Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Innocent or Guilty

Puppet Kyrios

I've been outside of one stuck in my dad's car while waiting for him to get done with police training, so guilty?

You love weapons and violence but you won't do any of it
(So guilty)

Puppet Kyrios

Guilty as charged. Doing it now to finish the dang homework

You are so imaginative you cosplay all by yourself and have amazing adventures until your sibling comes in and asks you what you're doing.


The Second Seal, broken.
YES. so karking guilty. x)

you have at least tasted 40% + alcohol (sorry my dear 'muricans, I know you've a different unit of measurement for this, but idk what it is :p)
Guilty. dub step, rock(almost any kind classic to punk to heavy metal), pop, Irish ( like drop kick murphys), instrumental, Beach Boys, even some folk music. (No country)

You still have Christmas movies on your DVR.

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