Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introduce Yourself!

Hi everyone. I'm Yvette, the daughter of one Lady Audrey Thénardier. I'm a genetically grown child, a Vinithi to be more specific, and I'm also a force user in need of training. Otherwise I'm here to do what mother can't and act as a more hands on agent for the group.
Seven Vramin here. Birthed by Vahlas, raised by Tuskens, and looking to live amongst Ravens. Mr. [member="Colap Ticon"] convinced me to hop on over here. Mostly because of the forcie stuff you lot are looking to build up. I'm interested.

But no worries! I ain't just here for that reason. Y'all have manged to build yourself up fairly quickly, and have proven to be a very promising faction. I want in on that. Plus this is the perfect oppurtunity to bring back this semi-crazy girl.

I look forward to working with you all.
[member="Seven Vramin"]

Greetings oh wayward one! Poke around see what you can find!

We have plenty of threads up for all the newcomers, plus feel free to make your own and invite your fellow ravens!

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