Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interest Check: High Republic/New Galactic Republic/Galactic Federation of Free Alliances

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Why?: Why not? The Galactic Alliance is not the Republic. Sure, built on the same premise (I think) but values and system of belief is completely different.

Waaaaait, what do you mean?: I mean what I mean. Nothing else to it. They choose to be more a middle ground Faction based off who they allow in, who is Allied with them, etc. This won't be the same thing. Nothing against them, just not what I'm going for.

But why a Republic?: I'm huge on Expanded Universe. I am huge on the concept, the stories and the depth behind the New Republic. I enjoyed everything about it. No, it doesn't mean we have to invade to steal the gem of the Galaxy - for a decent portion of it's initial existence, the New Republic was not on Coruscant. It wasn't until 6 years after it was founded that they liberated the Capital world from the clutches of the Imperial Remnant. We have other options.

So, you're remaking the NR from EU?: In structure only, much like other factions have done. I desire things to operate a bit differently, I also have had some feedback from people who are interested and decided it to put it out there for everyone to jump in or opt out. Nothing is definite yet.

Will there be NPC Leaders?: Probably not, although the original GA on the board and some other factions did make it easier and less painful in some ways by using NPCs, but I would prefer a tride and true character perspective controlled by another player. It wouldn't be the same for Administrators of the Faction to control any of them. Based off what I am seeing, there will be 3 Administrators, one will represent each portion of the Faction. A GrandMaster, a Chief of State, and a Supreme Commander.

Will I be allowed to Multi-Faction?: This one is tricky. I am not against MF, as it can create a plethora of enjoyable tales for everyone to read but I am also against it. I mean, at some point you will get caught playing both sides of the field - then what? And I mean this in a strictly In-Character basis. If you wanna hang out with CIS whilst writing for the Republic, sure do you.

To create stories for those who find values of one faction or another not to align with their character belief system. To be the driving force for Freedom! I dunno, some cool stuff like that ya know?

Where would we go with the Core being taken by the Galactic Alliance?: There are many options that would allow us to flourish without the threat of other Factions - also you gotta remember, the Codex is a thing. We can just make our homeworld. Coruscant is only cool cause the movies, books, TV. We can be different.

Tl;dr - Looking for writers and interested folk to join this, bounce ideas off each other and have a good old time. If we lose Invasions, it's cool. If we win, cool. I want anyone who joins to have a place and those we collaborate with to be excited to engage us in story, be it invasion or whatever. I enjoy the Republic, the concept, ideals and the potential stories behind it. Isn't that what we are here for?

It is so easy to be bad (Looking at you Sith) but it is so much harder to be good.
I am happy to answer any questions, or anything via Discord Message, PM or on the forum.

Also, can we please stay on topic of interest, follow up questions and such? If you have any gripes or anything that doesn't pertain to this - MSG me and we'll talk about it.

Also I considered something like the Galactic Federation Triumvirate but it seemed that was more the path of the current GA and NIO. Not for what I was intending/hoping/whatever.
Also, we would have totally awesome flair. I mean, cause it's all about aesthetics, ya?

Will give this a few days or whatever for people to think about and make a decision later on.

Thanks for stopping by and reading this.
It is so easy to be bad (Looking at you Sith)

I'm all for new ideas and people stepping forward and presenting them, but honestly, this sounds really close to almost exactly what the Galactic Alliance is. I think the question has already been asked, but what would make this stand out against the Galactic Alliance who has a Republic feel/aesthetic - including a senate, new jedi order and stuff? L Long Gone
Is it though? The premise, sure? But would the GA (Canon) have allied themselves with the Imperial Remnant? Would we be different if the order was included instead of added in later by vote? Would we be different if we decided that the CoS, GM, and the Supreme Commander were a Triumvirate? Would we be different if the very founding was based off something else? What if I had opted to make a Jedi led faction with some political undertones like the High Republic? A bunch of what ifs. Nothing was definite, and now nothing will be.

Maybe or maybe not we take this path or that path, or hell if this thing didn't materialize into anything. If enough people (Which I doubt now) expressed interest, it could have gone in a completely different direction or made changes based off player feedback to where it had a stark contrast from the Galactic Alliance.

There are people who aren't interested in the direction the current GA is heading. I have nothing to do with that.

If they want to involve themselves in something else - this is their chance, if they don't then this just becomes another idea that didn't go anywhere. It's no loss. It's all talk. Bringing salt to the thread after I specifically asked people not to, posting your little one liners and questions that are intended to be inflammatory - well now, that is your reputation you're putting out there. And this isn't specifically at you Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , this is well, anyone who feels it applies to them. It is rather obvious, people aren't stupid. Stark contrast between your approach and those of your peers.

If you're comfortable bashing people's ideas into oblivion before it even takes off - damn, I thought Chaos was different and better than that. I could have sworn I put Interest Check for those who were interested, not those who desired to pummel something into submission.

But I digress, you win. This idea is withdrawn and I request that Srina Talon Srina Talon or John Locke John Locke delete it - salt free.

Thanks for those who messaged me, maybe some other time.
... I wasn't trying to bash the idea before it took off. I can't speak for anyone else that posted in this thread, but I genuinely wanted to know what the difference(s) would be.

As to those that don't like where the current GA is headed - have you tried talking with the faction? Cause from the interpreted tone of the beginning of the last reply, that doesn't seem to be the case - and it seems to be cherry-picked information based upon a potential future for the current iteration of the Galactic Alliance.

I'm all for different takes on ideas. What I don't like, is being thrown into the same boat as people trying to bash ideas and shut down the conversation.
Thread has been locked as requested.

However, I will also add that it's quite possible and allowed to try and create a faction of similar alignment and goals. After all, no one is forcing you to join anything, if someone wants to join it, that's their choice. The fact there is already a similar faction does not invalidate others making their own spin on it.

So let's leave it here for now.
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