Directorate Officer
Cyclone-class Bomber Echo Five, outskirts of the Fidlos System
The space around them began to light up with streams of incandescent ion cannon fire. Zurel rapidly flipped a bunch of switches on his console, causing various icons and dashboard lights to glow as systems come back online. We'll probably get spotted in a few seconds, but that's better than accidentally getting hit in the crossfire between the mines and the cartel...He slammed the throttle full forward, causing the Cyclone to relunctantly edge forward before gradually breaking out to its full speed. He could see twin streams of sapphire blue fire spring out from his own craft to lash out at the nearest assault boat. A muted klaxon sounded through his earpieces.
He glanced at dashboard. Enemy missile lock...just great...He began to gently guide the Cyclone in a route that would take it head-to-head with the enemy missile. He would have preferred a more forceful maneuver, but Cyclones weren't exactly known for having stellar maneuverability. He bracketed the oncoming warhead and tapped the firing stud of his ship's laser cannons. Twin emerald streams poured into the missile, causing it to detonate in a brilliant but short-lived flash. Relia's voice began to filter through his comlink among the various updates of arriving Directorate crafts.
"I'm ready for some payback. Bring her around for a run..."
"Didn't you start it?" muttered Zurel, now moving to point their craft's nose at the assault boat.
"Hell yeah...but I didn't launch a missile at no-one..."
He aligned his laser cannons on the stern of the enemy craft and eyed it carefully. He blinked. They're already in a world of hurt...Beset upon by the mines, the assault boat was lashing out almost at random at its hidden attackers. His eyes darted to the craft's engine block. And they've already lost a good amount of thrust from some of the ion cannon fire...I wonder if that was us, or the mines...He pulled the trigger, adding a stream of emerald bolts to Relia's ion cannon fire. Their fire began to chew through the stricken craft's shielding. The lieutenant watched as a secondary targeting bracket flickered green before becoming solid. The targeting computer began to produce a solid intonation, announcing that it had acquired a lock.
"Pull out," advised Relia.
He did so, just in time to see a pair of concussion missiles leap out of his craft to smash into the assault boat's rear. A brief flash of fire engulfed the enemy craft and briefly filled his cockpit with its light. But his craft's path took them away from the sight of the explosion. As he did so, they entered a spray of laser fire from another one of the Cartel's ships, but the Cyclone's heavy shields held as he put the craft through every evasive maneuver that he could think before the enemy fire abruptly ceased. He began to take the Cyclone in a banking maneuver back towards the Mynock-class Assault Boat.
"Their engines are out," announced Relia, "I think we should change our focus to a bigger fish..."
[member="Arlan Zy'rosh"]
The space around them began to light up with streams of incandescent ion cannon fire. Zurel rapidly flipped a bunch of switches on his console, causing various icons and dashboard lights to glow as systems come back online. We'll probably get spotted in a few seconds, but that's better than accidentally getting hit in the crossfire between the mines and the cartel...He slammed the throttle full forward, causing the Cyclone to relunctantly edge forward before gradually breaking out to its full speed. He could see twin streams of sapphire blue fire spring out from his own craft to lash out at the nearest assault boat. A muted klaxon sounded through his earpieces.
He glanced at dashboard. Enemy missile lock...just great...He began to gently guide the Cyclone in a route that would take it head-to-head with the enemy missile. He would have preferred a more forceful maneuver, but Cyclones weren't exactly known for having stellar maneuverability. He bracketed the oncoming warhead and tapped the firing stud of his ship's laser cannons. Twin emerald streams poured into the missile, causing it to detonate in a brilliant but short-lived flash. Relia's voice began to filter through his comlink among the various updates of arriving Directorate crafts.
"I'm ready for some payback. Bring her around for a run..."
"Didn't you start it?" muttered Zurel, now moving to point their craft's nose at the assault boat.
"Hell yeah...but I didn't launch a missile at no-one..."
He aligned his laser cannons on the stern of the enemy craft and eyed it carefully. He blinked. They're already in a world of hurt...Beset upon by the mines, the assault boat was lashing out almost at random at its hidden attackers. His eyes darted to the craft's engine block. And they've already lost a good amount of thrust from some of the ion cannon fire...I wonder if that was us, or the mines...He pulled the trigger, adding a stream of emerald bolts to Relia's ion cannon fire. Their fire began to chew through the stricken craft's shielding. The lieutenant watched as a secondary targeting bracket flickered green before becoming solid. The targeting computer began to produce a solid intonation, announcing that it had acquired a lock.
"Pull out," advised Relia.
He did so, just in time to see a pair of concussion missiles leap out of his craft to smash into the assault boat's rear. A brief flash of fire engulfed the enemy craft and briefly filled his cockpit with its light. But his craft's path took them away from the sight of the explosion. As he did so, they entered a spray of laser fire from another one of the Cartel's ships, but the Cyclone's heavy shields held as he put the craft through every evasive maneuver that he could think before the enemy fire abruptly ceased. He began to take the Cyclone in a banking maneuver back towards the Mynock-class Assault Boat.
"Their engines are out," announced Relia, "I think we should change our focus to a bigger fish..."
[member="Arlan Zy'rosh"]