Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*insert uncreative introduction thread here*

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
That ladies and gentlemen is a joke of the probable best caliber you can expect out of me. Aside from the rest of my existence which is like watching a comedy of errors on repeat.

Seriously though hello people, sorry I'm joining and posting this late. And on a phone. But you know, got a star wars list that just won't be satiated until I find them <bitter>sweet stories only roleplay ever gets. Though honestly I might not get to the whole profile thing until it's both daytime and I will at least have a semi usable computer to torture myself with rather than a phone at four am.

Not really new to rps though honestly I doubt I'll be much good outside to being able to at least keep up and provide a decent couple of paragraphs. Oh, and usually being creative with characyers, I do that a lot too. Anyways, I look forward to spreading chaos with ya'll.

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Suravi Teigra said:
Welcome to Chaos.
Thank you <scans name and picture> Miss Teigra. I'll apologize in advance for any late night thoughts that pop up in the process of trying to figure out this new site and rules and what not. Probably shouldn't have had so much caffeine.

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Vorhi Alestrani said:
Welcome to the madhouse. Feel free to ask any questions and whatnot. We don't bite. Well, unless there are nachos involved. ^^;
Is it inappropriate to say I'm a masochist at probably wouldn't mind that too much?

More important question: would anyone care?

Five thirty AM question: why in the name of our Lord and savior Skywalker <Anakin that is, you know space jesus> am I still awake?

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.

Search your feelings, you'll find the truth you seek.

Also, welcome to the site!

If you have any other questions, I'll endeavour to give them an actual answer.

Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you around out there.

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
Runi Verin said:

Search your feelings, you'll find the truth you seek.
Also, welcome to the site!
If you have any other questions, I'll endeavour to give them an actual answer.
Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you around out there.
I find not the truth in feelings, but in cold heartless thought and rationality. *trying to me deep, ends up sounding like I'm trying too hard*

Serious question though: there are like a million threads and a billion buttons besides. There wouldn't be an extremely detailed user manual to this would there? Granted yes I saw the rules and sort of guide but, I'm stupid and have little to no idea how *aaaaaanything* works. Most setups I'm used to are much... simpler? I think that's the word.
Welcome to Chaos! Here is probably the best place to ask questions. :)

There are some rules you could check out - and maybe already have. Open Roleplay is probably your best place to get started because you can introduce your character in some group threads. If you need to tag someone put the @ symbol before their character or writer name.

[member="SilentVex"] (Posted as Cath did)

It is fairly simple here to start, but there are lots of options when you get going. If you ever feel lost, I can help, as I am sure will others, feel free to message me if that is the case.

After reading the guide/rules, and deciding on a type of character you want to play, my advice is on your first character to pick an active faction that you think will fit your character, and tell them directly that you are new, and would like help getting started. If they are a half decent faction they will mentor you or answer questions directly.

In essence you have a lot of freedom here, either to post up your own open roleplays or join ongoing ones, faction events etc. Think about what you want to write and how, all the systems are then there to support that.

Aya Clarke

Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle
[member="Cath Lorr"]

Not gonna lie that @ tagging is gonna take some getting used to. ^^" Usually I'd just hide quotes in a spoiler when that was an option.

So plus side here: I kinda already have a character made (more or less) from various one off rps and the like I've done over the past couple of years. Already figured out the subaccount thingy so I'll be making him soon enough. Only *real* problem: Every group I've joined has had different rules for his shtick. Some are thrilled and some wanna yell at me for it.

Not that I mind, I adapt as need be. Long story short, I uh, I may need help tweaking him to fit the site a bit more. ^^" Not to mention my era of interest is usually the old republic era and earlier.

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun with us, and if you need help at anytime please just shout.




Welcome to Chaos! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :)

Enjoy your stay!

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