Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Interest Check: Galactic High Society Faction

Hi all!

Sorry this has been taking me a while. I've been hit with a depression streak and just found on I'm really anemic so thats not helping.

Is there someone here who might want to run this? Then we don't have to keep waiting on me?
Really sorry to hear that and hope you feel better soon! Im sure no one here wants you to feel rushed/forced into it. Take as much time as you need

Also Im unable to lead due to IC but im willing to assist whoever is interested in taking the initiative. Liin seems capable from what ive seen out of the character but im also willing to wait.
Don't sell yourself short! You've been doing a ton of interesting things! But I do understand not wanting to take on the project. I think this is a good idea as a faction I am just burned out right now.

Oh it's not what I do, it's the ability to draw others in that's my issue, ha ha! I can nary keep a plot going on this forum, unless it is a solo venture :)
Plus being able to get people interested enough in taking part, and gaining opposition is quite another, ha ha!
Did somebody say opposition?

If high society needs folks to fend off and contend with, the "Low societies" of the galaxy would be happy to play ball.

We've got con artists, bad-influence debutantes, thieves, and ransomers for all your dramatic and character development needs. I'd be happy to liaison and write with such esteemed characters!

Forgive my slimy self for not fitting in IC but Xoff Chantin Xoff Chantin may be happy to work into the upper eschelon without fouling the senses of the upper crust of society.

Me joos ku!
Okay, I shall give this a shot. :) But be warned as I have never ran a group before, so I am ill prepared in the proper steps. So any mistakes can be blamed solely on that, ha ha! But I'm willing to give it a try and get my feet wet, so to speak!

Kitter Bitters Kitter Bitters and Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn , I humbly request your assistance in faction forum making and discord channels, please.

Goros the Hutt Goros the Hutt , we shall have a chat soon to brainstorm some stories!

@Everyone else, I'll have the appropriate links posted here once the forum and discord are set up.

Have a wonderful evening :)

I made a banner but feel free to make your own if you want!

To make a faction you just go to factions and click "add new faction."

I'm going to be on a LOA but you two please take this idea and run with it! I think it's a great idea and I will be happy to join when I get back. All the freedom to you! Just have fun!

I made a banner but feel free to make your own if you want!

To make a faction you just go to factions and click "add new faction."

I'm going to be on a LOA but you two please take this idea and run with it! I think it's a great idea and I will be happy to join when I get back. All the freedom to you! Just have fun!

That's beautiful! I do not have the ability to make any computer graphics, so I shall take and use what is given, ha ha. Thank you! I hope that your LOA brings you back well rested :)

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