Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Into the Unknown! - TSE Dominion of Zeta-09



To all outside appearances, the planet known by the designation Zeta-Zero-Nine is a frozen wasteland of little importance and worthy of barely a modicum of attention. Besides the icy surface, the planet is plagued by electromagnetic storms caused by its unique orbit, cutting off communications and disrupting many ship systems. Beneath that ice, however, is a vast ocean that conceals a dangerous and deadly secret.

A facility of the ancient Galactic Empire was once hidden in the oceans lying beneath the ice, a secret underwater base that developed advanced cyborgs to hunt down the enemies of a long-forgotten Moff. It had been claimed to be destroyed by the Rebel Alliance, but recently, cyborgs eerily similar to the old Death-Hunter Cyborgs have started to appear, assisting pirates and criminals aligned with a Weequay crime lord. Someone has rebuilt the base, and it is completely unacceptable that the technology does lie within Sith-Imperial hands…



A newly discovered forested world on the edges of the Tingel Arm, Isstol is a planet inhabited by aquatic-looking tribals. Untouched by any galactic power since ancient times, the natives are blissfully unaware of the wider chaos occurring in the galaxy and the war raging across the stars. However, their tranquility now comes to an end.

The Sith Empire has intercepted a survey ship from a mining corporation from the Core Worlds as it passed too close to Yaga Minor on their way back. Within their databanks were coordinates for Isstol, but much more importantly, the results of their survey scans. The planet is almost swimming in the rare hyperfuel coaxium, and as the Empire begins its campaign against the Silver Jedi, such a resource is needed. The planet is slated for annexation and exploitation, the status of the natives is to be determined...



Something calls from the edges of the galaxy, even further out than Zeta-Zero-Nine. An ancient construct has reappeared, beckoning those touched with the Force to come. No one truly knows what lies within this mysterious monolith, only stories hint at its true secret, but what is clear is that it is immensely powerful in the Force.

The Emperor has deemed the investigation of this cosmic mystery of utmost importance, leading an expedition shuttle to the construct himself. If it is what he and other Sith believe it is… then secrets and power long lost might be within grasp...
Objective: ?
Allies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Power and mystery fold around all of us in the shuttle. I stand beside my husband tapping my fingers along the opposite forearms crossed over my chest. The nebulous call from our Galaxy’s edge pulls at my mind, threatening to undo the mental healing Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf conducted those years ago.

Feels like two steps from yesterday.

Wonder if this construct is truly older than I am. So much of the Galaxy is yet, even if I’ve seen my share of nine hundred soon enough. Not that our children will allow me to forget. I stifle a smile and nudge Kaine’s shoulder. Raya near burned the Palace down with the candles a few weeks ago. Glory be, the candles. The memory filters from my mind to my husband-king’s, a pleasant moment’s distraction from the lack of instantaneous travel.

For now, I wait with Kaine and the few others to answer the call of whatever this mystery is, yet remain cautious. Some in our Empire are so hungry for knowledge, their prudence dissipates beneath their curiosity. Now, with my full faculties returned, I will watch over my husband and the others, ensure whatever cosmic force does creep upon us doesn’t cause a terrific fall or death.

I have my own suspicions on what await us, for now locked in my returned mind.
His Will, Among the Stars
Objective II: Secure the coaxium.
Location: High orbit over Isstol.
Tags: Feel free, either on your own or in my gunship.
Post Number I

Coaxium. To the man on the street, it was wealth beyond measure, but to the Armada it was so much more. Little wonder they had sent one of their own to ensure the secure transition of Isstol's vast deposits into Sith-Imperial hands.

Pacing back and forth within one of the Grim Conviction's ready rooms, Acting Captain Zeric Parcra was feeling uncharacteristically nervous, such feelings barely discernible on his carefully schooled features. This was, without a doubt, an assignment to make or break a man's career. Succeed, and his command of the Star Destroyer would likely be confirmed. Fail... and he might spend the rest of his career monitoring cargo shuttles.

"Sir, the Planetary Assault Regiment is ready, with four additional gunships on standby." Glancing down at the flickering holocommuncator, he gave a sharp nod to his first officer. "Excellent. Keep the Legion leashed - a diplomatic resolution would be optimal. Until I return, you have the bridge."

It was unconventional for a Captain to leave his ship like this, which he noted in the stance of the pair of marines who had appointed themselves his honour guard seemingly on their own accord, but he'd be damned if he left the future of his career in the hands of a subordinate. As the gunship and its fighter escort slid through the upper atmosphere, heading towards a settlement near the northern mountains - a fine, defensible, staging ground for a mining operation - he found himself hoping that the protocol droid would be able to make sense of the natives' language.
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The Emperor's shuttle navigated the gloom of the void, engines burning bright against the darkness that surrounded them. Even the distant light of stars dimmed the further they pressed onward, blackness threatening to engulf them utterly. Yet, the Dark Lord of the Sith was unperturbed even as his pilots grew ever more apprehensive the further they plied, for he had the strength of the Dark Side at his beck and call and feared nothing in the galaxy. If his pilots had any inclination of altering their present course, the steely eyes of the Emperor's guards at their back kept them in line.
Carnifex himself waited in the hold, levitating above the durasteel floor in a meditative pose as the Dark Side of the Force poured through his body like an open conduit. He and several other Sith shared this same position, their melded power acting as a mystical guidance system to the power which beckoned to them from beyond the veil of the galaxy. They were well beyond any charted settlements, their own navigational computer was utterly useless as they made jump after jump at seemingly random intervals. But when the Force was involved, nothing was truly random.
The shuttle finally exited hyperspace a final time in another uncharted system, a massive octahedron monolith rising up to meet them as they approached. Carnifex's eyes slowly opened as he levitated back down to the floor, an aide rushing forward to present an ancient tome to the Emperor. With a wave of his hand, he turned the yellowed pages to a specific passage which contained a rough sketch of the same monolith that now loomed before them.
"At last, as the legends foretold." He looked first to his wife, Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano , and then to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf .
"The Mortis Monolith."
Her body hung in the air, eyes closed, mind focused.

She felt as if she was floating in a vast ocean, adrift in its cold comfort. Ahead of her she could feel a thread, a pull, a force.

She grasped the thread with her mind's hand, but did not tug or pull it to her. Rather, at the merest touch, it drew her along. All she had to do was to keep in touch with it. Yet the thread was slippery, it wound and twisted, but Darth Ophidia held on and followed it like a hound on a trail. She did not release it even when she heard the words next to her. They were unimportant now, only the thread mattered, and where it went.

The turning of pages, movement, confirmation- no, only the thread.

Her curiosity was like an itch, but her focus was greater. While Sith drew power from their passions, they still needed the ability to focus and harness that energy; a mind of metal, a vault of unbreakable control to funnel the power of emotion.

She, and others, held the threads that lead them to this strange, old artefact -Holding on to what called them there.
One of those Sith sharing the hold with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was Darth Avacyn, who much like the Dark Lord shared in the freely flowing currents of the Dark side. With the Force as their guide, they sought an ancient monolith that bore immense power within. And so, deep within an uncharted system the shuttle went in search of it and the secrets it held. Like following a compass the woman sensed the direction in which they were to go, found through the collected power of the Sith that shared this chamber.

When the shuttle exited hyperspace a final time, Avacyn too let her concious float back to the material world. While some around her immediately busied themselves, she calmly let herself touch down with the ground and got to her feet in order to simply view the structure that was now in sight. Through the Force the woman reached out towards the monolith, and what she felt was not clearly defined, but still unmistakable.


What form this power took Avacyn could not perceive from where she stood, but it was potent nonetheless. The Mortis Monolith, it was called, and now that their search had ended, now the group of Sith had another task on their hands- unlocking it's secrets.
The darkness churned.

Inside the safety of the Crestfallen II the Lord of Death floated calmly above the floor next to the Sith Emperor and several others. Their power linked together in complete unison as they tracked the distant monolith in deep space, finding the thin tether in the vast current of untapped power. Their unified strength was enough to track the elusive structure through the vastness of space, and once they exited hyperspace all of them descended calmly to the floor. Unlike the others as the Shadow Hand touched the floor his body vanished in a swirling mass of pure manifested blackness drawn seemingly out of thin air itself. But when it faded something else was there. The massive form of the Sith Lord was encased completely in a set of impossibly large, jagged battle plate so dark it seemed to reflect the very light around it. It was an impossibly large set of plate that by all accounts shouldn't have been allowed to exist it was as mighty as it was terrifying.

Death hung over the armor like a shroud as if the plates itself had been saturated in the final moments of millions and bathed in oceans of sanguine blood. The suit culminated in a massive great helm where a pair of eyes burned like orbs of molten fury, and a group of three crimson jewel like objects radiated a bright glow. The Defiler's Triad it was a powerful artifact sacred to the legendary House Zambrano thought to have been lost, a trio of three gems bearing the tiniest fragments of the immeasurably powerful ancient Solomon the Black. Now it was a symbol of his crowning supremacy over all Epicanthix who live, over all of the Pacanth Reach. It was this imposing visage that became a thing of nightmares for the people of the world now called Moridinae. In certain circles he became known as the Despoiler of Mandalore for he was the chief architect of the worst act of ethnic, cultural genocide in modern times, a staggering feat to keep such an act of atrocity so quiet. To this end the entire Blackblade Guard became his angels of death, just as he was the Sith Emperor's Reaper.

"The gateway to a realm untouched by the ravages of time. A great mystery of the modern era soon to be solved." He said appearing beside Kaine as he finished speaking.



Saint of the Damned
Objective: ?
Allies: Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

What comforting solitude, Lark thought, the further the Sith shuttle drifted away from all known relics of civilization. Only a handful of Sith, and eternal blackness between them and another soul. Beyond all reaches of civility, in this empty node of space. Will here finally be where I unravel these visions that have scourged my mind for so long? Or will this "Morits Monument" provide me with only questions, just as my Necronomicon does? Lark could feel the timeworn structure calling out to him from beyond the veil of darkness, a siren's song as sweet as any he had ever heard. And oh, how familiar he was with that tune. Those horrible whispers, seeping out from within the cursed tome bound to Lark's hip. Did the maddening murmurs mimic the Mortis Monument, only with a more monstrous melody?

Satiate your desires, Lark commanded himself as the solemn structure came into view. Curiosity unchecked will lead towards a path of senseless folly. I will master these secrets, and by the time I'm done my mind will be intact.

Lark watched as Emperor Carnifex studied his own tome, confirming the location of the monument. Mine never showed me that, he thought. Mine only revealed... secrets. Personal secrets. Truths unknown even to myself. In all honesty, I'm glad it hasn't told me what it all signifies. The hunt for knowledge has always been more amusing.

Whether Mortis divulged the meaning behind the tome's visions or some other primordial secret, Lark would be prepared. He knew not what he would face within that haunted locus, but he would face it with unyielding willpower and necessary caution. And once all is said and done, I will emerge unbroken.

Anything to see my siblings once again.
Location: Isstol, upper atmosphere
Objective: II - Secure the coaxium
Allies: Captain Zeric Parcra Zeric Parcra
Post: 1

Sith-Imperial Credits, 50,000 units
Field rations, platoon, self-heating, 30 units
Heater, individual, lightweight portable, 50 units
Bacta, adhesive patches, 200 units
Miscellaneous, unsorted jewellery, unknown origin, 10 kilograms

Treasurer-General Tithe finished scrolling down the inventory list on his datapad before shutting down the device. He looked up at the locked containers, each stamped with the seal of the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan. It was far from the most opulent peace offering that he had ever brought to a negotiation, but according to what they knew of Isstol, it should suffice. Aerarii suspected that the Grand Treasurer, whose position he coveted, had played a hand in limiting the budget for the mission. If things went bad Aerarii would wear the blame, and arguments should a lack of resources would be meaningless.

But reward was rarely without risk. Securing the coaxium would further build his standing in the SIBC and position him as a rising star of the Banking Clan.

"Captain, I don't believe I've had a chance to ask - do you have experience negotiating with such... primitive peoples?" Aerarii moved forward through the dropship to stand alongside Captain Parcra. He tugged at the collar of his uniform, trying to loosen the tight fit caused by the armourweave vest he was wearing underneath for extra protection. With the exception of the SIBC patches, his uniform was same style and colour as a standard Legion uniform. A Major General's rank plaque was affixed to the front of the uniform, though its purpose was for ceremony and protocol - Aerarii had not authority over the landing force.

No one was more surprised than Aerarii that the treasury official was back in the field so soon after Kintan. He much preferred the safety and predictability of loyal Sith Empire worlds. But as much as he hated to admit it, the glory and recognition he had gained in service to the Emperor had proved addictive. A few more missions and he would have the support to make a play for a higher office, another step in his quest to regain his former wealth and influence.

"Two minutes to landing," called the dropship pilot. All around him, Armada marines snapped into action and began carrying out their final weapons checks. Aerarii clutched the overhead support rail with a white-knuckled grip as his pulse began to rise.
Objective: Mortis
Allies: Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano

The youth beside Darth Prazutis may have lacked the experience of her betters, but her small forays into the esotheric made Vigdis useful enough. Guided by her father’s hand. The Lord of Death overwhelmed the teenaged girl in size and power. Yet, it was comfort which infilled the waxing youth. Comfort in a father who never lied to her, and portrayed the truths of his decrepit ability to deceive others. To murder and destroy. Finally back by his side, Vigdis pressed her lips together, a split healing on the lower.

“When do we get to see it, Papa?” The black velvet cloak on Vigdis’ mahogany hair fell down, revealing lazy curls not held back by a half-tie. Her slim hand fit into her father’s, despite the mammoth and terrifying mask.

He who made himself Death to protect those they loved would be loved, even by one who returned to his side.

“Oh... oh wow.” Vigdis whispered, her black and red eyes widening at the sight of the monolith before the shuttle. She peeked up on her tip toes, trying to see it better from behind the other. A necklace of black metal, beset with sapphires clinked gently on her chersilk coat.

Karina Lowe Legacy

Objective I: Zeta-Zero-Nine
Allies: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn | Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa

The cabin was filled with the shriek of howling winds as the transport descended to the surface. A hole in the storm system through which they had attempted to pass had closed suddenly, and the small craft was tossed mercilessly from side to side as the pilots fought for control against the raging elements.

Sergeant Karina Lowe, seated behind the pilots, observed her readouts keenly, watching their altitude quivering with each buffet of the air, but dropping ever downward.

When their altitude reached 50 kilometres above the surface, Karina called out, shouting above the din.

"Stratosphere! Prepare fo-"

Her voice was lost as the intercom popped and crackled, and her sensor suite was suddenly awash with static. Then, one by one, the screens simply blinked out, warning klaxons briefly blaring before they fell silent. A few moments later, as the pitch of their spiral dive increased, the craft fell into the band of scudding clouds, and the cabin was plunged into pitch darkness.

She clenched her fists, the ship silent but for the straining sounds of the ion engines and the roar of the maelstrom throwing them about. Flashes of lightning illuminated the cockpit, leaving afterimages of the darkened consoles, and the pilots struggling to maintain control.

Minutes later, they emerged beneath the band of clouds, now only a few thousand feet in the air. Down here, the wind had subsided for a time. While still severe and gusting at the force of a gale, the pilots were much better able to control the ship down to the surface. Soon they were on their final approach, the transport landing by a half-buried metallic object sticking up from the otherwise featureless landscape.

They skidded to a stop, everyone breathing a sigh of relief, and Karina unlatched her harness and stood, gathering her gear and moving to the rear of the shuttle, where the squad was assembling by the loading ramp.
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Location: Zeta-Zero-Nine
Tags: Karina Lowe Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa

The sublight engines of the Azure Star wailed as they breached the freezing atmosphere of Zeta-Zero-Nine. Most secondary and tertiary systems had been shut down to prevent damage by the storm, resulting in a hair-raising contest between a stubborn engineer and a suicidal KR-TB Doomtreader. The cerulean craft choked just after escaping the polarized currents. Power rerouted to active secondary systems and Cara toyed with the radial atomizer engines, giving them enough power to level out the ship. It wasn't the most pleasant landing as ice scrapped against the hull.

She leaned back in the suspended pilot chair, a muted breath passing her lips as she relaxed. Toggle switches studded the arms of the chair and echoed a satisfying "click" as each were flipped. Lights and panels flickered to life as tertiary systems came back online. With a sharp whir the pilot's seat maneauvered further into the ship and turned inward. Cara stepped down to take stock of her winged workshop. The furnace came to life with a bellow of fire and green lights over her workbench were an assurance of active tools. Crates of materials and spare parts were still fastened in the corner, a crude reminder of why she came to the frozen waste.

Excited electric blurbs warbled from the living quarters above. Cara looked toward the stairs and headed up, taking two steps at a time. Aidee, a blue ID10 seeker droid, held a stainless steel mug in cautious claws.

A few more beeps accompanied by a whistle. Cara took the mug, metal fingers wrapping around the handle, "Oh yes, I'd hate to burn myself." Subtle, certainly, but it was definite that a smile tugged at her mouth.

"Resume last file," her instruction came as she moved to the small couch to sit down. Few datapads littered the couch as much as the papers did. Aidee bobbed over and pointed its green eye downward. A large holographic image of the planet appeared with several blocks of scrolling text. Cara nodded and brought the mug to her lips, "Select ZZ9 section-- MMPH!" Mug withdrawn immediately, Cara held it at arm's length as she swallowed what tasted like motor oil. Brow furrowed she managed not to cough-- not much.

"Chit. What is this?" She held it up to Aidee's mass of bulbous eyes. The droid responded with a surprised whistle then binary. Cara bit her tongue, looking away as she processed the fact that Aidee bought a supplement to caf. Addicted? No, she wasn't. She could stop drinking it anytime. This was persecution! She shook her head and rubbed her face, pinching the bridge of her nose as she lamented the loss.

"Aid... Continue."

After suiting up Cara performed a double check of her armor's systems along with her loadout of tools. Such objects were minor in size but would come in use for this assignment.

Aidee had picked up the nearby landing of Karina Lowe and company. Cara broadcasted her position to the sergeant and that she was to accompany them below. Cara grabbed the mug off from Aidee's head as both she and the droid exited the Doomtreader. When the droid turned away she poured out the fake caf before tossing the mug back inside.
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Objective: Mortis
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Vigdis Zambrano Vigdis Zambrano Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Mortis... It was a world of mystery that Kyrel had heard about while studying through Darth Vader's archives within Fortress Vader. He had thought it was only a legend but from what little mention he gathered. It was something that had piqued Vader's interest at some point during the Clone Wars. He had heard other legends and rumors of course. Mortis being the home of the ones. The ones were physical manifestations of the Force itself. It was said that the Father was signified all the aspects of the Force. The Daughter was the Light, and the likes of the Son was the Dark Side. When he had heard that a mysterious structure had been found in the Unknown space. The Master of Ren sought permission from the Sith Emperor himself to come aboard the expedition. Curious, and even frightened of what such immense power could be within the hands of the Sith. Kyrel sought answers to the dark voice that called to him from the edges of the Unknown Regions, his own personal doubts on where his place was as a Master of the Knights of Ren, and what immense power was held within the monolith.

Kyrel was among the entourage of Sith Lords and Ladies that were with the Emperor himself, Kyrel stood alone covered in his dark cloaks, and rusted battle damaged armor. While building a good rapport with the Emperor himself, he knew that he himself was not Sith. At best he was a cousin, an offshoot that came from the Sith, perhaps even a placeholder. Yet he couldn't deny that even in his beliefs in Ren ideals. His methods and his obsession came from the likes of a long-dead Sith Lord.

Watching as the others focused on the view of the massive monolith as the shuttle came from hyperspace. Kyrel was filled with immense dread, as he pondered if the Force itself was Mortis. Normally he felt that the Force was a tool. A weapon to be used and to be controlled like a wild animal. Yet for the first time as the shuttle started to descend towards it. He began to fear that if they were to gain control of the celestial powers from within. The Force could be imbalanced. That it would strike back with consequences the likes of them couldn't imagine. While it was natural for there to be dark and light. He had an odd superstition creep upon him that such a place was not to be taken lightly.

Watching the mysterious structure. He looked behind the expressionless mask he wore, hiding the look of anxiety and mixed curiousity as he said to himself clenching his fists. "It cannot be... Vader was right"
His Will, Among the Stars
Objective II: Secure the coaxium.
Location: Isstol, approaching native settlement.
Tags: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
Post Number II

Raising an eyebrow at the Treasurer-General's inquiry, Captain Parcra's reply was perhaps not what the man had hoped for. "None whatsoever. I assumed that was why the Banking Clan sent you?"

Trained eyes proceeded to examine the marines' preparations, before checking his own more limited equipment, uniform supplemented only by a betaplast cuirass and half-helmet. "Weapons to stun. Stay frosty, but if you spot a genuine and urgent threat... take the shot."

Turning his attention back to the Treasurer-General, the Captain decided to make sure the bureaucrat had been brought up to speed. "We should be setting down near one of the northern villages any moment now, though we might have to walk a bit before making contact. There doesn't seem to be any settlements in the nearby mountains - mountains which would be a perfect staging ground for our mining operations. If we can establish an understanding, keep them from launching any foolish raids, that should be enough for now. Let the career diplomats handle the specifics."
Objective: ?
Allies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Vigdis Zambrano Vigdis Zambrano Lark Lark Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

The mystery begins to reveal itself.

That thought had been dominating her mind ever since the call through the Force had reached her, reached them. Voss had provided some much needed clues to the Lady of Secrets and now... a shuttle full of Sith, led by the Emperor himself, had arrived in the Chrelythiumn system to behold a truly ancient monolith. One that had been sought after for generations.

The Emperor's aide brought forth the tom to confirm, the others stirring from their meditations, but she remained silent for the moment. The legends she read in the Jedi archives on Ossus and Sullust had told the Ones had long since been killed. The dagger used to do so had even ended the life of Akala when the Netherworld Incident occurred. That, more then anything, made her ponder what might be awaiting them on Mortis. Why was it calling out now, after hundreds of years? Something or someone had to be responsible, but who?

As the ship drew closer, the lights flickered and then... all power was lost. From the monolith, a white light started to shine from the equator, enveloping the ship and its passengers.

Fiolette Fortan

The Lady Violet sailed across the beautiful waters of Isstol, the recently retired Lord Admiral relaxed on the top deck of the yacht. She lounged with her arms behind her head with something tall and strong sitting on the side table beside her. A second worthwhile naval career, however; short was completed. She heard the sounds of her daughters in the pool just beyond the deck, Ryssa with her sisters Aerys and Nerralyn while Lucy and her family hung out on the deck below.
Somewhere on the boat Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn and Phoenix Edorath Phoenix Edorath were either having another drinking contest or enjoying lunch. The natives were astounded by the 230m luxury yacht that sailed on solar power. The sound of a six-string being strummed lofted toward her from the main deck. No doubt from the Air Marshal who strummed a nice little song, with a band of other current and retired military personnel from the Sith Empire.
Life was very, very good for Fiolette Raaf.
Objective: Mortis
Allies: Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Ahani Najwa-Zambrano Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Vigdis Zambrano Vigdis Zambrano Lark Lark

Someone had to watch over the Emperor and the others as they meditated our way through the miasma, and having it be me gave quite a bit of time for pause. First, Kyrel Ren lurking in the back. Shabby armour and a covered face… tisk tisk, I can only imagine how badly young Vigdis wants to give the man some boot polish, or armour cloths for a good scrub. Funny little child. Trying to be so tall.

“Vader usually was, to my recollection.” I toss a sordid bit of a smile in Ren’s direction, shifting beside my Emperor-husband and continuing to allow my formidable senses to expand outward, touch upon the untouched monolith, the surrounding space. Nine hundred birthdays here about. Give or take a few years, and I’ve only seen one or two moments which could barely brush upon this.

While the others may froth for the secrets of the Mortis Monolith, I stand a wary guard. If anything goes belly up, I hope to be the first to sense and prevent any outward force from damaging my husband and uncle’s experiments. Besides, protecting the one who gave my mind back to me is only a small amount of the gigantic plusses we shall receive on this day.

“Ah. Something expected! The ship's electrics going belly up.” Bit of a chuckle, this. As the light swathes the ship and passengers, I expand my presence into a comfortable bubble, containing atmo in case wherever we end up is unbreathable, or damaging in environment.

“… Kaine.” Yet, something far more curious occurs. My skin begins to inhabit and radiate the pale illumination of the monolith. Arm raised in front of my eyes, I turn my hand over and over, watching the skin shimmer and appear to desaturate.
The Emperor had studied the legends, pouring over the documents uncovered in the depths of the Jedi Archives by Taeli Raaf.
So far, everything was proceeding as had been recounted by the ancient Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, the later known and feared as the infamous Darth Vader later in life. That legacy continued to thrive even to today, for the Knights of Ren revered and even worshipped the likeness; with the accompanying Kyrel Ren even striving to emulate the deceased Dark Lord.
There was no surprise in the Emperor's face as the blinding white light cascaded across the shuttle's inhabitants, but there was a certain amount of surprise as his consort's skin began to turn translucent in the blinding light. He reached out to her, running his fingers along her skin as the light grew ever more intense. A few moments later, darkness claimed all in the shuttle as consciousness fled.
He awoke an indeterminate time later still in the hold of his shuttle, his awakening coinciding with everyone else's return to consciousness. He was also the first to his feet, thundering past the dazed and undoubtedly confused Sith to activate the shuttle's boarding ramp. The ramp lowered with an audible groan, light spilling into the hold around the Emperor's silhouette. Before the shuttle was a seemingly endless horizon of trees, each one rippling in bright vibrant colors ranging from brilliant greens to boisterous oranges and yellows. At the farthest end of their sight was a towering mountain, the faintest hint of a monastery aged beyond all mortal reckoning situated neared its peak.
"Magnificent. . ."
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Fiolette Fortan

Not a worry in the galaxy for Fiolette who now held an ice-cold beer in her hands. She chit chatted about Galidraani sports with her son-in-law. Her grandson Olyvaar and his husband Naren joined them, their two kids joined the rest with Josef, Lucy and the Pavanos on the main deck. She wore a white button-down shirt, a pair of shorts, flip-flops and a straw hat as the yacht continued to sail. A lovely little cruise as the wind brushed by just as the trees scarcely touched the top of the yacht.

The massive ship worked to chart the rivers and amazingly, the rivers were wide and deep - and if they weren't. Well, it was a good thing they brought along a beautiful, beautiful set of droid workers. Capitalism at its finest, Primo Victoria would be turning this area into a jungle resort and with enough terraforming a beach would look so great along the shores. Luxury resorts, gambling, drinking and of course preserving just enough of the jungle to satisfied the ecological worries of those around them.

Even now contractors flew overhead and began to zone territory for future development. Fiolette just took another sip from that long neck and looked over the bow of the yacht. It charted a course through with ease as the tug boat ahead carefully turned around the bend. Droid workers were quick to push the banks of the river as the yacht cruised on through.
Location: Zeta-Zero-Nine
Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn Karina Lowe

There was seemingly no way to make a proper landing in this place. Or so Nethil thought as she climbed out of the escape pod that had nestled itself deeply into a massive drift of snow. She had burrowed back out through the snow and dipped the burrow down in such a way that it created a cold pit, insulating the pod itself from the intense, freezing temperatures outside.

She had grown up on such a freezing world. And in Nethil's training, the Csen'ai had taught her some of how to survive in the cold, the dry, the scorching hot and deep, dark waters. The first was always: Find shelter and resources.

Now, the chiss Sith raised her macrobinoculars to her eyes and surveyed the snowy terrain.

The wind tugged on the heavy winter clothing as the macrobinoculars, combined with Nethil's cybernetics, tracked the trajectories of the two other landing ships. She intercepted Cara's position and the approximate position of Lt. Lowe, then lowered the binoculars. She did not transmit her location or intent, but quickly set out to follow them.

They were all headed for the same objective, for the same reasons, it would seem.

Her stride was well adapted for the snow and wind, even in storms such as these. And with the cloak wrapped snugly around her, she was difficult to see. She did not need to hide, not from her fellow Sith. However, it had become a common routine for her as it gave her a chance to get the drop on anyone seeking to quietly pursue.

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