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Galactic High Society

A secretive and elite group for the upper crass in the Galaxy. Their backroom deals influence the course of the Galaxy's future.

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Hello! I'm Liin's writer. She's my main and probably the only character of mine for this group.

Currently she is the Director of NCBC, Director of N&Z Laboratories, co-COO (that's a lot of o's, ha ha!) of N&Z Umbrella Company, Underboss of her own cell in the Haxion Brood, and she'll have another title soon that I can't give away yet or it'll spoil a plot. But once that's revealed, I'll add it to her roster of titles, ha ha! So basically she's your run of the mill NFU corporate socialite :)
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Hey everyone!

I'm the second youngest in the line of Dashiell's. I manage a subsidiary, Starship Manufacturing Company, called Dashiell Retrofit™ under the larger Dashiell Incorporated™, which is headed by my Father Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell .

There's a few of us about the Galaxy and we've all got our hands in different pockets. I felt like this group would be a good opportunity to build upon Balun's connections within High Society, for both business and familial gains.

Also, I side-piece as Liin Terallo Liin Terallo 's Bodyguard :p
Junko Ike, princess of the Atrisian Comonwealth, Jedi Master, Wukong General (force user honorary), Sister of the heir Shoma Ike Shoma Ike and primary internal Commonwealth Diplomat to its member worlds and colonies. Constructor of the breakwater (atrisian commonwealth bubble covering their systems) She is basically the main one spoken too if someone wants to meet the prince or the royals or deal in Commonwealth territory as their pro-isolation and pro monitoring style has heavily interdicted space with narrow hyperlanes for traveling.
Nova Ka
Warrior | Blade of Chaos | Seeker of Worthy Foes| Heir to the Ka Lineage

Some people build empires. Others protect them. I specialize in tearing them down. My expertise lies in combat, destruction, and the elimination of those deemed 'worthy' enough to fall by my blade. To earn my place, I was tasked with cutting down fifty foes of strength and skill before I could claim the name of Ka—so I did. It is for that reason that I maintain the mantle that I do now.

I am Nova Ka, daughter and princess to be of the throne of Thustra. Royal blood means little when it's long since spilled, but consider it a fun historical footnote. I seek titles, and concern myself with leadership or diplomacy. My talents lie in war—relentless, unyielding, and efficient. If you seek improvement for your reputation, look no further. If you need someone to stand at the frontlines and ensure your enemies don't stand at all, I'm available. Pay is negotiable, battle is preferred, pride is eternal.
Xoff is here for a good time with refined individuals.

His spouse is a very wealthy and influencing individual (and a Hutt) but very busy with their work, leaving Xoff with plenty of time to mingle.

From the Hutt's perspective, this is more an extracurricular activity that keeps their precious Zeltron happy, and pulled a few strings to make sure Xoff is invited while keeping the nature of his connections secret enough not to spoil the Zeltron's fun with the nature of their business.
Hal Karjos von Rucapar is a executive, trader, and diplomat. He is also a noble of ancient lineage among his homeworld, which is also one of the core founders. The von Rucapars have ruled the metropolis of Rucapar for thousands of years as Dukes. They've since expanded into market trading primarily and building others market portfolios as a way to manage their wealth.

While being CEO of Karjos Holdings and its subsidiary GSE, he also serves as his homeworlds Senator. His reasons for joining are for the prestige, influence, connections and potential beneficial monetary gains.
while he is known amongst Jedi as Thayze Montserrat, he is named using his father’s cultural (a Serennian minority culture I have yet to do write up on) naming conventions that is similar to Spanish naming conventions IRL; Thayze Montserrat Palerma, Montserrat coming from his father, Hugo Montserrat Segura, and Palerma, a Serennian noble dynasty, coming from his mother, Giulia Palerma.

Lady Giulia was a landed Contessa while Hugo was an industrial tycoon until they were exiled due to political circumstances, and took refuge in Naboo. However, they brought their wealth with them and has built a living for themselves in Naboo, where Thayze grew up in and currently is a Jedi Padawan.

Lady Giulia and Hugo has been a mainstay in Galactic High Society for a long time, with ambition of one day retaking her rightful claim, while Thayze, as the sole, legitimate heir of House Palerma and Hugo’s wealth, is being dragged along, split between his duty as a Jedi and as the heir of the family.
Persephone is really a nobody.

Adopted daughter of Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell and Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell , Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell is her distant cousin.

My overall goal for Persephone has been to slowly turn her into a refined young lady. Her over arcing storyline in the future will be one where it is critical she has high-end connections. Despite being wealthy herself, these need to be fostered and built, hence her entry into society and attending events. Additionally, I'd like to eventually find like minded people for her to hang out with on an IC basis, so this may be a perfect solution.
Gabriel Hynatos Umberhorn, King of Cantoi, Force Master, and disciple of the Red Brethren tradition.

Sole heir to the Throne of Hycantoi, and last of his line by his own design. Gabriel, after taking complete control of his planet via a brutal civil war and thorough purges of his opposition. has the planet's resources at his disposal.

While recent dealings have provided him with strong connections in the galaxy the man always pursues the better deal for his people, and so he joined the gathering of merchants, nobles, and worse in hopes finding worthwhile partners for his future ventures.

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