GUILTY! You ate all the cookies in the cookie jar!
Wirch Bicket Prepare for my Arrival... Aug 9, 2014 #603 Innocent. Don't particularly like dogs too much, stick to cats! You have a pet.
sabrina Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2014 #605 Guilty, and only evil jedi don`t appreciate them as they invoke emotion Do you like your eggs runny or hard boiled
Guilty, and only evil jedi don`t appreciate them as they invoke emotion Do you like your eggs runny or hard boiled
Doctor Azure Cobalt Durasteel Aug 9, 2014 #606 Innocent. You press every single button in the elevator when you step out of it.
Zandra Tal'verda Lady Luck Aug 9, 2014 #607 Guilty. It's the best. You trip the other kids at the playground.
Aven Blanc I'm not Jon Snow... I know stuff. Character Bio Aug 9, 2014 #608 Guilty. Those assholes fall on their faces anyway.... Why not give them help? You think everything's better in blue.
Guilty. Those assholes fall on their faces anyway.... Why not give them help? You think everything's better in blue.
Darth Armyss Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer Aug 9, 2014 #609 Innocent. I prefer red myself. You think I'm an nerf herder for not falling for [member="Lekae Karrde"]'s possible attempt at fishing for compliments.
Innocent. I prefer red myself. You think I'm an nerf herder for not falling for [member="Lekae Karrde"]'s possible attempt at fishing for compliments.
Arabella Darkhold Daddy's Princess in Pink Character Bio Aug 10, 2014 #610 Guilty! I always wanted to say that. You think I'm too new to know any better about anything.
Darth Armyss Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer Aug 10, 2014 #611 Guilty, but at least you admit it. Other people have admitted to finding you annoying.
Aven Blanc I'm not Jon Snow... I know stuff. Character Bio Aug 10, 2014 #612 Hell, yes, guilty. You like sheepdogs.
Aven Blanc I'm not Jon Snow... I know stuff. Character Bio Aug 10, 2014 #614 "Ni!" You only ever watched Holy Grail....
Jy'aad Evliar Member Aug 10, 2014 #615 Innocent. I've watched The Life of Brian too! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of elderberries!
Innocent. I've watched The Life of Brian too! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of elderberries!
Aven Blanc I'm not Jon Snow... I know stuff. Character Bio Aug 10, 2014 #616 Innocent. You're a democratic peasant!
Jy'aad Evliar Member Aug 10, 2014 #617 Innocent. I can't vote yet You are..... A bow tie wearing, banjo playing geometry teacher obsessed with flamingoes.
Innocent. I can't vote yet You are..... A bow tie wearing, banjo playing geometry teacher obsessed with flamingoes.
Darth Armyss Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer Aug 10, 2014 #618 Innocent, I am a piano-playing sketch artist who's obsessed with science-fiction in general People around you say you talk with an accent, even though you're both from the same place.
Innocent, I am a piano-playing sketch artist who's obsessed with science-fiction in general People around you say you talk with an accent, even though you're both from the same place.
Jy'aad Evliar Member Aug 10, 2014 #619 Innoc- no, wait... Guilty! (For the record, I'm a mandolin-playing sketch artist obsessed with gryphons) You are bilingual!
Innoc- no, wait... Guilty! (For the record, I'm a mandolin-playing sketch artist obsessed with gryphons) You are bilingual!
Darth Armyss Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer Aug 10, 2014 #620 Ci, Señior. You watched the entire Godfather Trilogy in a non-stop marathon at least once.