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Invasion of Kashyyyk UPDATE!

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Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Alright ladies and gentlemen!​
So there are a wide variety of options and places to participate, tag me and let me know where you would like to commit a character.

Writer sign up
As stated in the Roleplay OOC forum thread you may commit up to three characters to this!​
You are all welcome to participate at any of the locations!​
  • [member="Amorella Shamalain"]
  • [member="Liliane Lancaster"]
  • [member="Logen Brunner"]
  • [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
  • [member="Kahne Porte"]
Fleeting the Space Battle above

This being story driven and narrative based the ideal focus is on the ground invasion, but fleeting is certainly a thing and the void above is available for anyone willing to jump in and perform! It is considered an optional part of the story but certainly an important aspect. Hell you can jump in and drive the Mandos away and regain orbital control. The go pew pew from orbit and what not! Again optional but not emphasized! Reach out and see if you can find an opponent to weave a battle with.

  • [member="Reshmar"] (tagging you because have shown interest!)
Beach Assault at Kachirho
This is the central theme of the Invasion. An all out assault at the beach of Kachirho​
Very similar to the one featured in episode 3 with the battle taking place in the water, beaches, trees, and air. Think Forest Urban Beach warfare! Bring your towels ladies and gents this is gonna be fun! We'll be fighting along side wookiee warriors and such.​
  • [member="Kista Fel"] (Me!) General of the 1st Expeditionary Strike Brigade
  • [member="Kara Runo"] (also me!) Star Bombadier Commander of the 1st ESB Void Wing
  • [member="Myles Savar"] Sergeant in the Republic Army
Raid on the Embassy
Straight forward as stated below and in the other threads; Mandos wanna hit the Embassy to strike a blow to the Republic.​
What would be great is if we had someone as a PC Ambassador reassuring the Wookiees Sovereignty and guarantees of support regardless of win or loss of this fight!​
If not I'll cook up an NPC Ambassador.​
We could use Senate Guards/Commandos as well to protect any delegates who wanna jump up for this!​
Previous stuff below!​
Hey everyone!
So per the announcements here and here we have another invasion on our hands!

I'm putting this thread up here for questions, collaboration, and fun!

OOC Rules!
So a lot of the time drama stems from miscommunication and issues that are primarily OOC which bleed over into the IC writing. We are following a strikes rule agreed between the Faction Owners [member="Suravi Teigra"] and [member="Ra Vizsla"] that shall be enforced through out the process.
I highly suggest to work things out between yourselves as writers if there is an issue. Whether it is in the OOC thread or via PM. I am always welcome to be included in any PM discussion though if needed.

So far the premise is similar to that of Episode 3's portrayal of the battle for kashyyyk.

We have two arena's of writing!

First we have Kachirho where just as in the movie we'll be facing off against a Mandalorian invasion. Battle on the beaches style and fighting in the morning! The strategic importance of Kachirho is the secrets of the Claavutac Guild.

Second on the other side of the planet a night raid will be taking place on the Republic's Embassy in Royal City.

While overall an Invasion is primarily PvP based, the first scenario is far more open to fighting NPCs and just about all opportunities!

Wanna be a Jedi flying around dogfighting mandos?
Wanna be a ground pounder soldier holding the beaches against the seemingly mongol viking hordes? Be prepared to fight on a variety of levels.

Also if you've been itching to let out a RAWR or so I encourage those who want to get a woookiee character off the ground to take this opportunity!
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