guilty You should probably be asleep right now.
Becdaua Ikon The only known Ikon that doesn't have Red Hair Character Bio Sep 24, 2015 #1,383 innocent It's early afternoon You can't decide on avatars for your characters.
Skylar Ichor Guest S Sep 24, 2015 #1,384 innocent You only have an idea of what snogging is and it's a very good guess
Rawnie Tal'verda Tal'Verda Aliit'buir Sep 24, 2015 #1,385 Innocent? I know what snogging is. It's not very hard. Your character has a very silly fear. Like, fear of bugs or something.
Innocent? I know what snogging is. It's not very hard. Your character has a very silly fear. Like, fear of bugs or something.
Doctor Azure Cobalt Durasteel Sep 24, 2015 #1,386 Hmmm... Not Lor, but most of mine do. Guilty. Microwaved burritos are delicious...
Skylar Ichor Guest S Sep 24, 2015 #1,387 guilty Burritos! Rawnie Tal'verda said: Your character has a very silly fear. Like, fear of bugs or something. Click to expand... Guns... You like to run in circles when your bored.
guilty Burritos! Rawnie Tal'verda said: Your character has a very silly fear. Like, fear of bugs or something. Click to expand... Guns... You like to run in circles when your bored.
Jan VonFowl Part-Time Party Crasher Sep 24, 2015 #1,388 Guilty, as long as I'm not in my living room. Cramped place. I need caffeine...
B'arin Fett Clan Fett Mandalorian Character Bio Sep 24, 2015 #1,389 ... guiillty? You watch spongebob, even though you're 20 something or whatever
Doctor Azure Cobalt Durasteel Sep 24, 2015 #1,390 I'm 16, but guilty anyway. Anime and manga. Lots of it.
Rawnie Tal'verda Tal'Verda Aliit'buir Sep 24, 2015 #1,391 Super guilty. Steven Universe is your favorite show
B'arin Fett Clan Fett Mandalorian Character Bio Sep 24, 2015 #1,392 Ultra guilty You always wanted to do a SW cosplay, but don't have the money and/or time to do it
Doctor Azure Cobalt Durasteel Sep 24, 2015 #1,393 Guiiiiiiilty. You probably should be paying attention to people instead of wearing your headphones... [member='B'arin Fett'], you owe me a post by the way...
Guiiiiiiilty. You probably should be paying attention to people instead of wearing your headphones... [member='B'arin Fett'], you owe me a post by the way...
Rawnie Tal'verda Tal'Verda Aliit'buir Sep 24, 2015 #1,394 Innocent You -have- done a Star wars cosplay and totally have like, 8 other ones lined up.
Doctor Azure Cobalt Durasteel Sep 24, 2015 #1,395 Innocent. Got a cosplay of this guy, though. Pizza with lots of toppings?
Rawnie Tal'verda Tal'Verda Aliit'buir Sep 24, 2015 #1,396 Sooooo guilty Your character avi is from an anime
Doctor Azure Cobalt Durasteel Sep 24, 2015 #1,397 Guilty! You tend to find only one or two characters you can hit your stride with...
Rawnie Tal'verda Tal'Verda Aliit'buir Sep 24, 2015 #1,398 So guilty You RP best when you have a partner.
B'arin Fett Clan Fett Mandalorian Character Bio Sep 24, 2015 #1,400 Guilty You enjoy shipping characters to see where it goes [member="Doctor Azure"] I'm workin on it