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Inquisition Q&A

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm

What is the Inquisition?

It is a organization, comprised of force users, and non-force users alike, which is charged with the defense of the Empire from enemies within, and without, and to hunt down any, and all, threats to the stability of the One Sith.

Why was it formed?

The Inquisition was formed in direct response to the attempted coup on Coruscant, where in a bid to wrest control of the Empire, traitorous forces launched an assault on the One Sith capitol. To ensure that no enemy could once again grow from within, the Inquisition was born.

Who are they led by?

The Inquisition is led by the enigmatic Darth Praesidius, who serves as Grand Inquisitor.

Where are they based out of?

The Inquisition is a wandering force, which calls no planet home. Rather, they are based out of the largest single-fleet in the One Sith Empire: The Inquisition Fleet. This allows The Inquisition to rapidly respond to any, and all threats, to the Empire.

What is the exterminatus?

Exterminatus is the order to exterminate the populace of a planet, or system, which has succumbed to treachery. The act of wiping out a population of a planet, or system, is not one driven by blood-lust. Rather, it is an act of last resort. One taken when all other options have been exhausted, and the reclamation of the planet, or system, is deemed impossible.

Who can declare an exterminatus?

The right to declare an exterminatus lies with the Grand Inquisitor, and he alone.

Faction Admins note: Declaring an exterminatus on a planet, or system, will require Faction Staff approval.


If you have anymore questions, feel free to post them in this thread. I'll update the Q&A accordingly.

The Hound

[member="Isamu Baelor"]
  • Does the Inquisition forcibly take people who are found to be FS from their homes to become an Inquisitor themselves?
  • Does the Inquisition go after any person that is of an enemy faction?
  • How close is the Inquisition to the Military?
  • More to come later...

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
[member="The Hound"]

Does the Inquisition forcibly take people who are found to be FS from their homes to become an Inquisitor themselves?
Yes. That is one of the ways which The Inquisition will bolster their ranks. Their opinion is that a force-sensitive who doesn't use their powers to protect the Empire, has squandered it.

The Inquisition will also:
  • Capture enemy FU's, and NFU's, and forcibly indoctrinate them into the order. This usually involves warping their mind, destroying their identity, and creating a new one.
  • Use the traditional method of recruiting members from other Sith organizations (Order, Military, or Navy), who have shown great loyalty.
Does the Inquisition go after any person that is of an enemy faction?
Yes. Part of The Inquisitions duty is to protect the Empire from external threats.

How close is the Inquisition to the Military?
Fairly close. Under orders of the Military Executor, the Military supplied The Inquisition with a fleet, and an army.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

Yikes! I could've sworn I responded to this. Sorry!

But yea, a Sith Lord would have to start at the rank of Acolyte. The Inquisition is a separate organization to the Sith Order. Their rank structure is more based around loyalty, than it is strength/power.

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
[member="Clovis Torcularis"]

New members can start out as Agents, or Acolytes.

Agents is more if a player wants to play at Information gathering, and stuff like that.

While Acolytes act on that information, and bring justice to the traitors of the One Sith.

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