I am my Fathers son
Location: Cademimu V, Tribunal.
Tags: Shoom Gunray Onrai Aerarii Tithe Derix Tirall Marlon Sularen Detritus Ren Darth Ptolemis
He detested the endless tribunals and negotiations, the backstabbing and scheming that seemed to define the higher echelons of command. The groveling and pandering grated against his sense of pride and honor. Like his father before him, He was a warrior, bred for combat and action. Heir to the legacy of the Titan of Fury, Mandalorian and Embodiment of the Darkside himself. Kezeroth the Hateful. A sith lord, one that was betrayed and murdered during Operation Kyber Dark.
Even now he could hear his elders voice in the back his own psyche and what he would say to the members of the tribunal. If only he were still alive.
My use is in my sword and my skill of battle! I have no whining petulance to draw on! Maggot! I should bathe the kriffing galaxy in your bloods!
Yet, begrudgingly, Brigadier General Dezorath understood the necessity of playing the game. If he wanted to enact any real change, to make a difference in a galaxy he had sworn help conquer, he would have to learn to navigate these political minefields with finesse and style. As he approached his destination, a tribunal with yet another group of self-serving Moffs, Warlords and representatives of the Dark Empire all of which mouthed false platitudes of service in the name of the Emperor. A surge of deep distain washed over him. He loathed the idea of pandering to their whims, of sacrificing his principles for the sake of appeasing those in power. To even listen to their squabbles and infighting. Behind the heavy duraplast of his black clad helmet, incisors came to grind emitting a faint noise. A sound that was nothing to others but a symbolic representation of what he was to now endure.
The Gen'dai General flashed a look to the incoming guards in his way and slapped a large gloved hand to one of their chests. Forcing them to grab a datapad and with it, orders from up the chain of command that approved his place at the Tribunal. All of which occurred in one motion without even the hindrance of stopping his purpose driven stride, Next Dezorath pushed open the doors of the chamber and stepped into the fray, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him as a Brigadier General of the militaries special forces. Finally taking a seat at the table midst the group, forgoing any greeting or introduction. He began promptly reading the transcripts of the current meeting to catch up with any subjects he had missed.
As was his duty.
For the Empire.
For the Emperor.
For his Father....
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