Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interest Check: The Order To End All Orders

[member="Kobe Seren"] Figured.

While there isn't much I can do for an Order splitting off to follow a NJO or Republic style... There is the subject of certain Jedi having... Priorities. Like the dark side hunters. Maybe establishing divisions for a style like that, that gets popular.. Re-establishing the Jedi Shadows may be good for the aforementioned, letting them put EMPHASIS on their darksider hunts while still doing the rest of their duties
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

You need to think: Can they already do that within their own sects/off-shoots?

There's nothing stopping the Silver Jedi from springing up the Jedi Shadows, if they haven't already.

Try and find your own niche, something which will have people wanting to join your Faction - something that the others do not offer.

As I say, not doing this to be a douche; genuinely trying to help you. I know the struggles of initially setting up a Faction and successfully keeping it going. You can't rely on recycled ideas to get you through it. It needs to be enticing.

Do you still have Skype? I don't wanna clutter up your thread D: Add CatharticSnowflake if so
Joshua DragonsFlame said:
Now, titles... Here's where it gets tricky. Council spots, titles, stuff like that... While ANY Jedi can join this new Order... ONLY Jedi that are exclusive to this specific Jedi Order are allowed to have council spots or any sort of titles such as Weaponmaster, or any sort of special rank or position of power that may be bestowed. This allows all the Jedi in the galaxy to be under one united front, no matter what flags they are waving for different Orders, but the council itself is made up of Jedi that are united, with the same goals and the same wish for the direction of the Order.

This paragraph feels wrong and the end of it contradicts the whole supposed point of this 'New Order' you speak of. What it seems to me like you're saying is that while you can be in two different Orders at once there will be some within this New Order that has more privileges over the rest of the members simply because they are exclusive to your New Order. For a second you actually had me interested in this but if anything this New Council should be based off of the Masters who aren't from the same Order. That way the decisions wouldn't be made with one crowd in mind but with all different kind of jedi around the board.

I believe that what the Jedi around the board needs right now isn't to be put, or forced, under the same banner as much as they need more understanding of the other order philosophies. To accept that what a Jedi is to me as a writer is not the same as it is to you as a writer and that despite our differences we can still put them aside and write a story and faction that is fun for the both of us and all other parties involved.

So my suggestion to this faction you have proposed is not necessarily to shelve it but to refine it a bit more. Think of ways to bring all Orders into this without forcing them into it through exclusivity. Pique their curiosity and catch their interest through innovative thinking and ideas. Nobody wants to leave their Order for something as uncertain as a new faction. Come up with an idea that makes you you and separates you from the other Orders.

The Jedi Academy for example did this by focusing solely on the teaching and learning aspects of being a Jedi. They exist only on planets that allow them to be there which is why they have effectively spread into both Republic, Silver Jedi and Mandalorian territory.

So yeah, kind of a good idea but try to get rid of the exclusivity that seems to be implied in the quoted paragraph.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
It is an interesting concept, yet I believe that the many before myself have already given reason enough as to why this iteration would have its own problems or cause more.
For now I'll keep to my Insidious Force Cult.
[member="Kana Truden"] Thank you for your honesty, now here is mine. The reason the exclusivity is there is to prevent seperate agendas from getting in the way of this Order's direction. Otherwise it will be a clusterkark of differing agendas, fights could potentially break out, and you might not be able to trust your own council. This way, we have a council that has the same goal in mind. I wouldn't even call it a privilege thing. No matter what colors you fly, you're allowed to join this particular Order like anyone else with the same privliges, besides council spots. It's more of a safety and keeping order thing. We are stil a separate entity, an Order of our own.
Joshua DragonsFlame said:
Re-establishing the Jedi Shadows may be good for the aforementioned, letting them put EMPHASIS on their darksider hunts while still doing the rest of their duties

This is actually slowly happening among The Jedi Order and will hopefully grow through the Jedi Academy Network. We've developed a Jedi Shadow Enclave, a Jedi Shadow Training Vessel (The Gnost Dural) and have done several "shadow" missions. Hopefully it will build more in time.

On a different note, I applaud the notion of bringing the Jedi Orders together.....but as [member="Kana Truden"] has said the Jedi Academy Network is already working on doing just this. They are bringing together, or attempting to bring together, the Jedi Orders that are on the board. I almost feel like trying to do this while they are trying to do it would be counter-productive.
[member="Kian Karr"]

I've noticed that the Jedi Academy Network doesn't really have threads beyond training, and it seems to just be a cross-order training area. This is meant more as an Order in itself, with the intention of putting members of all Orders under one roof and putting them in missions together to slowly cement a true sense of unity among the Jedi, regardless of their flags.
[member="Kian Karr"]
No offense Master Karr but I am sort of sensing you think the only order that matters and can bring unity is your own. Could be Misreading your intentions here tho, excuse me and apology if I am.
-bows her head in respect of the Master Jedi-
Silara said:
As always, I support another Jedi Order. It only helps to thin the pool of Jedi.
Does that make me a bigger fish in a smaller pond? Or a smaller fish in a bigger pond the answer chocolate?


Can I have a maths question, I'm good at those :)
[member="Mallory Pryde"]

No, not in the least. I'm affiliated with the Jedi Order of the Republic and the Jedi Academy Network, and I don't think I implied anywhere that either organization is better at uniting the various Orders on this site. I was merely pointing to the fact that if one organization is already trying to do this, then starting a second organization to do it is counter-productive. For example, in American politics if you have a vote going on and there is 1 Democrat running against 2 Republican candidates it is a great thing for the Democrat, as it potentially divides the voter pool of the Republican candidates and weakens their odds of winning.

In a similar way if you have Jedi joining this Order and then other joining the JAN, then you will still not end up with unity as they will be split between the two larger orders (and still likely others that pop up). I'm not suggesting that the JAN is better and as has been pointed out it is currently only structured as an academy setting. What I am suggesting is that having two Orders attempting to do the same thing (if they are indeed attempting to do the same thing) will be counter-productive.
Joshua DragonsFlame said:
[member="Kian Karr"]

I've noticed that the Jedi Academy Network doesn't really have threads beyond training, and it seems to just be a cross-order training area. This is meant more as an Order in itself, with the intention of putting members of all Orders under one roof and putting them in missions together to slowly cement a true sense of unity among the Jedi, regardless of their flags.
I think the answer to this is time? I'm not in an official capacity to make a statement but it's better to ease into it rather than cram it down the throats of the members.

Now, titles... Here's where it gets tricky. Council spots, titles, stuff like that... While ANY Jedi can join this new Order... ONLY Jedi that are exclusive to this specific Jedi Order are allowed to have council spots or any sort of titles such as Weaponmaster, or any sort of special rank or position of power that may be bestowed. This allows all the Jedi in the galaxy to be under one united front, no matter what flags they are waving for different Orders, but the council itself is made up of Jedi that are united, with the same goals and the same wish for the direction of the Order.

I think this would create diversity more than unity - to be completely honest. Might even create a sense of: "Well, I was here and support this faction more so than you do because you're off helping other Orders, ect." *waves hands*

I think the thing I enjoy about the JAN the most is the fact it brings every Jedi Order together - in a singular network and allows diversity without judgement. Granted, long-term goals might be unity, but no one has set anything in stone nor is focused on that. Jedi are Jedi - there aren't: TJO Jedi versus Army of Light Jedi. It's all in how the tenets are viewed - with minor variations. Creating yet another Order in an attempt to unite them is a noble gesture but there might be other things out there already.

I think (And this doesn't apply to you.) People lose sight of the bigger picture - You're a Jedi, I'm a Jedi, we both fight for the Light side of the Force and against Sith and "evil" so to speak. Protectors, whatever. Who really cares what allegiance or government you wish to serve? When the Jedi Order was huge and grand, and even in the NJO - the Republic was the greatest government and that is why in EU, we rely on that example.

Going about a century forward - the Jedi Order served with the Empire and Galactic Alliance under the Galactic Federation. I believe before that they might have been neutral during the Fel Empire.

I guess point is - things aren't what they were in canon and JAN seems like it's on the right path.
[member="Kian Karr"] Nor am I saying this would be any better, but they are also two different ideas at present. The JAN is academy-based, not order-based, and I haven't been indicated that this plans to change in the future. What I would like to do is attempt to do both, having a structured Jedi Order that not only trains, but also provides the dynamic mission system I mentioned before as a means to put a Jedi, no matter what Order they are in, with another Jedi at random, or perhaps by who it seems they would fit best with, with a mission and give them a reason to thread, do a mission together, and not only do their duties as a Jedi, but also grow their own circles via working with other Jedi, making friends and bonds with them along the way, and overall bringing the Jedi together as a unit. This creates something I love very much, which is roleplay opportunities and plot opportunities. Getting the Jedi characters acquainted with one another and working together.

As for the "Only exclusives may hold a position" idea... Perhaps that could be tweaked if it's a serious issue. Perhaps allowing all Jedi, regardless of Order to be eligible for positions such as Council spots or others, unless they already hold such a position elsewhere?

Connor Harrison

Hm. As part of the Silver Jedi, I can say that we have splinter units within our Order that focus on different areas; Shadows, Seers, Guardians - intelligence gathering, healing, lots of various skills from various Jedi pooled together in their strongest areas to form one strong Order. BUT that Order is a little rough around the edges, which makes characters like Connor, initially, feel they have a place where other Orders may frown upon him. And vice versa- other specific Orders may have their own standards to keep and special traits, but at the end of the day, we all serve the same side.

Let me use an awful metaphor here to show my view on an "order to end all orders":

Say the character of James Bond represents the Light Side of the Force. And then, representing James Bond to the rest of the world we have our actors.

Sean Connery. George Lazenby. Roger Moore. Timothy Dalton. Pierce Brosnan. Daniel Craig.

Each one has certain characteristics that serve a slightly different interpretation of James Bond but, at the end of the day, represent James Bond undeniably with a united front. Connery fans may not agree with Dalton fans. Craig fans differ on points raised by Moore fans. BUT they agree that they all serve the character to nothing but greatness.

Each actor represents one Jedi Order. They agree one some things, disagree on others. BUT when it boils down to it, will unite to defend the James Bond name against the haters (ie: the Sith) when called upon.

Let Orders have their own interpretation of the Light Side, to explore paths not taken by others without fear of not "adhering" to what is deemed acceptable, or Jedi-like, or whatever amongst other characters they may well feel intimidated by. But let all Orders come together when the Light Side of the Force calls upon them to stand together to defend the greater goal.

Wow, I managed to blend Star Wars and James Bond horribly there. That's just all MHO.
The fact of the matter is, every time a new Jedi Order is created it causes other Jedi or newer Jedi to split up further divided, regardless of existing in multiple factions, as not everyone will agree with one particular idea or goal. So when I say I approve of this idea because it "thins out the pool of Jedi", I mean you're just helping the Sith take over by trying to unite everyone into a whole brand new order. The best bet for success is to bring together the existing Jedi factions under one roof, whether they like each other or not, otherwise there's still the opportunity for people to look elsewhere. I'm not saying this from an OOC standpoint of factions and freedom to do so - more of a perception of possible consequences from an IC standpoint.
[member="Silara"] The question is, why would it split them if this particular one is totally fine with this not being the only "Jedi Order" they're in? I'm not asking anyone to leave the Orders they're currently in.

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