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Sup everyone - most of you probably don't remember me, but I was here back when the CIS was first made. I'm back, and ready to get to work helping advance our technological goals.
We are a technological combine, we will not network our droids, nor our ships. You get on a ship, the first order will be to shoot that ship down and grind it into ash while blocking all transmissions from the ship to prevent any form of virus to disrupt all of our forces. We will track you down with incorruptible anti-virus programs and destroy every mainframe you are found on.
I don't trust viruses.
If you're a genocidal AI that we can modify to not target ASA interests, you're fine. If you're a virus looking to infect our technology, we have teams of the best systems observers assembled.
Well then the Technate shouldn't have a problem with you then. Just in case though, come step into this secured circuit in Sudoka so my boys can have a look at you and maybe affix some sort of digital restraining bolt onto you.