Innocent. I love hot over freezing xD You stay up past bedtime rping.
Kerri Aislinn Fly Away Character Bio Feb 22, 2015 #1,221 Innocent. I love hot over freezing xD You stay up past bedtime rping.
Slice Spiralflame I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos Character Bio Feb 22, 2015 #1,222 hahahahahhahah........ guilty You've lost (Dead) a character in rp
Percy Imura Imura with a Table Knife Character Bio Mar 15, 2015 #1,224 Innocent. When you hear the words "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard" you think of the song.
Percy Imura Imura with a Table Knife Character Bio Mar 16, 2015 #1,227 Innocent. You like Ezra's lightsaber/ blaster hybrid as long as they, thank goodness, got rid of the slingshot! Oh! So childish!
Innocent. You like Ezra's lightsaber/ blaster hybrid as long as they, thank goodness, got rid of the slingshot! Oh! So childish!
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Mar 16, 2015 #1,228 idea You wish you could use the Unrelenting Force from Skyrim (Guilty...FUS RO DAH!)
Jsc Disney's Princess Mar 16, 2015 #1,229 Innocent. More a flying man myself. You celebrate SW holidays
Percy Imura Imura with a Table Knife Character Bio Mar 17, 2015 #1,230 Innocent. You actually enjoy a certain kid's show.
Gareth Yalthik Active Member Character Bio Mar 17, 2015 #1,231 Guilty. You've eaten an entire box of pizza and drunk 2 liters of soda in one sitting.
Percy Imura Imura with a Table Knife Character Bio Mar 17, 2015 #1,232 Half guilty, I think I remember eating an entire pizza. You enjoy vanilla more than chocolate.
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Mar 17, 2015 #1,233 Tough call...I'd have to lean on the side of innocent though. People think you're weird
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Mar 17, 2015 #1,236 innocent, they don't exist You find slam remixes entertaining
Judah Lesan :: HERO of KORRIBAN :: Moderator Character Bio Apr 1, 2015 #1,237 Innocent... not even sure I know what you are referring too You sometimes forget to leave something to keep the game going... like I just did and had to edit...
Innocent... not even sure I know what you are referring too You sometimes forget to leave something to keep the game going... like I just did and had to edit...
Venris Helion Forming my own path Character Bio Apr 1, 2015 #1,238 Innocent You have purchased the entire first season of Star Wars Rebels.
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Apr 2, 2015 #1,239 Innocent Your character is somehow related to a canon character
lordmitmar Well-Known Member Apr 2, 2015 #1,240 Inno-Guilty? Depends on who's idea of canon is talking. You have spent way too much time away from this site.
Inno-Guilty? Depends on who's idea of canon is talking. You have spent way too much time away from this site.