Hello all ^_^
I’ve been around here on and off for 3 or 4 years now and I’ve recently returned from an LOA(moved into a new place, got married, getting established, etc.)and looking to write with a Sith faction. After penning a few posts with this character I feel as though I’d have more to say with Oron rather than [member="Darth Helios"], although I’m not entirely sure if he’ll remain in limbo or not. So for now it’s Oron, but knowing me Helios could have a post up tomorrow *facepalm*
For those who have no idea who the heck these characters are that I speak of then I look forward to meeting you
And for those that do, hello again! How have you been? And if I could get an old timer to catch me up on the current sitatuion via PM(or discord) that would be amazing