Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introductions and Inductions

Well, hello there, Chaos!

I'm starting this character up, and I need a thread to introduce her into the galaxy. While this certainly doesn't have to be an evil Force-User by any means, I plan on throwing F'aa in that direction, and seeing what comes up, so if you're a Dark Witch or Sith Lord, and want a creepy apprentice/acolyte, this is your chance.

F'aa is a Neti that was trapped on an uninhabited, cold world throughout the Four-Hundred Year Darkness, and is just beginning to rise from her hibernation. I plan on fleshing out the rest of her backstory soon, when I get the chance to finish her bio.

So, anyone wanna hug a tree?
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@F'aa Vera

That sounds very similar to the backstory I'm working on for this character - the basic idea is that he and several other creepy Force-Users were imprisoned on a planet which disappeared during the 400-year darkness, yet now is reappearing with a degenerate, Dark Side society based on strange religion and witchcraft.

Does integrating this character into this idea or working with our character group sound at all interesting to you?

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