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Invasion of Alderaan -- Where are you?!

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I get one post in and have to edit the whole thing because a Sith doesn't care for being blindsided. . . .

Also I guess I'm risking my life in the university soon once my edit is done and I get a second post up!

; w ;

And this is at the university? I was told you were fighting at the archives?

Can you PM what the hell is going on then? This is exactly why I commented in the critique that the invasions are too clutter by combining everything into one thread. I got asked to join and now I'm messing up with the information I was given by someone who's been in the thread for a while.

Edit: Also maybe we have different interpretations about the university size. They are quite large and I'm assuming every battle isn't happening on the same side?

I'm sorry I really am just confused by the sheer clutter. If you can give me any advice I'd immensely appreciate it.
Camellia Swift said:

And this is at the university? I was told you were fighting at the archives?

Can you PM what the hell is going on then? This is exactly why I commented in the critique that the invasions are too clutter by combining everything into one thread. I got asked to join and now I'm messing up with the information I was given by someone who's been in the thread for a while.

Edit: Also maybe we have different interpretations about the university size. They are quite large and I'm assuming every battle isn't happening on the same side?

I'm sorry I really am just confused by the sheer clutter. If you can give me any advice I'd immensely appreciate it.
1) A large portion of the university has been destroyed.
2) the University is not the Palace. Darth Junra, myself, and many of the other people tagged are at the Palace, not the University.
Niamh Raste said:
Man... These sith are such cowards... Janus won't even fight me fight me. He's gotta play Force Power Game instead.
Blame games and inflammatory comments are signs of bad sportsmanship. If you have a problem with his posts PM him about them. Complaining just raises the level of angst.
[member="Ryan Korr"]

Well I just wasted 4 hours of my life today. I am serious now, we need different separate thread for these different areas. Its too much to read to catch up on over 100 posts, and even people in these threads have given me wrong information.

So yeah, no I'll delete my posts and bow out, but this is just way too cluttered.
[member="Ryan Korr"]

Ok I figured out that error. Darth Junra and Darth Janus just have close names, I was aiming to be near Janus, but when I read Junra in your post I thought that was the same name. And so pinged you for being in the same fight supposedly.

Also the people who asked me to join led me to believe that the archives and the university were separate locations, so I apologize to [member="Saki"] as well for ignoring the information in her posts. As none of my posts information was relevant or useful I deleted them both. Sorry for confusing everyone and lending no aid at all, my apologies. I hope to perform better next invasion. . . . .which will hopefully separate the objectives/locations to different threads.
[member="Ryan Korr"]

Well the information wasn't correct though, what was I supposed to do? If there's a way to get them back and fix whatever you can point out or think I need then let me know, otherwise I'm out I think. Its just too many things happening at once all around for me without some direction sorry, and I don't have another hour even to rewrite the posts if I can't retrieve them. I sadly have one of my courses in the morning (Because some professor apparently either likes being up at 9 AM or they can't get the room any other time) and should already be asleep.

Theodosius said:
Theo's writer has been working on real life things that was not easy for him to handle.

Theo though has been by his mother's order on Hapes Prime.

[member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"]
Writer, I meant not, character I meant.

Writer, hopefully, real life gets better.
[member="Camellia Swift"] I find that most people post a location with each post (though as the thread goes on this become less frequently used) and that usually helps me to keep track of it all. Though in this invasion it has been a bit more "cluttered" the last two invasions this was used pretty frequently and it made a world of difference.
So honest question all, how are we doing in this invasion? Are we losing? I've lost track of what is going on.

I know that:
(1) Medical Facilities were destroyed and therefore that objective goes to the Sith

(2) Most of the Archives/University is destroyed.....are we going to win here? Have we finished destroying it yet?

(3) I have no idea what is going on at the palace.

Just trying to get a sense where we stand. It would seem that it is all hinging on the palace, is this correct?
We lost the hospital. Artillery fire is coming down on the archives, it should topple once I get another post up there, since it was already on the verge of collapse.

A significant chunk of the palace has fallen and Sith are in the throne room. So either we have lost, or we're right on the edge at the palace because we only ever had two people there to their 5ish.
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