Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Interest check...

OK folks just wanted to throw this out there. Now if any of you saw Tefka post there is on going discussions about changes to "major" factions.

Long and short of it it seems while I was gone no one was able to take over leadership due to the time needed to properly run a major. Was that the only reason folks voted Minor or were their other reasons?

I ask because technically we are still a recalled Major due to our request, we can undo that and I have asked if our status can be froze while we talk about this.

Just two questions I have (yes went Yoda there) and ALL input welcome.

1. Is there interest to stay major in one form or another? Especially if they remove the mandatory dom requirements?

2. If there is interest I would like to split the underground out of the major, let it be its' own thing as so many love it. Would those that want to go major care about a name and board change?
Personally, I’d love to see a major “good ol’ lovable rogues” faction. I’m not sure if we hit that mark for the few months we were major, given the nose dive of our activity. I know that a lot of people have sentimental attachment to The Underground, so I don’t see an issue with that staying minor if we decide to split off and make a major faction that is…similar? I’m not too sure where we’d take something like that or what the difference would be.
I'm a bit sceptical about the sustainability. If Outback (or whatever it would call itself) stayed major, I think it would need a more solid idea of what it stands for, why it's on the map and wants it to achieve. This is just my personal view, but I think there was a lack of unification in that regard.

It's my perception that there was a lot of nostalgia for the Underground, which is understandable, but also held things back since it wasn't a minor faction anymore.

Is it supposed to be a faction scoundrels and rogues who keep to themselves? A Rebel Alliance that goes out to battle the bad guys (which in the end means playing the map game that gets criticised a lot)?
Elpsis Elaris said:
I'm a bit sceptical about the sustainability. If Outback (or whatever it would call itself) stayed major, I think it would need a more solid idea of what it stands for, why it's on the map and wants it to achieve. This is just my personal view, but I think there was a lack of unification in that regard.
[member="Elpsis Elaris"] - I 100% agree with you on this, I have an idea about that. Writing it up now but from the peeps I bounced it off of they are excited and it make since to them. I will expand later today as time allows. Till then please keep discussing, ALL ideas welcome. Wide open, judgement free zone here.
Ok, a couple of thoughts/values:

Imagine this. All these worlds we protected go 'thanks, that's great, but we need something more concrete.' they make an actual government of sorts, maybe with the alliance of free worlds model, maybe from choosing to become protectorates of the strongest among them (Kathol Republic, Kal'Shebbol, etc.). So all of us either go 'yeah we'll stick around and help' or head off to fight elsewhere.

As for what this government could stand for, I could see getting some traction as an alliance of free worlds that's big on liberating crap (nearby enemies: FO, IR). Think a proactive version of the Levantine Sanctum, a non-horde Fringe, Firefly's Independents, or a wilder, less law-and-order GA. Pluralist and individualist, big on self-determination, almost libertarian but interventionist. Might be kind of suspicious of how shiny and law-and-order the GA is. Aesthetics might range from Firefly to Westerns to the grungy side of cyberpunk.

It's not far from what we've got, but it's more...Well, active. Thoughts?
Expanding on that above, love it by the way [member="Jorus Merrill"]

So long and short of it my Idea is this.
The US of K or United System of Kathol. (working title not in stone more of the concept)

Basically as TKO we were the founding fathers so to speak, a bunch of flawed kinda do gooders we saw a need and decided to help. We fought back tyranny and oppression. When we were done we were ready to leave however the people asked us to stay.

Just like George Washington you have been asked to stay, to help build a nation he helped create. Without your presence the people fear that they will fall back into the night.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among its people, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —”

It is the next chapter in the Kathol sector. A loose band of system have united around a common goal, mutual defense and freedom from oppression.

We will keep our open sand box and make it more ordered. An “official” military will be created. We will have a central seat of power not on a planet but at the neutral station just like the US does with washington DC.

Writers will be free to come in and create new system as they please, open new companies with full faction backing. We will dom out way, expend when we want to and how we want to.

Want to create a temple of spider monkey Jedi, go for it.

A planet where you rule as supreme dictator for life, all you.

It is the evolution of TKO into something more sustainable. Story driven by freedom , dom of the stuff we create and sub.

The Reaper of Won Shasot
Addressing your first two questions:

1) I'd love to remain major. I do find doms and rebellions to be fun due to, as a faction, if provides a lot of opputunities for writers who typically don't interact to have a chance to do so. So of my best moments came from these I think.

2) I actually am also behind the idea of having an Underground offshoot whose explicit purpose is to do internal stories that aren't related to the map game. I don't see much of a reason for a name change though, keep the major faction the TKO and keep the minor faction the Underground.

On to government/galactic goals.

I was always underthe impression that TKO's long term goals were to liberate systems from tyrannical/oppressive governments and act as a temporary government as the people established an actual and stable government.

I do like [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s idea of having an Alliance of Free Worlds. Especially if the end goal is to establish a true neutral conglomerate of sorts who'se only rule is 'don't oppress your people' or something like that. Plus a true neutral FU order of sorts would be nice.
[member="Dax Fyre"] that is the idea, throw twist is now the people are asking us to say, to help lead the government. Give us purpose for some to remain, we will have our separate interests, but will have a public center finally.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
[member="Bryce Bantam"]
I'm all for it. Maybe it'd be better to organize it as a Confederacy though, where all the planets maintain their own sovereignty but ultimately have a few laws that they have to abide to. That way we maintain a public face and organization but allow the determinism we've been advocating.
I feel like it ran it's course, and it needs to go personally. It feels like clinging to nostalgia otherwise. We tried. It ran well. Now it's run to the end and it is time to let it be.

However, if the group wants it to stay around. The name should almost assuredly change, because we may or may not stay within the Outback. To what, I have not a clue yet. I do like [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s ideas, they have some potential. But if we do this, it needs to be a very clear mark and step forward. If we stay major, we stay *major*. The way we approach doms, the map, and more needs to change, or all we will wind up doing is repeating ourselves I fear.
[member="Bryce Bantam"] - Major is about the Map. In my opinion, there is no escaping that. We tried a variety of it without, but as you can see the drive compared to other Major Factions tapered off and died *sharply* when the FA's and FO's weren't behind it constantly. And it's not a sustainable model. Not with how Majors are set up. It will lead to constant burn-out and a revolving door of staff, or things like Bryce experienced, where a small bump in life crumbles the whole thing.

As to how or what? I don't know. The Map has never interested me. Probably never will. I've never had a single positive experience involving it, and it's been a year or two now at it. Not a one. I participated in less than a handful or invasions and have been personally insulted, ostracized, and more. So if this is going to stay Major, then my involvement will likely be minimal. I'm content to be a naysmith or sounding board, and I won't leave, but I have no ideas on how to proceed with staying Major because I have no independent interest in doing so, because there isn't any benefit to it.

TL;DR - Why Major? What possible benefit do we get out of it?
How about this: planets and groups of planets keep doing their own thing, but an overarching government is established to handle a very short list of things (a collective military, free trade, maybe little things like navigational data and anti-slavery agreements).
We need to completely rebrand ourselves as the evolved version of TKO. The Outback had a good run, but now it's time to move onto bigger, better things. It's time the galaxy had a new major government, not just a collection of space-terrorists.

I believe we should form sort of a decentralized government. While we manage the general basics within out territory/jurisdiction, the planets are ultimately left to decide for themselves. We would mainly just provide protection and stuff. That being said, people who write said planets would have complete freedom to write as they wish.

The idea isn't well polished but we can get down to that after we write and develop. Imagine it like an old-school America, founded on the beliefs of freedom from oppression and fought through bloody rebellion.

tl;dr: What [member="Jorus Merrill"] said
Jorus Merrill said:
How about this: planets and groups of planets keep doing their own thing, but an overarching government is established to handle a very short list of things (a collective military, free trade, maybe little things like navigational data and anti-slavery agreements).
And also settle disputes between systems, can have some fun story there with playing peace maker.

Think was are looking more like staying major, lets keep this conversation train rolling. What else you got?
There are some perks to staying Major, like visibility. Downside is the map game and all the entails. Certainly many pro/cons that almost need a separate thread alone.

Alliance of Planets sounds interesting, can we draw enough interest to gather people in? I almost think we'd have to play it as "come do what you want within reason" type of deal. Maybe open up a discussion to the wider Chaos community and see if anything sparks their interest? Not saying pander to any idea, it might be a good idea on what folks look for in an "independent" type faction.

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