afraid of what twisted lengths this Darth Saya might go to in order to “defend her prize”.

A few minutes passed in expectant silence. Cut off from the universe, Oukranos couldn’t sense anything beyond the hazy field of the force cage. But he heard the sounds of blaster fire, and two very recognizable voices muffled through the durasteel door. He instinctively rose to his feet, eyes fixed on the entrance. From the dark corners of the prison, he heard the low giggling of Darth Saya, lying in wait.

Kass used the Force to open the door. The bodies of the two guards posted outside lay on the floor on either side of her. She crawled forward through the blackness, reaching out toward him—

A scarlet blade ignited on her left, swinging in a downward arc. She reared back, narrowly avoiding being split in half, and faced her attacker. Saya screeched with glee, more lightsabers activating in her numerous tentacles, before she lunged again.

The Sith was vicious, her blades spitting fire as they crashed into the Jedi's green. Kass could barely match her opponent’s savage fury. In the corridor beyond, the troops lined up, ready to fire. It was a trap.

Mylak backed into the opposite corner of the room, eyes wide as he watched his mother duel against Darth Saya. Oukranos opened his mouth to shout an order, but Mylak's attention was already on the control panel for the force cages.

A flash of red in the corner of his eye. No! Oukranos beat his fist against the barrier in vain, sparks burning his flesh as one of the Sith's blades spun through the air toward Mylak. One moment his son was reaching for the control panel, about to free them. In the next, he no longer had a hand.

The scream of pain that tore itself from his son's throat wrenched Oukranos' heart. Stunned, Kass was nearly impaled by Saya, the blade narrowly grazing her soft body.

Mylak clutched at his stump of a wrist and whimpered, leaning his body against the wall to keep from falling to his knees. Sweat beaded on his forehead and tears glistened on his eyeline. He fought to stay standing, reaching for the control panel with his other remaining hand...



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery didn't need the Force to see that Oukranos had something on his mind. Something that greatly troubled him. Whether it was related to Darth Saya or the separation from his family — or both — she didn't know. But she shared in his uneasiness about the whole thing. Sure, it wasn't her first time getting captured, but there was a lot more at stake now. Her family had grown and with this serious bounty on her head, she knew they'd be far more fanatic about keeping her.

She needed to place her trust in Kass and hope she'd find her way here.

"That's alright, I'm a bit nervous, too." Shifting over, Valery briefly sat beside him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. There was no way Kass wasn't going to come for him. Someone so caring and important to her. But she understood that he was still nervous about it, knowing Darth Saya was close.

But so was Kass.

Much like Oukranos, Valery heard the noise down the hallway and rose to her feet alongside him. She couldn't feel any shifts in the Force, but she knew it had to be her when she heard the sound of blaster fire and familiar voices. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, but that feeling didn't last very long. Kass and her son were ambushed, trapped between a crazy Sith Lord and an entire squad of armed guards.

"The panel!" Valery exclaimed, hoping she could be freed to help out, but Mylak didn't need her to tell him. While his Mother fought Darth Saya in a vicious clash, he went for the panel as quickly as he could. But in just an instant of a time, the Sith managed to catch him off-guard, tossing her lightsaber to sever one of his hands.

Valery's eyes widened, as she watched him stumble for the control panel. With his remaining hand, he reached for the button to release them, but he fell just short...

"Kass!" Valery called out, hoping she could use the Force to remove the barrier. Doing so would draw her attention away from her fight, but she needed to trust Valery to protect her in turn. If the barrier went down, she would no longer stand alone.

And as guards rushed in from the hallway, threatening to attack her and her wounded son from behind, she was given little other options.

Mylak’s hand fell short of the control panel. His eyes glazed over with shock and he slumped, immobile.

Kass couldn’t hold out any longer. If she continued to fight Saya alone, she would die and they would all be lost. She could do nothing but surrender to the Force.

It took only a second to flip the switch, but a second was all the Sith would need to strike. The precise time had to be carefully chosen, with not a moment to spare. The Force warped around the control panel, and the energy barriers of the cages sputtered and went out.

The buzzing in his head suddenly ceased, and Oukranos felt the Force flood into him. He and Valery were free. Their lightsabers were missing, but a Jedi needed only the Force.

He immediately thrust out a hand, blasting back the legion of troopers that were waiting to strike. They were flung off their feet, their weapons yanked from their grasp by an overwhelming telekinetic shove. He continued to harry the soldiers, taking the pressure of an impending ambush off them—and leaving Saya for Val to handle.

By now Kass was struggling just to survive against the Sith Lord. Darth Saya had managed to push her into a corner, battering her blades with her own. So intent on destroying her fellow Pylantian was she that it took a moment for her to notice the prisoners had escaped...



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

The flick of a switch was all she needed.

Even without a weapon, a Jedi had plenty at their disposal to defend themselves and others, and Valery didn't stand alone either. While Oukranos handled the guards that threatened to surround them, Valery turned her focus to Kass and Saya. The Jedi Master was struggling to keep the Sith and her relentless attacks at bay, but it was more than enough. Darth Saya had gotten so lost in her desire to kill the woman, that she had left herself vulnerable.

With an outstretched arm, Valery tapped into the Force once more, extending her invisible grip with immense power not to harm or kill the Pylanthian Sith, but to freeze her. Each tentacle froze solid at once, rendering her unable to continue her assault. Even the very core of her body was under so much pressure that she could barely move a muscle.

All to give Kass the edge that she needed.

"Now!" Valery exclaimed, hoping that Kass could finish the job. But whether or not she did, Valery used her other hand to pull one lightsaber free from Darth Saya's grip.

Either to strike her down, or to help Oukranos handle the rest of the guards.

Kass was nearing her breaking point. Mylak’s injury had set her back further, as she was filled with maternal panic and concern that she could barely control. Darth Saya was a ruthless opponent, every blow hammering Kass down…

And then, it stopped. Kass had a moment to catch her breath, and saw her chance to strike back. With a sweep of her lightsaber she disarmed the Sith of her remaining weapons. But Saya was no longer moving. She wasn’t dead—she was frozen solid.

While Oukranos and the Grandmaster fended off the soldiers, Kass was left to decide Darth Saya’s fate. Anger filled her at the thought of what this Sith had done to her son. They would all certainly be better off without a Pylantian Sith running around.

But as she raised her blades to finish her off, she saw fear in the other female’s eyes. Saya could no longer defend herself, couldn’t even move. It wasn’t right to strike her down like this.

Surrender, and I will spare your life,” Kass said. The Sith was a mass of fear and loathing, but she thought she detected a faint acknowledgement of her offer. It wasn’t quite a plea for mercy, but it was enough to get her to lower her blades.

A pained groan from Mylak drew her attention. He had staggered to his feet, clutching his burnt stump of an arm to his chest. “What are you doing?” he hissed. “Kill her!

She surrendered.” Kass kicked Saya’s weapons far out of her reach and slithered over to her son’s side. His wound was cauterized, but the pain was no doubt terrible.

Force, you’ve been a Jedi all your life and yet you still act like a passive Pylantian!” He grimaced. “If you leave her alive, she’ll break free and go on to do more harm!

We’re leaving. You need a healer—” She broke off, sensing a surge of terror from Saya. He had begun using the Force to choke her. “Mylak, stop!

It was too late. Saya was fighting for her life, gathering energy to break free and retaliate. A surge of destructive force was released at her command. Kass had just enough time to form a protective barrier around herself and Mylak, but they were thrown out into the corridor outside the prison. Emergency doors automatically snapped shut, containing the damage dealt by the explosion.

Kass and Mylak now found themselves tossed into the middle of a firefight between the vessel’s security team and the freshly escaped Jedi. Oukranos, who was serving mainly as support for Valery, rushed to their aid. Wordless understanding passed between husband and wife as their eyes met. Kass tossed him one of her spare lightsabers, and the couple joined in the fight against the troops together.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

With Darth Saya frozen, Valery released her grip on the Pylanthian Sith and summoned two of the lightsabers she dropped into her hands. The crimson blades ignited, illuminating her already intimidating presence with the familiar light of the Sith. Her eyes were similarly intense, focused on the soldiers that were kept at bay by Oukranos. She trusted Kass to handle the Sith Lord, so Valery was going to make sure her husband wouldn't get injured either.

One family member seriously injured was more than terrible enough.

"We drive them back and get out of here!" Valery called out, but right as the battle began to shift into their favor, she felt a sudden surge in the Force. A massive explosion sent both Kass and Mylak flying into the corridor, mostly unharmed but likely shaken up. Emergency blast doors were quick to fall down, cutting off the path to Darth Saya.

If she was even still alive.

Valery's senses were still recovering from having been severed for a while, and she was still trying to focus on the remaining guards as well. With Oukranos rushing to his family's aid, she was alone, after all.

"Can they move?" Valery asked with a quick look over her shoulder. "I can take these guards out on my own, but we should leave in case they've called reinforcements."

Kass and Oukranos moved in near-perfect synchronicity, fighting together with full knowledge of the other's intentions. They were closer than mere lovers, closer than any human being would dare to be with another human. Neither could imagine life without the other. The star wars had forged their two lives into one.

Valery wasn't alone for long as they regrouped alongside her, aiding her in defeating the Sith forces. Once the last guard lay slain, Kass paused to quickly survey their present situation. Going to the escape pods wasn’t an option while they were in hyperspace—and even if they weren’t, they had likely passed into Sith territory by now. The group’s only options were to either seize control of the shuttle or try to find a smaller vessel aboard and bide their time until they could escape via realspace. The latter was impractical now that the crew knew the prisoners had broken out of their cells.

"We must storm the bridge," she said. "Mylak and I passed it on our way to rescue you. We learned some troubling news..."

She quickly described the communication they had witnessed between the Sith and Ambassador Sirami. Oukranos winced, hiding his face behind his hand in dismay. "All the more reason to get back to Fondor as soon as possible. Sirami must face justice."

Kass glanced toward Mylak. She was worried about his injuries, but his behavior also concerned her. His attempt to choke Saya had caught her off guard; she didn’t know he was capable of such a thing. It was a wake up call, confronting her with the reality that she no longer truly knew her son. "How are you feeling?" she asked him.

"I can walk," he replied. "Give me a blaster and I can fight too."

Oukranos handed him one of the dead soldiers' rifles. Kass spread her senses to fully encompass the vessel. “I sense no other Force Users aboard besides us,” she said, breathing a sigh of relief. They weren’t out of the woods yet, but not having to deal with another Darth Saya would make the coming struggle considerably easier. "Let's not wait another minute." The fate of Pylos Satnik rested on their shoulders.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring


Valery had spent a moment considering their options as well and reached the same conclusions. Escape pods or small craft were no option, and even if they chose it, they'd be disembarking deep behind enemy lines. They'd easily catch up and they'd be shot down long before they reached Alliance borders.

Seizing control over the bridge and turning the shuttle around was their only option.

Turning back to the Pylanthians, Valery was told about the communications they overheard. It made her frown, but it also explained why they had been able to set all of this up. Perhaps the one thing they hadn't expected is that they split up and couldn't all be caught together.

"Mylak, stay behind us and provide suppressive fire. We can be your cover." Lightsabers in front and ranged weaponry behind. A logical plan, and thus a solid reason to be careful with a man who had just lost a hand.

Valery was certain Kass would appreciate some caution for him.

"Let's go." With that said, Valery began to lead the way down the ship's hallways. Every last guard or crew member had already fled up to the bridge or locked themselves into their quarters. None dared to fight off all four of them alone. This made for an easy path towards the blast doors that stood between them and their freedom.

"I'm bringing it down. Expect them to open fire as soon as I do." Without wasting another second, Valery walked over to the thick blast doors and placed her hand against it. She focused, and in an instant, the whole metal structure shattered into fragments, allowing them a sudden entrance.

Valery had seemingly fallen into the role of commander. Kass was fine with that. The Pylantians were not martially inclined, and someone had to take charge.

She ordered Mylak to stay behind them and provide suppressive fire. He gave an acknowledging nod, hefting the blaster in his surviving hand. While she wasn’t a healer, Kass quietly used the Force to ease his pain as much as possible.

Their path to the bridge was clear, as the rest of the crew had learned of the presence of three Jedi Masters on board and wisely decided to steer clear of them. Valery led the charge, telekinetically blasting open the sealed doors.

The bridge was eerily deserted—save for a man with reddish hair hunched over a terminal. At the sound of the door shattering, he whirled around to face them. His eyes were wide with terror… and fanaticism.

All three of the Jedi would be granted a brief premonition of what was to come. This man was the captain, and he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. With a cry of Long live the Empire! he would press a button on the console, triggering an irreversible shutdown of the ship’s gravity and life support systems. He may have failed his mission of bringing Valery Noble in alive, but his final act of devotion would at least get rid of the Grandmaster once and for all.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

The doors burst open and...

There was only one man left standing. She had expected more resistance or for the rest of the crew to gather on the bridge, but they must have either retreated to other rooms or abandoned the ship entirely. It didn't matter — their mission had failed and Valery wasn't going to trouble herself, trying to hunt down every last person involved. That was something for the SIA to handle if they chose to do so.

She just wanted to-

"Long live the Empire!"

"No, wait!" Valery exclaimed but it was already too late. She wasn't quite sure what he disabled, but at least one of those things became obvious immediately, as gravity faded away. Her body weightless, Valery began to float towards the ceiling and struggled to keep herself steady.

"Kass, we need to get to the console!" Flipped upside down, Valery waited for her boots to reach the ceiling and pushed herself off in that direction. If life support was down, they were going to run out of air eventually.

They needed to act.

As the captain uttered his cry of loyalty, Mylak raised his blaster. The ship lost gravity right when he pulled the trigger, the recoil from the weapon launching him backwards through the hole Valery had carved in the door earlier. He couldn’t grasp the edges to stop his flight—they were still magma-hot from her lightsaber, and he had only one surviving hand left.

Kass’ boneless body didn’t take to the sudden weightlessness very well. Struggling to overcome dizziness and vertigo, she could only watch as Oukranos nimbly dove into the gap to rescue Mylak.

"Kass, we need to get to the console!"

With the aid of the Force, Kass managed to grab hold of the console with her tentacles. The body of the captain floated nearby, a hole burned through his chest. Swallowing bile, she steadied herself as best as she could and looked over the array of buttons and switches before her. Every system was shutting down, including the engines. The blurred white lines of hyperspace gradually shrank down to dots as the ship came to a sudden halt. She was able to glimpse their coordinates—right at the edge of Sith space.

We’re in luck!” she exclaimed. “Still in Alliance territory, barely!

Escape pods began to launch. Some of the crew evidently weren’t as willing to die as their captain. It created a problem for the Jedi, however, as they were left stranded on a rapidly failing vessel. They couldn’t even send out a distress signal, the comms having been disabled.

Can you reach out to Kahlil with the Force?” Kass suggested. “Or any of the other Masters…” She focused, attempting to do the same. Perhaps Amani Serys Amani Serys would sense her call for help from across the vast reaches of space…



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery looked over her shoulder after Mylak was thrown back into the hallway, ready to go after him if he needed help. But with his father already on the task, she turned back around to assist Kass. The Captain had been neutralized, but with the ship on a trajectory for Sith space without functioning life support, they were doomed. Either they'd drop into real space and choke to death when their supply of air finally ran out, or they'd be caught by Sith.

The latter was certainly worse than the former.

Luckily, Kass was able to use her tentacles to pull herself closer to the consoles. It wouldn't fix their situation instantly, not with everything the Captain had set in motion, but they were at least not within Sith territory.

Just a little too close for comfort.

"Good work," Valery said with a hopeful smile, "I'll let him know I need help. He always listens." Valery closed her eyes and tapped into her bond with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . It didn't matter where he was, he'd feel her presence, her location, and her need for his help. It wasn't often that she called on him this way, but she didn't want to take any risks.

They were within range of Sith patrols and slowly running out of air, with nowhere to go.

Love, I need you.

It was a few hours before help arrived in the form of a Jedi ship blasting out of hyperspace—and not a moment too soon, as Valery and her companions were close to running out of air. The Sith crew still alive aboard the vessel were taken into GA custody, while the heroes received medical attention.

Mylak’s hand couldn’t be salvaged. He was soon fitted with a prosthetic capable of feeling and movement virtually identical to that of his lost hand. The technology, which had been commonplace in the galaxy for centuries, was novel for a Pylantian. As he flexed his mechanical fingers, testing them out, Kass lingered near her son. She longed to clear the air that had rankled for so long between them. Just when she was about to talk, Mylak said, “I’m going back to Pylos Satnik with the rest of the delegation as soon as possible. We all agree that Sirami’s… mistake must be quickly remedied, and a replacement ambassador found.

Oh.” They had immediately reported the Pylantian ambassador’s involvement in the plot to betray Valery Noble to the Sith, resulting in Sirami’s arrest. Kass was glad the ordeal was over, but she shared in the delegation’s anxieties over how it would affect future diplomatic relations. She just wished Mylak didn’t have to go with them back to the homeworld. “Your father and I will do our best to smooth things over with the Alliance. We’ll make sure they understand that what he did reflects only on him, not the rest of Pylos.

Mylak nodded, then fell silent. Kass heaved several sighs. “Well… It was nice seeing you again. I just wish it was under better circumstances.” He stayed quiet, though not inattentive of her. She continued, “I worry about you, Mylak, because I care. Your father does too, though it’s difficult for him to show it.

Is this the part where I agree to call you sometime?” Mylak asked with a smirk that quickly faded at the hurt look in his mother’s eyes. “Gods, Mom, I don’t know how you can stand it. Just look at what I become like after just a few hours in this dog-eat-dog galaxy. Look at what happened to Ambassador Sirami—

It’s not the galaxy that’s making you do anything, Mylak,” she interrupted. “It’s just you.

He shook his head and stormed off angrily. Kass watched him go, feeling even more miserable.

I was just like him at that age,” she heard Oukranos say behind her. “An angry ass who refused to take responsibility for anything.

She reached out to wrap him in her tentacled embrace, glad of his presence. “How is Valery?

He shrugged. “Probably perfectly fine.” Coiling his arms around her, he pulled her closer. “Aren’t you going to ask me how I’m doing? I got kidnapped too, you know.

Oh yeah.” She feigned forgetfulness while he tenderly kissed one of her other mouths. “How are you?

I’m doing a lot better now that I’m here with you, thanks.” His good humor drained away and his expression grew serious. “They couldn’t find any trace of Darth Saya.

Is that her name?” Kass could picture the Pylantian Sith in her mind’s eye, the red glow of her lightsabers glinting against her sharp teeth and tattooed hide. If she was still alive… “She’s a danger to anyone she comes in contact with. We’ll have to track her down.” Oukranos looked very reluctant. Kass felt a stab of concern. “What aren't you telling me?

She was quite fixated on me. She wanted the Emperor to give me to her as a prize for capturing Valery.

She didn’t do anything while you were—

No,” he answered quickly. “She was all talk.” He pursed his lips. “I’m only afraid that I might enjoy putting an end to her.

Kass wanted to offer to track her down by herself, but she knew better than to try and take Darth Saya on alone again. “The others will help us. Valery saw for herself the threat she poses. We’ll get her.

I know.” He kissed her again. “In the meantime, I'll help you clean up Sirami's mess."

"We certainly have our work cut out for us…

To be continued

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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