Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Intelligence at Large

Quickly, he pushed the lever to his right forward with all of his strength, sitting in silence as the freighter took off. Suddenly, he burst into laughter, quickly glancing back at the door. "WE GET ALL THEM SLAVES?" He barked. "Damn...we may actually make it outta 'ere." He muttered to himself. Quickly, he reached down beneath the pilot's seat, quickly pulling open a small hatch underneath the seat. He removed a small holodisk, and quickly inserted it into the holodeck inside the cockpit. "We made it. GOD DAMN!" He shouted, cackling loudly.

[member="Hawk Solo"]

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]

[member="Lady Kay"]

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Pavor Clauditis"]

Jaster read the scanning data as the ship flew out of orbit, it was transmitting a Corillian Exchange IFF code. His plan worked and Sempra would have the leverage he needed. As word got back to him with the dead guards he felt bad they had to die, but they were a need.

He radioed back for reinforcement to help the rescue and sent out patrols with the cartel guards to search down the other escaped slaves. This would allow the fleeing ship the distraction to get them through orbit and in hyperspace. No one was the wiser, well exsept Jaster and Sempra who organized the whole plot.

Jaster stood in the thrown room as news of the escaped slaves were brough to Sempras attention. Jaster was interested in how well an actor he was.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="William Kerkov"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Pavor Clauditis"]

Kay just couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. She did her best not to react, but ended up failing. Alex grabbed her arm and together they both quickly exited the throne room. Lucky for Kay, she had nothing in the Palace, so they decided it was best to leave, almost believing that they heard laughter from the Hutt and his people behind her.

No sooner had she gotten into Alex's ship that Kay collapsed into a seat. "Oh what have I done? All those slaves...killed because of me..." No doubt Sempra and Jaster for that matter, did it to teach her a lesson. She hated to be taught in such a brutal way and doubted that she could ever trust Jaster again. He played her so well.

Alex prepared the ship for take off, not saying anything. The sooner that they were away from the Hutt's reach, the better, in her opinion. Within moments they were gone.

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