Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inspirational Video-game Quotes

-Grommash, he who had been the first to drink the Blood of Mannoroth which damned the entire Orcish race, is the one who has finally slain Mannoroth and freed the Orcish race from demonic enslavement-

Grom: "Thrall... the blood haze has lifted... the demon's fire has burnt out in my veins... I... have... freed... myself..."

-The hellish fire from Grom's eyes fade as thedemonic blood that coursed through his body and tormented him for over twenty years withers away, and with his final act of bravery the great Orc passes away into the after life-

Thrall: "No, old friend... you've freed us all."

From Warcraft 3


Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
"Dear Humanity,we regret being alien bastards,we regret coming to Earth and we most certainly regret that the Corp just blew up our raggedy karking fleet."
Sgt Maj Johnson,Halo 2
LOL someone already posted that one Tef.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
"War,war never changes. Men do,through the roads they walk."
"There is a expression in the Wasteland,"Old World Blues." It refers of those so obsessed with the past,the can't see the present,much less the future,for what it is. They stare into the what-was,eyes like pilot lights,guttering and spent,as the realities of their world continue on around them. Science is a long,steady progression into the future. What may seem a sudden event often isn't felt for years,even centuries to come. In the times following the Second Battle of Hoover Dam,however,"Old World Blues" took on a new meaning. Where once it was viewed as a form of sadness,nostalgia,it became a expression describing the potential for the future. It can be easy to see science as evil,unchecked as the source of all ills,all misfortunes. With the courier at the helm,science became a beacon for the future. There was "Old World Blues" and "New World Hope." And hope ruled the day at Big MT."

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