Character Name: Ebon
Requested Rank: Acolyte [As the Inquisitor Positions have been filled currently.]
Ebon is a veteran of the Primeval Civil War, ex-Warlord of Dantoonie, and Butcher of Nar Shaddaa. He has trained under numerous masters, including [member="The Dark Man"], and the Witch Elder Matriarch of the Primeval. He performed genocide in the name of Balagoth, war in the name of his queen, and self mutilation in the name of control. Of things he is, corrupted is amongst the highest, and a dog to a duty comes second.
The Zabrakian Warlord has followed a duty since his mind lay scarred from improper techniques in Carbon Freezing him, letting his once prideful jedi ways corrupt to what sith attributes he holds now. It is his only way to retain himself, by giving himself to another, and in doing so he feels peace of mind, and peace of body. War is all he knows, and war shall always be his life.
Since the Primeval has sorta ka'pooted, I need somewhere to continue development with Ebon. Seeing as I had a small run in with Isamu, and that the One Sith has the perfect ploy for me to join, I'd love to be apart of the One Sith, and the Inquisition! Honestly, there isn't too much else to say, I just hope to find many more great and amazing people in this faction as I did in the Primeval.