[member="Kaggak"] there are a few knights in there but they mostly have padawans who have been joining them as new members or masters who have been promoted to handle the large amount of jedi just leaving the order through defection to the One Sith, or breaking away with the Covenant and Silver Jedi. I mean you only have to look at Alderaan to get an idea of how they stand. One master was actually on the ground fighting, one was doing next to nothing, one was flying around doing nothing, Boolon died defending people so he isn't counted as doing nothing but he was gone in the first 4 pages I believe, then the grandmaster was there at the end for two posts. The padawans and knights are doing most of the work in these invasions, well okay the master who was fighting granted picked the largest target on the field Hauntrusses worm and went to fight it. Which is why we honored them and that fight with a custom tag.