Priscilla Utorna
~lacking empathy~

Interpol Peacekeepers
OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION- Intent: Legitimize a group that my character is apart of
- Image Credit: Group Sigil, Japan Times - Director Burke, Blizzard entertainment - Interpol Peacekeepers, dsngfm/Electronic Arts - Taiwanese flag edit,
- Role: Intergalactic justice enforcement unit
- Links: N/A
- Group Name: Interpol - Intergalactic Law and Justice enforcement organisation
- Classification: Quasi-government department
- Headquarters: Coruscant
- Loyalties: Justice, whoever currently controls Coruscant (Currently Galactic Alliance)
- Group Sigil: Here, Official "Flag" Here
- Description: Peace, Justice and Freedom. The three tenants of Interpol. Created as a sub-division of the Coruscant Security Force and now serving as an intergalactic entity, it seeks to protect the people and act as a supportive unit to enforce law around the galaxy.
- Hierarchy:
Director - The big boss of the group. Manages it on an intergalactic level, designating funding and reviewing some (but not all) major incident reports - Sector Executive - Basically, does what the Director does but on a more local, specialized scale.
- Peacekeeper - The bulk of members and the as far as most will get. Fugitive and asset recovery on behalf of government departments. In some cases, may act as a Law Enforcement Officer though not usually.
- Counselor - Where training begins. Acts in a more public manner, acting on behalf of Law Enforcement Agencies where agreed.
- Membership is exclusive to former or current members of a government department. Although not exclusive to law enforcement, this is who their primary sources of membership are. Although people don't apply at first, you would be approached by a Sector Executive to speak about the application process, which acts as employment in a regular business with some added legalities.
- Peace, Justice and Liberty, the three things that it was founded upon by the organisation's current and first Director, Ryla Burke. Following terrorist attacks in Coruscant Galactic City, Ryla, who was the Chief of Police at the time, founded Interpol on the basis that it would protect the citizenry of any sovereign nation and enforce that laws that were present on that same planet.
- The only thing that distinguishes this group from the general public would be the group sigil, which is also a badge that every member of the organisation carries at all times. Whether they openly display it is another matter entirely. To some people, it represents the very thing that the group was founded upon. To others, it might represent the corruption that comes with globalization, and big government trying to take away their rights.
- The sigil itself is a 4-pointed badge with a red crystal in the center, located in the above. (Image sources)
- The primary function of the group has already been met - Protect the Citizenry of all nations that have agreed to Interpol's terms. In the future, it would like to enforce intergalactic law that all planets must abide by in the form of several treaty ratifications, similar to war crimes but on a much more intergalactic scale and focusing more on personal rights, such as the right to religion, freedom of speech, (where it can be trusted) and then physical necessities, such as the right to basic sanitation, food and fluids.
Director Burke

Former Chief of Police of the Coruscanti Security Force, Director Burke is now focusing her efforts on expanding Interpol to an even wider appeal.
Interpol was founded after a particularly devastating terrorist attack on Coruscant City, (the very same attack lead them to use primarily droid officers in more dangerous areas) by a rebel extremist group opposing an "authoritarian government", but who's real motives was to drive weapons manufacturing prices through the roof and create fear in the general populace to bolster sales.
Although the Corsucant Security Force knew about the plot, there was no organised task force that was capable of shutting the operation down. Current Chief at the time, Ryla Burke, before leaving her post created the sub-department of Interpol, who has since expanded into an intergalactic organisation working alongside local law enforcement and private contractors to bring fugitives to justice, or simply return them to their captors.
Interpol works within local law enforcement regulations, meaning the laws that they enforce are entirely dependent upon the nation that has agreed to their conditions. For example, if slavery was legal, then they would enforce laws surrounding it, even if it was considered morally bad. For this same reason, many people disregarded their mission as an excuse for profit, though the organisation does not receive much profit to begin with, given that it is officially considered a government entity in most jurisdictions.