Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion CP


Disney's Princess
The one with the happy couple snuggling three times like a painting. Dawww. :p

Also. Sure.


[member="sabrina"] - plz don't sue me. I r poor. :(


Well-Known Member
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

Then I suggest you

Brynyar Ordo

Thing is it defeats the point of trying to role play with other people , I think invasions should continue to be pvp oriented with the assists of npcs if thats your piece of cake.


Disney's Princess
Brynyar Ordo said:
Thing is it defeats the point of trying to role play with other people , I think invasions should continue to be pvp oriented with the assists of npcs if thats your piece of cake.
1. Welcome! :D
2. And no it doesn't. :(

Let's review. This is a suggestion for inclusion aimed at Major Faction Leaders in their already very very PvP and goal oriented Invasion planning sessions. It is not abolishing anything. Nor is it a suggestion to do so.

It is however allowing the PvE crowd, (Which is an admit-ably tiny demographic on this website,) a new way to contribute to the outcome of the greatest conflicts offered via RP on this website. Invasions.

Sorry for harsh opening. *wolf howl* ...Cheers dude! :D :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Mantic Dorn"] - To be honest, it's not that great of an idea. (I came up with in 5 minutes while shaving.)

Meh. As long as we're constantly challenging the status quo with new ideas and inventions? Then it's still the Wild West in heart. :D

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