[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
Its less about calling you out specifically, more pointing out the flaws that I can see.
This has gone from "We should invade Coruscant" with people tossing out ideas for how to make it good and fun, something I was looking forward to making the point I returned to the Republic
into, "Hey, screw story and fun, we should make this into an OOC driven, OOC decided, OOC nightmare for other writers so we can win."
So far it has "Nah, go for the cloudbreak to random world that means nothing to us"
"Lets wear down their writers with other things and simultaneous invasions"
and I'm already not interested anymore. Basically, rather than just an invasion, already known for being high stress, the suggestions have become "Lets make sure they are annoyed and KNOW its driven by OOC angst."
Get back on topic.
This was about liberating the Capital Planet of the Galaxy, and discussing how to make that the next invasion (Capable from Manaan), and how to make it fun for GR members, to give the next FO something to base off of. Not how to wage war on a group of writers and hope you can batter them down enough they just give it to you.
As for Resh and Caius, it would be an Invasion of Bothawui as you are a major faction. But, that is Map game, and something I've given up caring about.