Valdus Bral said:
If the hex goes neutral the defending faction still loses the hex. The invading faction has put nothing on the line to invade a faction and when the invaders lose, they lose nothing. You can argue time and effort, but it's not like the defenders sit back and somehow the invasion writes both halves automatically. So when a tie happens, which it is rare that it does, the fact that it remains with the defending faction balances out how safe declaring invasions are right now. Again, invaders put nothing on the line and have everything to gain.
Honestly, I have to agree. Rather than the hex go neutral, it be more interesting to see some follow up confrontation. Back to back invasions would be draining, but maybe the factions can discuss a series of space/planetside skirmishes?
Due to the draw, the invaders still have some push into the system but not enough to outright take it. The factions then come to an agreement on dates for small skirmishes. I guess it be like mini invasions at that point, but the participation is much lower so the staff and writers have less strain? It doesn't solve the fact invaders really have nothing on the line outside of their time, but at least there might be potential narrative.
Edit: Putting a few more thoughts into it, maybe the two factions get a break for 1-2 weeks while the faction staff plan three skirms. Best two out of three, winner take all. The factions can pit their best against one another in space fleeting, unit command and good old duels. No possibility for draws in the judging of the skirms. They would be things like 5v5s, little bigger or smaller doesn't matter. Gives people the option of being involved but it isn't necessity due to the lower numbers.