Guilty as hell. You once accidentally stole something, but never gave it back.
Teio Konshi Je'daii Seeker Character Bio Jan 18, 2015 #1,021 Guilty as hell. You once accidentally stole something, but never gave it back.
Crucius Sin A Sin That Shifts Jan 18, 2015 #1,022 Guilty... So guilty. You have the gaming attention span of a two-day-old puppy.
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Jan 18, 2015 #1,023 guilty xD you could eat a whole fridge worth of food while watching movies / series
Malachite the Shoki Not a Holonet Browser Jan 18, 2015 #1,024 Guilty... Most of that is anime. Scared of the dark?
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Jan 19, 2015 #1,025 Depends where I am. In my own house, completely innocent. If I was downtown where I live, you bet I'm guilty! You secretly facepalm when somebody uses Internet Explorer
Depends where I am. In my own house, completely innocent. If I was downtown where I live, you bet I'm guilty! You secretly facepalm when somebody uses Internet Explorer
Coliu Vebrero Less Adorable Now Character Bio Jan 19, 2015 #1,026 Innocent (I only just got chrome) you prefer neverwinter nights over the second one
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Jan 19, 2015 #1,027 I suppose? both are good you have stalked people on facebook
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Jan 19, 2015 #1,028 Innocent You are superstitious?
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Jan 21, 2015 #1,030 both You've lost track of time and stayed up WAY too late
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Jan 21, 2015 #1,031 Guilty (doing it now) A night on the town or a night on the sofa?
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Jan 21, 2015 #1,034 SO GUILTY gone w/o sleep for more than 24 hours
Beowoof Morality Policeman :) Jan 22, 2015 #1,036 ...I guess guilty? Of both? Not sure how that question works in this context. Did you stay up until 3AM to hang out here?
...I guess guilty? Of both? Not sure how that question works in this context. Did you stay up until 3AM to hang out here?
lordmitmar Well-Known Member Jan 22, 2015 #1,037 Innocent, Its 1 AM You have insomnia, and its an absolute ****
Beowoof Morality Policeman :) Jan 22, 2015 #1,038 Circumstantial evidence. I plead innocent! Have you ever stayed up until 3 AM to hang out here? -_-
Asuk Lot Soon Character Bio Jan 22, 2015 #1,039 (I wake up at 2:50 AM, does that count?) I don't know if I do or don't but given recent events I'm going with guilty You've read the SnK manga Sniper
(I wake up at 2:50 AM, does that count?) I don't know if I do or don't but given recent events I'm going with guilty You've read the SnK manga Sniper
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Jan 22, 2015 #1,040 [member="Mit Tuxaire"] You're about 3 hours ahead of me I've read quite a bit of manga, but I don't think I've read that one There's somebody in your life who can't take a hint
[member="Mit Tuxaire"] You're about 3 hours ahead of me I've read quite a bit of manga, but I don't think I've read that one There's somebody in your life who can't take a hint