Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
[member="Sven Talith"]
Sensors. Ember liked sensors. Lifesigns detectors, sonic whatnots, infrared, the works. His armor didn't have the most elaborate sensor suite in Mando history, but it did the job and then some. In a perfect world, he'd have had time to carve the blast door off the vault, bring it around, use it for cover one way or another. As it stood, he'd gotten two sides of a triangular door cut out before Talith's proximity strongly suggested he apply Ayden Cater's solution to the problem of not enough cover. A long step-and-slash blew a corner seam, another step and another cut put him back before the door, and Talith came around the corner.
A length of floor plating ripped itself up to touch the ceiling, blocking the passage between Ember and Talith. Massed stun fire sparked around the sheet metal, obscuring his sensors' perception of what lay beyond. Between that and Talith's Force-deadness, Ember was about to fire blind. He flattened himself against the corridor wall to the right, and his wrist-mounted Verpine shattergun put a spread of four fifty-cal slugs through the sheet metal at two thousand metres per second.
[member="Sven Talith"]
Sensors. Ember liked sensors. Lifesigns detectors, sonic whatnots, infrared, the works. His armor didn't have the most elaborate sensor suite in Mando history, but it did the job and then some. In a perfect world, he'd have had time to carve the blast door off the vault, bring it around, use it for cover one way or another. As it stood, he'd gotten two sides of a triangular door cut out before Talith's proximity strongly suggested he apply Ayden Cater's solution to the problem of not enough cover. A long step-and-slash blew a corner seam, another step and another cut put him back before the door, and Talith came around the corner.
A length of floor plating ripped itself up to touch the ceiling, blocking the passage between Ember and Talith. Massed stun fire sparked around the sheet metal, obscuring his sensors' perception of what lay beyond. Between that and Talith's Force-deadness, Ember was about to fire blind. He flattened himself against the corridor wall to the right, and his wrist-mounted Verpine shattergun put a spread of four fifty-cal slugs through the sheet metal at two thousand metres per second.