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Invasion of Alderaan OOC [Mandos vs GR]

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[member="Isley Verd"]

If you ever talk to [member="Mantic Dorn"], [member="Khyros Sunblade"] or another member of the Republic like that again, I'm going to take you to bandit country. I'll pull you into the arabian death claw, paint you green and slap you around like the disobedient avocado you really are.
[member="Geral Varta"]

If [member="Lady Kay"], a Republic Admin, has an issue with this thread having been posted or the contents therein, it is her responsibility as a member of faction staff to take it up with the Mando Team in their invasion PM.

It does not, however, mean that you are free to carry a cross and call what has been established moronic. The terms have been ironed out, hence Draco's posting of the OOC.

I would advise that you let the Republic and Mando faction teams do what they were elected to do and not add any more fuel to this inferno.

Kay? Kay.
Arrbi Betna said:
Eleven pages of OOC... and the IC thread isn't even up yet... Wow... Just wow...

When does this thing start off? I wanna punch someone. I never get to punch anyone nowadays.
Thats the problem. Its a non combat invasion, and no one knows how it will work! Good times! :)
Damn't.... Knew I should have started an artisan salt production company... Oh well, popcorn sales are still huge.

In seriousness? All of you, even the ones I call friends in this, could stand to grow up a few years and act your respective ages and species. And that, coming from me, should clue you in how far this has gone downhill. Thank Yoda I got out of this mess.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Isley Verd said:
[member="Geral Varta"]

If [member="Lady Kay"], a Republic Admin, has an issue with this thread having been posted or the contents therein, it is her responsibility as a member of faction staff to take it up with the Mando Team in their invasion PM.

It does not, however, mean that you are free to carry a cross and call what has been established moronic. The terms have been ironed out, hence Draco's posting of the OOC.

I would advise that you let the Republic and Mando faction teams do what they were elected to do and not add any more fuel to this inferno.

Kay? Kay.

Actually, these agreements had not in fact been solidified, hence the statement I just made regarding them. Draco posted this OOC thread out of turn, and the clarifications on objectives had not yet been added. She has expressed having an issue in this and been ignored in her attempts to rectify the situation, so please inform yourself.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
This may come off as slightly inappropriate, but at this point I don't even care.

[media] [/media]​

REPUBLIC: IT'S A FICTIONAL MAP OF A FICTIONAL GALAXY! I don't like the mandos invading! Personally I think this whole thing is stupid! But complaining isn't going to get anyone anywhere! Rationally and calmly send a pm to your faction admins saying as your members we'd like to change such and such. This invasion is happening, I can't stop it, the only people who can are the mandalorians and they are probably so jacked up on protein shakes and Four Lokos that they don't care!

MANDALORIANS OR MANDOLORIANS HOWEVER THE CRAP YOU SPELL IT: The Republic has gone through like 12 freaking invasions and has lost each one of them! So I imagine the writers are a little burnt out and frustrated! Have some god damn compassion and stop saying "oh just deal with it bruh, just focus on the fun bruh" stop. If you were sitting where they were and had to deal with yet another invasion I'd imagine you would be slightly irked about it. That being said holy crap.

So this is for both sides!

[media] [/media]​
Geral Varta said:
Actually, these agreements had not in fact been solidified, hence the statement I just made regarding them. Draco posted this OOC thread out of turn, and the clarifications on objectives had not yet been added. She has expressed having an issue in this and been ignored in her attempts to rectify the situation, so please inform yourself.

*puts on Mando FA hat*

If Lady Kay has an issue over what I've been informed are terms agreed by both sides of the discussion, then all she has to do is bring such up in the PM chain. I have not heard of, nor have I been informed of, any other Mando FA being contacted and one of them is in the PM chain.

If there is no PM over it, then there is no issue as of my personal viewpoint as from what I've been informed is that the terms have already been agreed to.

*takes off Mando FA hat*



Where's that popcorn. I've a hankerin' for some buttery, salty snacks.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
We did make an attempt in the invasion pm to get this all sorted, but it was ignored. This ooc thread was posted while I was at work and had no time to write up my disclaimer that set the terms we agreed to on the rough draft. I was told that there was no rush, but it seems that there was.

It's an invasion who's outcome is not settled by the two parties, but by a third party. So that's unusual and confusing to say the least.

Here was what my intention for the disclaimer would be if I was not at work when this thread was started. If it could be added to the first post, that'd be awesome!



If the GR's diplomatic team can convince Alyesa Organa to tell the Mandalorian Fleet to leave that would count as breaking the Blockade. If Alyesa chooses to keep Alderaan as a member planet of the GR, that counts as breaking the Blockade.

There's a peace treaty established and the GR has no plans on breaking it as this is a non-combat invasion. Attacking Alderaan would break the terms of the agreement and turn it into a combat invasion. As such the GR will not be sending in a fleet, only security for the diplomatic team should they deem it necessary.

Should Alyesa wish for Alderaan to join the Mandalorians or keep the blockade in place but remain independent, then those count as a loss for the GR.


I was thrust into the FO role as our FO was on LOA. I have no experience negotiating invasions, and the only invasion I was in was a huge, confusing mess. So I hope that I wasn't being taken advantage of here.

A negotiation thread between the GR and Alderaan is ongoing from before all of this talk of an invasion started and I hope that they don't have to start it all over again just for this.

The way it stands the invasion could be won in one single post from Alderaan. Maybe that'll happen sooner rather than later and this could be the shortest invasion ever! Then we could put it all behind us, move on and write our stories instead of arguing.

People need to be PATIENT for other writers in other threads to finish their parts that could be vital to the story. Otherwise stuff like this happens where there's too many unanswered questions and people get all huffy :p That's just not fun for everyone involved.

There, next time someone links me this thread, I won't have to see all those other posts.

I, don't know why this is going on, how about we all stop until the 6th of March

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], I would love you if you could just lock this until then.
Rexus Drath said:
MANDALORIANS OR MANDOLORIANS HOWEVER THE CRAP YOU SPELL IT: The Republic has gone through like 12 freaking invasions and has lost each one of them! So I imagine the writers are a little burnt out and frustrated! Have some god damn compassion and stop saying "oh just deal with it bruh, just focus on the fun bruh" stop. If you were sitting where they were and had to deal with yet another invasion I'd imagine you would be slightly irked about it. That being said holy crap. So this is for both sides!
Y'all are a major faction, meaning that the same rules that is applied to every faction, made by the staff, affects you. If someone wants to invade and you don't want that, then you're gonna have to deal with it. Like I said two pages ago: If y'all don't want to deal with invasions, then go minor. Otherwise, you're just gonna have to deal with it.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Olivia Dem'adas said:
That being said... I am getting sick and tired of getting the same kark from you and Circe again and again. From whining and arguing to derailing negotiations and attempting to start post-negotiation threads to derail the terms of the invasion. Then there's a certain someone messaging me on Skype and outright begging me to "let the Republic win" at Roche. If this OOC meta bullcrap doesn't stop, I swear I will dominion and invade a bright orange circle around the Republic and claim what's left of your territories one inch at a time for the Mando'ade.
0 and 13. 0 and 13. I cannot possibly underscore the humiliation, ridicule, and lasting stigma that having an invasion record of 0-13 leaves on a faction. It's an unbleachable stain - like the Detroit Lions from 2008. Or, more ironically, the 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, whose record of 0-14 we'll end up having if we lose this invasion. No one forgets you if you're part of a group that loses the equivalency of an entire season's worth of invasions.

I can and will do everything I possibly can to ensure that either the Republic wins a single karking invasion, or that it doesn't have to deal with invasions for a long time - at least long enough for everyone to forget about how utterly buggered we've been. And knowing you, Larraq, I'll be frank - I don't think you would've done anything different if you were in my space. Both you and I are too proud to accept our respective factions getting steamrolled, and I'm sure you'd be willing to do anything you possibly could if it meant getting the Mandalorians out of a rut as deep as the one the Republic's been in for months now.

Yes, I'll be frank so you don't have to beat around the bush - I was the one who talked to you on Skype and effectively got down on my hands and knees, pleading for a Republic victory. Why so? Because there was nothing else that could possibly be done. Our chances of winning from an IC and OOC perspective were practically nil once half the faction's participants showed little capacity for individual thought and immediately believed the Mandos when they claimed Ali had committed war crimes, completely taking them on their word alone instead of any sort of substantial evidence. I had nothing to lose by begging.

Forcing us into an invasion we really don't want, with no stated goals for victory, when you apparently have the high ground already and know that the resulting win on your part(since we apparently can't win an invasion to save our karking hides from extinction) will once again cloud-break us, cutting off whatever little amount of territory we regained after the disaster that was Contruum, seems a move tactically based as OOC. Dominioning and invading a, as you put it, "bright orange circle around the Republic," based off the inevitably hostile response you likely knew you'd receive to this(certainly since we were told peace had been negotiated and there wouldn't be any more of this poodoo) seems to be giving into the "OOC meta bullcrap" that you've just decried.

Then again, the 'fun' we're supposed to be experiencing from this 'story' disappeared long ago.

If you want to play map manipulator as a part of your faction, then congratulations - you finally understand the truth of the matter. Story and fun comes second to winning nowadays. People getting screwed over has rarely been about story - and I'd know that better than most anyone here. I hope you begin to think about advancing your faction from a more purely OOC-based perspective so no one can make claims that something called 'story' is actually just OOC-based stuff.
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