Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Manaan : How are you feeling?

I've really enjoyed this one and going for a nontraditional role from what I've played in invasions before. Holding out in the generators with a small group while also surveying the battle from outside was a lot of fun to write and to have the opportunity to read what you all were doing. :)

More planning about the layout of each objective for all parties would've been good. We definitely flew by the seat of our pants and [member="Qun Vell"]'s wonderful drawing. Also got to learn some good stuff from the smexy kitty [member="Meeristali Peradun"]. Win/win right?

Something bad might happen to Spark...dun....duuun....duuuuuuuun

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
Spark Finn said:
Something bad might happen to Spark...dun....duuun....duuuuuuuun

No way is Viktor going to beat [member=Kian Karr]
[member="Jack Rand"]

Well hopefully it goes better then my padawan/Sith Lord fight on Empress Teta.....I went through a wall.......a very thick wall.....

EDIT: Oh, I forgot they also crushed my facemask.....Kian still has the scars....
Veino's inaugural fight with a Sith (an apprentice mind you), ended up with her slicing through his cheeks with her claws. Those scars are visible and never get noticed by others. We all have those bad end results. They build character. :cool:


Disney's Princess
How are you feeling about it?: Glad to participate.
What would you like to see differently next time?: idk.
Think you could have done better with ___________ or knowing ________: Nope. In my history of Invasions, this has been an excellent setup.

Does your character need help? If so, where are they.: Nope. 1v1 and pleasent PM's thus far. Should be good.
OOC: This was fun at first, but then got insanely quick. Catching up was a pain in the butt. However, I established some neat connections with other characters. I can see Nef meeting Nulgath Zardai and Vrag again. That could lead to some interesting threads.

IC: I'm going to throw my probable last post up later today. If somebody can help me get off the planet, that would be great.
Spark Finn said:
Something bad might happen to Spark...dun....duuun....duuuuuuuun
I immediately thought of this:

OOC: It's been fun, ready for this to be over.

IC: I'm ready to leave, my offensive power is significantly reduced and I am injured. Unless an ally interacts with me, my final post just went up.

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