Rahn Haaku
Minister of Foreign Affairs, CSA
Hey all, I hope this is the right place to put this. I'm pretty new to the faction but it has been a great time writing with you all and I am certainly not going to stand by and watch our island of sanity, peace and prosperity be threatened by morally ambiguous neighbors. I would love to hear feedback and don't be afraid to make better suggestions or tell me the idea is bonkers.
I'm a big fan of the RTS game Sins of a Solar Empire and one of the game's factions, the Trader Emergency Coalition, is fairly similar in structure/ideology to the CSA so it got me thinking that we could utilize the same war-time industrial practices that are used in the game and its lore.
My pitch: The Trader Emergency Coalition is a government/private sector partnership formed with the express purpose of marshaling the economic power of the CSA and directing it towards defense and military preparedness.
With the Sith at our border, I suggest implementing an IC framework to allow the CSA government to temporarily direct businesses within our borders via royal decree. An oversight board of military, government and business leaders will work to efficiently utilize and direct resources from planet to planet and company to company.
Organizational Scheme/Resource Utilization and Distribution Strategy: Thanks to the Whispering Tyrant's planetary territory list, I have surveyed our planets and identified canon companies/locations that could be utilized for our benefit.
-For example, our planet Surron in the Expansion region is home a hive-mind species that is renowned for its starship designs. These designs could be built by trained starship engineers who graduated from the Institute of Starship Engineers on our Inner Rim world of Perithal VI. The metals and materials could be mined on one of our mining worlds/companies. The actual construction would take place at our shipyards on Gyndine or Damoria.
CSA/TEC Military Industry Overview: The Commenor Systems Alliance's long history of galactic trade, industrialization, and economic stability have provided the solid foundation on which this ambitious restructuring of industrial resources can take place. However the moral compass of the cSA has not shifted and peace/neutrality remains one of their chief foreign policy goals. While other galactic factions rely on overwhelming aggression or superior offensive capabilities, the CSA/TEC focuses on fortifying its territory. The hallmarks of CSA/TEC products are strong alloys, thick hulls, and strong shields. They plan to invest heavily in static defenses such as orbital emplacement, ground emplacements, and area-denial weaponry.
My idea here is to work with other writers to paint a clear, indisputable IC picture that the CSA is an economic juggernaught that can quickly mobilize and organize its industries for war. The Mandalorians have Beskar and a fanatical love of conflict, the sith have sorcery and lightnight and doomsday weapons, I look around and see that many factions have something that they are known for, as the largest neutral power in the galaxy it only makes sense that we have one of the stronger economies. I admit its not as sexy as a superweapon, but it is far more practical and establishing a resilient IC economy/military industry may give us a logistical edge in a future conflict.
I'm a big fan of the RTS game Sins of a Solar Empire and one of the game's factions, the Trader Emergency Coalition, is fairly similar in structure/ideology to the CSA so it got me thinking that we could utilize the same war-time industrial practices that are used in the game and its lore.
My pitch: The Trader Emergency Coalition is a government/private sector partnership formed with the express purpose of marshaling the economic power of the CSA and directing it towards defense and military preparedness.
With the Sith at our border, I suggest implementing an IC framework to allow the CSA government to temporarily direct businesses within our borders via royal decree. An oversight board of military, government and business leaders will work to efficiently utilize and direct resources from planet to planet and company to company.
Organizational Scheme/Resource Utilization and Distribution Strategy: Thanks to the Whispering Tyrant's planetary territory list, I have surveyed our planets and identified canon companies/locations that could be utilized for our benefit.
-For example, our planet Surron in the Expansion region is home a hive-mind species that is renowned for its starship designs. These designs could be built by trained starship engineers who graduated from the Institute of Starship Engineers on our Inner Rim world of Perithal VI. The metals and materials could be mined on one of our mining worlds/companies. The actual construction would take place at our shipyards on Gyndine or Damoria.
CSA/TEC Military Industry Overview: The Commenor Systems Alliance's long history of galactic trade, industrialization, and economic stability have provided the solid foundation on which this ambitious restructuring of industrial resources can take place. However the moral compass of the cSA has not shifted and peace/neutrality remains one of their chief foreign policy goals. While other galactic factions rely on overwhelming aggression or superior offensive capabilities, the CSA/TEC focuses on fortifying its territory. The hallmarks of CSA/TEC products are strong alloys, thick hulls, and strong shields. They plan to invest heavily in static defenses such as orbital emplacement, ground emplacements, and area-denial weaponry.
My idea here is to work with other writers to paint a clear, indisputable IC picture that the CSA is an economic juggernaught that can quickly mobilize and organize its industries for war. The Mandalorians have Beskar and a fanatical love of conflict, the sith have sorcery and lightnight and doomsday weapons, I look around and see that many factions have something that they are known for, as the largest neutral power in the galaxy it only makes sense that we have one of the stronger economies. I admit its not as sexy as a superweapon, but it is far more practical and establishing a resilient IC economy/military industry may give us a logistical edge in a future conflict.