Spark Finn
Encrypt Code: Eras//
I've really enjoyed this one and going for a nontraditional role from what I've played in invasions before. Holding out in the generators with a small group while also surveying the battle from outside was a lot of fun to write and to have the opportunity to read what you all were doing.
More planning about the layout of each objective for all parties would've been good. We definitely flew by the seat of our pants and [member="Qun Vell"]'s wonderful drawing. Also got to learn some good stuff from the smexy kitty [member="Meeristali Peradun"]. Win/win right?
Something bad might happen to Spark...dun....duuun....duuuuuuuun
I've really enjoyed this one and going for a nontraditional role from what I've played in invasions before. Holding out in the generators with a small group while also surveying the battle from outside was a lot of fun to write and to have the opportunity to read what you all were doing.
More planning about the layout of each objective for all parties would've been good. We definitely flew by the seat of our pants and [member="Qun Vell"]'s wonderful drawing. Also got to learn some good stuff from the smexy kitty [member="Meeristali Peradun"]. Win/win right?
Something bad might happen to Spark...dun....duuun....duuuuuuuun